Shady Pines

preserving our heritage
or some such thing

Shady Pines 2023

Shady Pines 2023
Shady Pines 2022

Rocky2020 aandyGOLD

Asia 2018


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Great Blooms in 2019

Epiphyllum 101
Sometimes called orchid cactus, this species of plants (there are several) are cactus like plants that generally bloom at night between March and May, some into late June. The plants are rather unremarkable and it is the blooms that are prised. Many of the flowers are as big as a dinner plate, rarely last more than a few days and most have little fragrance.

We have a few new varieties this year - some haven't bloomed yet but we expect the blooms to continue for the next several weeks. There are so many variations on the "name" for each color not to mention hybrid variations, that we decided to name them ourselves.

"Barbra" bloomed on her birthday so it seemed only fitting to name the variety after her. Mostly pink with a little fire much like her namesake. Still blooming on May 16...

"Binky Pink" - well the name says it all. For the first few days the blooms look like binkies until their center petals open fully. These blooms lasted a full week. Please don't suck on them.

From a favorite M*A*S*H episode where the boys liked to spend their 3-day passes - the "Pink Pagoda" is all pink and as big as a dinner plate. While most Epi's have no real fragrance, The Pink Pagoda has the light smell of Ivory Soap, more gentle than the "Night Queen's" which will be blooming next month.

"Lemon Meringue Pie" we named our first yellow Epi because it holds the crust, filling and topping colors so well that you get hungry looking at them. These blooms last 3-5 days unless they get pollinated early on, then, like most Epi's - they droop and whither.

Devil red with royal purple runners, "Morning Star" blooms late at night, looks brilliant in the sunshine and stands tall for just a few days. Much like the character in "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina"

"Fire Ball" - so very red with orange outer petals and the yellow eye which looks electric in the morning sunlight.

'Night Princess' also known by some as 'Hookerie' blooms at night, lasts a single night where it thrusts its pink and yellow pistil out proudly begging to be pollinated.

"Phou Pi" named after Andrews mom (she gave us the cuttings to grow this beauty). All pink, pale and creamy with the faintest smell of Ivory Soap.

"Ivory" nearly pure white and at night it smells very strongly of Ivory Soap... during the day, little or no fragrance.... so far 4 days and still in bloom.

Bloom du Jour


We Saw These Movies


Picture It - Washington DC
April 2019

Six Friends, traveling from New York City and San Diego converged in DC at the lovely DuPont Circle Hotel just in time to miss most of the famed cherry blossoms. When Trump found out about our plans to visit he decided to high tail it to Florida. But we stood out front of the White House anyway and tried very hard not to make fun of Trump. Even with our dreams crushed we managed to pull off a fine 4 day adventure and at least a 40 mile hike.

Highlights of our trip included:

American History, Natural History, Aerospace and National Gallery of Art Museums... please don't eat museum cafeteria food. We went to the National Archives and did not take pictures of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights... cameras everywhere. We saw Archie Bunkers chair and the Hope Diamond where the guard assured us it was not one of Zsa Zsa's fakes. We even saw one of the pairs of Ruby Slippers from the Wizard of Oz and the Michael Keaton Bat Mobile. But did we find Barbra's gown from Hello Dolly... hello no! The Washington Monument was closed for repairs and the Lincoln Monument was so crowded we had to elbow our way to the top. But we made it. Sorry to the little girl I made cry but you really shouldn't have been sitting on the very last step to the top. We cruised by the Capital building and the secret grotto and on to the Botanical Garden.

Traveling by Metro was easy. We had two experienced riders who, while they couldn't agree on anything, did get us where we wanted to go. Shout out to "The Capital Burger" in the convention center district... fabulous burgers and brew. Please don't fly United Airlines unless you already have a bruised coccyx and lumbago.

save it

Family and Friends

gathered on Saturday, February 24, 2018 around 1:30 pm and kicked off a day of celebration for Mom's 90th birthday. The fun party was hosted by Janet and Sherry at their lovely home,
5 Oak Avenue, Palm Harbor, FL.

The birthday party / family reunion brought folks from all across the country, brother Bruce from Alaska brought three generations as did brother Brian from Illinois. Mom got to see grandchildren she hasn't seen in a very long time and great grandchildren she has never seen. The tears were endless and so was the joy.


If you have favorite photos from the event that you would like to share with everyone, please send them to me and we will add them to the one's here on our web site. You can email them to us at andrewandterry@aol.com.

Family 2

Mom with her Grand Children
L>R Katie, Jennifer, Emily, Jeremy and David

Family and Friends Celebrate Mom at 90

Family 2

Mom with her Great-Grand Children
L>R back = Cody, Dylan, 'Alex' and Tyler - Hunter and Callie-Ann in front

Family 2

Mom with her In-Laws
L>R Andrew, Kim, Barbara, Penny, Ann and Jaime

Family 1

Mom with her six children.
L>R Janet, Brian, Sherry, Terry, Bruce and William III

Andrew and Terry with our friends Cris and Dean took off after Thanksgiving on a 7 day Mexican cruise aboard the Holland America ship, Westerdam. It was a fun week with stops in Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, the shrimp capital of the world according to Freddy... and our beloved Puerto Vallarta. Here are just a few memories.


Andrew's first attempt at archery at the Ramona Country Fair. At least he didn't over-shoot the target and hit someone in the parking lot behind...


Its Vegas baby

Hooray for Family and Friends

Friends gathered in Las Vegas for the Labor Day weekend at the Mandalay Bay Resort and all about town. We did the usual Vegas stuff, drinking, eating, gambling and... well like they say... most of it stays in Vegas. We did see the Cirque Du Soleil show "Beatles Love" at the Mirage Hotel which was terrific and took a ride on the "High Roller" - which is an absolute must. A 30 minute ride high above the Vegas strip that moves so slow you hardly know its moving at all.
And who do you think we ran into and at the site of their very first date, nephew Jeffrey and his lovely bride Bea. We love our family and friends.

Tortoise Love

We were walking through the Galapagos Island loop at the World Famous San Diego Zoo and we heard this distant moaning - thought it was teenagers at first and then discovered Billy-Bob and Bouncing Betty getting busy...




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Andrew longs to join the San Diego Penguins Quidditch team and has been busy practicing. He has the official Penquins helmut just needs to upgrade his broomstick. from the O'Cedar angle deluxe to something with more penquin power.



November 2, 2016
The Billy Goat Curse is Broken
Cubs Take the World Series
MLB Rule change may make spitting optional for players and staff starting Spring 2017


Picture it - Staples Center, LA
August 2, 2016
and T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas
August 6, 2016


832 Fabulous Adjectives

You must see this show if you possibly can. The old girl can still sing. At the LA show Barbra surrounded herself with other top talent like Baby Face, Jaime Fox and Seth MacFarlane. In the Vegas show she sang alone and did a second encore. Tugging at Donald Trump and plugging her soon to be released album, "Encore", Barbra filled the stage with amazing song, hope and humor - nostalgia with contemporary twists and her love for her fans. Warm and genuine - Barbra remains at the top of our list.

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Night Queen

Epiphyllum Night Queen - September 7, 2016.
'Night Queen', the flower, not the mother, is a night blooming Epi that starts to bloom at twilight and fully opens within 2-3 hours. When fully opened the ivory soap like fragrance fills the air. Sadly, the blooms fade before sun up. Early birds may have to stay up past their bedtimes to see these beautiful blooms.

Gaga the Magnificent

Mayan Riviera VACATION

Our May 2016 trip to Mexico with our friends Cris and Dean included Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, Isla Cozumel, Chichen Itza, Coba and a big sink hole for swimming and lunch with real Mayan men. All the details.

Bowling 4 Equality

We did it - another year of Bowling for Equality supporting HRC.

The 8th Annual HRC Bowling for Equality event, February 27, 2016 at the world famous Kearney Mesa Bowl. We highlighted the second wave from 3-5 PM under the "Guys Like Us" banner.

Bowling 4 Equality

Boops in Hollywood

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trim a tree


wedding skootz



Alaska - Seattle - Vacation

Our lovely niece Carol Manisouk created this terrific video from our Alaskan Cruise and visit to Seattle. We cruised on Holland America's M.S. Amsterdam from Seattle, through the inner passage to Juneau then Sitka, Ketchikan and finally Victoria Canada before returning to Seattle. A wonderful trip, beautiful scenery and great company with Andrew, his Mom and Dad and nieces Carol and Chloe.

Photo gallery and video links.

Florida Family Visit

Sherry and Dylan visited San Diego August 3-11 for a busy tourist extravaganza. Highlights included the World Famous San Diego Zoo and Zoo Safari Park - Balboa Park celebrating its centennial this summer - The military themed embarcadero with its Maritime Museum, the USS Midway and Seaport Village, Mission Beach, La Jolla Coves and of course, Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily Circus. A drive up the coast and to beautiful downtown Hollywood. There was even a brief ride down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Check out the pictures from the Madame Tussaud's Hollywood Wax Museum where we got to meet some of our favorite stars.

And then a lovely dinner at the Manisouk home where Andrew's family put on a terrific spread of fabulous food and company.

Dylan, don't forget your
porcupine egg eating skills.



Congratulations Carol Manisouk

What a Lovely Graduation Party

Can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all the gossip -

Lao New Year 2015 - San Diego

This video shows the Luang Prabang style parade that highlights each New Year celebration at the Wat Lao Buddharam (temple). The temple monks lead the parade followed by temple leaders and community members and the New Year float which seats the 7 Princesses of King Kabinlaphom. Among seven wild animals, representing the seven days of the week, one is chosen each year and seats the eldest Princess. Andrew's family designed and built this lovely float. This year the wild boar adorns the float and rivals any Arkansas Razorback with its 24k gold jewelery and silken saddle. Watch and you will see Andrew's mom and sister Bea.
Lao New Year Traditions


We Love Spring

pads fans

Not sure which one of them is the jinx, but everytime Andrew and Terry go to a Padres game the Padres lose. Perhaps there is some gambling opportunity here. Everyone loves a sure bet and at Petco Park, a $12 beer.

Anne One

Newest Family Member

Ann Blessings
Anne Birthday

We Welcome Anne Nahka

Anne Birthday2

Welcome to the world Anne Nahka - Daughter of Kate and Peter Nahka, Andrew's Sister and Brother-In-Law.

Aryn mugs for the camera only hours after Anne was born.

Mother and baby are fine. Grandma adds another name to remember and another soul to love.

Andrew 'Touy' has another darling to shop for and spoil.

Anne and her aunty Tam now share the same birthday... January 15.


Nelson Mandela's Legacy "No One is Born Hating. If they can learn to hate they can be taught to love."

Getting Ready for Christmas Parties

Christmas 20141



Andrew is busy getting our home ready for the holidays with tree trimming and flower arranging. Click the Toyland parade and see Andrew and his festive Lao Community in the parade.

Toyland Parade

Summer Vacation 2014 - Mediterranean Cruise

fun Gotta love vacations even when you spend three hours waiting for the Pope and he never shows. So we survived two weeks in Europe and returned home all the richer for having stood face to face with amazing art, history and colorful people.
Our photo albums are loaded -

Our Itinerary and Photo slide Shows

Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and 40+ piazzas, pizzas and glasses of local wine.

Vatican City
Vatican Museum - St. Peters Square and Basilica - and Sistine Chapel - OMG. The art is breathtaking.

Savona, Italy to Monte Carlo
Bus ride into France and on to Monaco and Monte Carlo. Oh how nice to be rich.

Barcelona, Spain
Christopher Columbus got lost there too. Tapas and local wine, divine. Very roman architecture.

Cadiz, Spain
Beautiful beaches. Much more Spanish than Roman in language and local architecture with French and Portuguese influences.

Casablanca, Morocco
Islam is apparent everywhere. In place of myriad churches stand mosques of equal grandeur. The local cuisine, Tajines, marvelous.

Tangier, Morocco
Camels, French and British influence, excellent coffee and picturesque hills overlooking the Mediterranean. Less Islamic than Casablanca. From the top of the hill you can see Africa and across the straight of Gibraltar, Spain.

Lisbon, Portugal
Sprawling coastline, Bay Bridge by the same designers of the Golden Gate bridge, magnificent stonework and architecture, new and old. Seafood, Sausage and Portuguese Beer, oh my.

Valencia, Spain
The Torres family has a long history there and the city is beautiful. Old sea facing fortresses and modern architecture using rich stone and brick. Like every city we visited, except Monte Carlo, you can't swing a cat without hitting a church or mosque.

Travel Tips:

  • No matter how many people get in your way while you're taking pictures, don't yell - 'photo bomb.'
  • Italians are culturally warm and friendly even when their conversations seem loud and animated. They clearly have a different concept of personal space than we do. Don't be offended if you get squeezed tightly on a crowded bus or elevator or bumped in a cafeteria line. Yes, like France, there is no deodorant in Italy.
  • The Leonardo Express train from the Fiumicino airport to central Rome is very convenient and efficient. The train station has multiple options for buying tickets. The kiosks are easy to use but don't ask that woman in the brown smock for help - she will cost you one euro and will happily haunt you until you pay her.
  • When you dine in a restaurant in Rome many, but not all, will include a 'service charge' which to us is a gratuity. Check for this before you leave a tip unless the waiter was exceptionally handsome and double tipping is your delight.
  • Hop On - Hop Off busses are now in all the big cities in Europe. It can be a great way to get a first broad look at the city and once you have completed the entire loop, you can decide where to hop off first. Just be sure to keep cab money available in case you have a tight time line. These buses provide ear buds so you can connect to their tour sound track in multiple languages.
  • Be wary of the smarty-pants touts that claim they can get you to the head of the line or an audience with the Pope. Head of the line, maybe... but the Pope, not happening.
  • The Vatican is a must see if for no other reason than to stand face to face with some of the most exquisite art in the world. But be aware... they take security seriously and they don't take American Express. The €7 elevator ride to the dome of St. Peter's Basilica is worth every penny. From the roof top you get an excellent view of the Vatican grounds and statue level view of St. Peter's Square.
  • In Casablanca, you buy something with euros you get change in Dirham. And that's ok... the Moroccan King, like Elizabeth in England, has his young portrait on the money. Rick's Cafe does exist in Casablanca but it is not like the movie and according to our guide, the food isn't worth the effort. The Hassan II mosque is beautifully crafted, second in size only to Mecca and open to all people who wish to pray.

Southeast Asia 2013

Our honeymoon is now just a memory. Andrew and I completed our 4 country tour of Southeast Asia in style.

It started with a quick trip to Bangkok - and by a quick trip I mean 19 hours via Taipei and then on to Siem Reap, Cambodia. If touring the remains of the ancient Khmer civilization isn't on your bucket list, it should be. Angkor Wat and the other fabulous Hindu and Buddhist temples, palaces and shrines are Cambodia's largest tourist draw and amazing examples or 9th - 12th century art and architecture. The history of the rise and fall of the Khmer civilization is as awe inspiring as the remains of the cities.

October 14, 2013 - Andrew and Terry are Married in San Diego

Reuters - AP - CNN

It took a lot of years of pulling fence posts out of the butts of enough Americans to move the cause for marriage equality forward and finally in San Diego, California, on a beautiful Columbus Day morning, Andrew said I do and I did too. We chose October 14th for our marriage because it is also our 12th anniversary. Our commitment to each other was made many years ago and the civil ceremony we just had ensures our continuity within the legal system and comes with nifty jewelry.

The civil ceremony went something like this:

  • We arrived at the San Diego County Admin building downtown at 1100 for our scheduled event.
  • After passing through the airport like security we arrived in room 273.
  • Andrew untied me.
  • We met with a professional albeit less than friendly clerk who completed the paperwork and almost smiled at the end of our 10 minutes together as she extended her hand and said ..."It was nice to meet you."
  • We gathered with our friends and witnesses Art and Cris and with the Deputy Registrar for Marriage who performed the ceremony. A lovely young woman dressed in a black judges robe and 4 inch red pumps officiated the ceremony which lasted about 5 minutes and included the words that typify American weddings.. love, honor and cherish. Words that only begin to exemplify our relationship. She left out 'obey' and 'till death do us part' but we filled in the blanks.
  • Exit the wedding parlor to the San Diego County gift shop for wedding keepsakes and parking validation. Who'd a thought!

We do want to thank the tireless efforts of the HCN, the ACLU and countless other teams of people for fighting, not just for marriage equality, but for equality for all Americans. Like the chronic stalemate in Washington politics, our selfishness needs better control. As Andrew and I are fond of saying... "Why should you care if your neighbor wants to marry a hippopotamus as long as he doesn't try to make you do it and he respects your right to marry whom you choose. If more people would spend more time taking good care of themselves instead of worrying about what their neighbors are up to we would all be better off." No wedding gifts please. Andrew is gift enough.

Eat Cake

Here's How You Eat Cake in France

Andrew's sister Kate with husband Peter and cake expert son Aryn (pictured here) are discovering that things in France are quite different than they are in America. Take cake eating, for example, in France it's an art for the nose, lips and chin much more so than fork or spoon. And who better than a 2 year old to adapt so quickly to the French way.

Serviette not required!

A Tornado with Honors - Grand Nephew Tyler Shane Cook Graduates

tyler shane

June 6, 2013

All of Agua Clara (Clearwater) Florida is on their feet tonight celebrating the achievements of the Clearwater High School, Class of 2013. Among the honorees is our Grand Nephew Tyler Shane Cook, graduated Magna Cum Laude which is Latin for "never having punched out his homeroom teacher." Diploma in hand, Tyler now has the credential to get any job that involves a paper hat. And with the honors distinction he should be afforded the option, day one, of working the front line or the drive thru window.

As a handsome young tornado, Tyler will face many challenges. Should he go to college or just stay home until he wins the lottery? Should he join the Navy and experience a girl in every port or jump a tramp steamer and tour the world? Should he work at Chick-Fil-A where the senior executives are right wing homophobes or at Jack in the Box where "E coli is not on the menu." He has long legs, perhaps the ballet or the Heat.

Whatever he chooses, we know Tyler won't settle for anything less than his own dreams. Andrew and I will watch Tyler's career unfold with great anticipation. After all, he shares the family blood line. And yes, we willl take fries with that!

Nephew Corey Nambounmy is In the Army NowCoreyRopeClimber

Corey is in Army Boot Camp at Fort Jackson, South Carolina where their motto is "Victory Starts Here" and rope climbing replaces cable TV. In boot camp - you start by learning basic skills like crawling backwards, up hill and under barbed wire. Something you will want to be very good at if you plan to escape from prison or slip past a really tough boss. How nice of the Army to supply a photographer so all the boots can show their proud families their new tricks.

In the pic to the left Corey shows great composure as he attempts to negotiate this horizontal rope suspended 10 feet in the air. The look on his face is confident and notice how his left leg dangles to provide just the right balance. This is another important skill to learn just in case you can't get that last pair of pants off the clothes line.


Infamous Army Quotations

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.

He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

Attributed to General George Patton Jr.


Welcome Joseph Michael Trezek
April 22, 2013


Another sweet bundle of joy joins the extended family thanks to a well timed stork and scheduled OBGYN. Modern health care is so amazing. It won't be too many more years until there are drive though delivery units... beep twice for a boy and three times for a girl. And on your way home stop next door for a latté and smart water. Hydration will still be all the rage.

We wish Joseph, Joey, JoJo, and all the other things people will call him in his life a smooth journey. In his father's own words, life is what you make of it. We know his loving family will give him every opportunity to blossom into the very best man he can be. Andrew and I will be around to watch as his little life unfolds.

The world seems like a harsh and dangerous place these days but it isn't any more so than it was back in the 1950's when I was just a sprout. The only difference is that we didn't have instant global news communication so we didn't know what was happening over there. We grew up enjoying the good things around us... the love of family and friends and of course the hardship of walking ten miles through the snow to school each day. Oh wait... that was Lincoln wasn't it.

So Happy Birthday Joseph Michael Trezek - Welcome to the family. We look forward to meeting you in person and telling you funny secrets about your dad.

Family Time in Florida

So the Mother turned 85 on February 28 and we gathered in Florida to celebrate. Sherry and Janet hosted the party at their Indian Rocks Beach condo where we got to meet some of Mom's friends and validate the rumor that Janet can indeed cook with a wine glass in one hand and a spoon in the other. But don't bother asking her if she would like some help. Janet is a one woman chef. When she is done, the kitchen is all yours.

Andrew and I also managed a few days in Orlando where we played tourist and did the whole Universal Studios adventure. We are both big fans of the Harry Potter fantasy and getting to tour Hogwarts was a lot of fun. This is a must for JK Rowling fans where the attention to detail is quite amazing and their Disneyesque use of scaled proportion outstanding. The butter beer is way too sweet and delicious for my taste and pumpkin juice... well, best leave that to the goblins.

Mom had a great time visiting with family and friends as did we all. May we all look so great and have so much zest for life when we are 85. And even though the weateher was cold and rainy at times we still we had a very good time.

Welcome Callie Anne Cook

Welcome Callie Ann cookca

The newest member of our family is born on November 30, 2012. Proud parents David and Jamie have waited a lifetime for their miracle baby and the state of Arkansas is once again enriched beyond measure.

Sister Sherry is now, finally a grandmother but I don't recommend calling her 'granny' just yet.

Andrew and I can't wait to meet Callie in person.

Check out the family photos on Jamie Cook's facebook page.

Janet Ann Kovarik on WGN News

Check out the video of Janet Ann on WGN news from Monday, August 27 - Always with a big smile, Janet managed to maintain that charming, personable image even amongst the blubber and BO of all the right wing homophobes checking into the Clearwater, Sand Key Sheraton Resort for the RNC. Delegates from Illinois had to be sequestered from the Missouri delegates for fear that consequences of legitimate rape might be contagious.

Sadly, Todd Akin won't be there. He is consumed with finding a glass of water large enough to wash down his foot.

Watch the video closely for janet is only on screen for 1.7 seconds.

Boops at 91 (degrees)

What is there to do on one of those rare San Diego afternoons when the mercury pops above 90 and the gentle ocean breezes wax and wane? Schlep it out to the garden, sit in the shade of the palapa and find out what your daughter is up to in Florida.

The near record heat in San Diego this week was brought to us from Las Vegas by our dear nephew Jeff who blew into town to watch his beloved Cubs get stomped on by the ever so mediocre Padres. Thanks to the Cubs giving up 3 games in our home venue the Padres keep firm grip on 4th place in the National League West. Colorado is one place behind us but only because they are suffering from smoke inhalation these days.

Chicago in July - Are You Nuts?

Waving Chicago FlagOk so we decided to spend a stash of cash to fly to Chicago for a short weekend and a visit with family and friends. There is no shortage of cold beer in the windy city so staying hydrated when it is 102 outside is no problem. Beer and a hat and some good walking shoes are perfect companions for a hot summer promenade along the shores of Lake Michigan. We stayed at the W Hotel on N Lakeshore Drive. We give it three stars and while it is a bit pricey for what they offer, the location is ideal and the view from the upper decks is sublime. The hotel is walking distance to the subway and the magnificent mile and in our case to Potillo's on North Clark street. Our friends Jeff and El joined us for the weekend where we partied in boys town and got to see some old friends. The weekend highlight was getting to meet our grandniece Johnna Trezek. What a darling and as you can see from our photo album, Cathi and Steven are very proud and doting parents. Other weekend highlights included a thorough inspection of Navy Pier, a boat ride on the lake to the Field Museum, an architectural cruise down the Chicago river, Chicago hot dogs, Portillo's Italian beef and those horrible White Castle sliders. We missed Giordano's again but I understand you can have their world famous deep dish pizza shipped right to your San Diego kitchen. Maybe we will try that to hold us over until our next trip which will not be in July.

Duck Tacos - Andrew and Terry StyleDucktacos1

Well of course to make duck tacos you must first begin with fresh ducks- Andrew chased these bad girls down and although he wasn't specific as to their source I suspect he did not clean and pluck them himself... hey, that's what sisters are for.

Click on one of the ducks and follow our unique Saturday adventure as we transform these silent quackers into fabulous rotisserie roasted, crackling skin tacos... Lao style with a Bohemian flare.

No dumplings in this meal just fresh grilled vegetables, corn tortillas and a fresh roasted chipotle mango salsa.

Now we just have to figure out the right beverage to compliment this melange... of course champaign goes with pretty much everything....


Andrew and Terry give the new Three Stooges movie two pokes in the eye and a pie in your face - and just as it was advertised - the film was pure slapstick and very funny. I have never seen Andrew laugh so much at one time - Sean Hayes is a terrific Larry and the story is totally new - not autobiographical at all and well done. Larry David plays a catholic nun who is sure to give anyone who went to catholic school nightmares for a week.

Check this web site for more...


heading to five dollars

Many say you can't blame the Obama administration's foreign policy for the escalating gas prices and many say you can't fairly blame Hillary Clinton's vacillating rhetoric on Middle Eastern affairs either... but clearly we have to blame somebody.

Perhaps its a global reaction to Newt Gingrich's planned space colony on the moon or Rick Santorum's passion that rape victims carry the spawn of their attackers to term ...maybe... Mitt Romney's mormons, who are busy baptizing dead jews, are enflaming the arabs and they are to blame. Whatever it is I certainly won't like paying $5 for gas this summer. I considered walking to work but every time there is a surge in gasoline prices so surges the cost of shoes. Friends say "where's the savings in that"? ... but I'd rather buy shoes than gas any day.

maudlin at the twelfth lustrum

60It seems that folks expect you to derive insightful wisdom each time your clock turns another decade. As I start my seventh I can't help but remember its predecessors … not all of them but at least the last several and especially the last one with Andrew. Our relationship thrives not because of love, a concept that has become cliché and diluted as it is used to describe everything from stretch socks to vinyl siding, but rather because of tolerance and mutual respect. While these may be forms of love they broadly transcend the definition. There is one word that could never be used to describe us… and that is selfish. Andrew and I work hard every day to make sure that we move forward together and leave no one behind. If America could join us there would be equality for everyone and we could spread that message around the world by our excellent example… instead of using guns and intimidation.
As I begin my next lustrum I am grateful for wonderful friends and family who love me and Andrew and make us feel they always have our backs. And I am certainly glad that Andrew has agreed to hang with me for another round… it’s been a good ride so far… way better than Disneyland. Hopefully come November, America won’t elect another homophobe and Andrew and I may actually marry and enjoy the legal security that marriage can provide to all that we have achieved together. See you at the JOP.

October 4, 2011 - The Newest Family Member

Introducing Johnna Stephanie Trezek -- October 4, 2011 at 9:18pm Chicago time - - 6lb 5oz - 19.5 inches JohnnaJonna
Mother and father are doing well, although they could both use a nap. Look at the mouth on that gorgeous baby - an opera singer or politician for sure. We rejoyce for this newest edition to the family and Andrew and Terry can't wait until we can see her and her proud parents face to face.

OK, grandma Janet, take a deep breath and try not to get too hysterical. You will need your energy for the weeks ahead.

Chloe at 5 -Party on Coronado


Her high princessness, Chloe Manisouk, celebrated her 5th birthday with a grand party at Glorietta Bay on Coronado. As with every Lao family gathering, there was an abundace of wonderful food and fun activites.

An Arkansas Wedding - September 17, 2011

Click the happy couple to see all the fun

With friends and family gathered on both sides of the aisle the clouds parted, the thunder silenced and beaming in the sunshine stood Mr and Mrs David Cook Jr moments after saying "I do."is testament to the huge effort required to pull off a wedding as lovely as this one was particularly when challenged by mother nature's unpredictability. Andrew and Terry shared a great long weekend with family and new friends and got to experience another side of America. Okay so Andrew was a bit disappointed that we couldn't find possum stew on any of the local menus but we had a great time in Bentonville, or as the Missouri State Trooper called it when he whacked us for speeding on our way back from Branson... "Walmartville".

David's Happy Dance

Check out this YouTube post as David shows us how exciting it is to be married for an entire hour and takes his 'happy dance' to a new level.

Jamie and the girls Rap On
The girls give good rap - it would appear that they have done this number a few times before - perhaps at a Razorback half time show.

Andrew's Birthday - Race of the Century

We celebrated Andrew's 35th birthday at the Fast Lane Entertainment Center in Rogers, Arkansas where he out bowled all of us (almost)... then the kids took to the go carts and, well....

And only in Arkansas...

August 6, 2011
Celebrating the Newest in the Manisouk family... Aryn Naga

Soukhouane - a Lao tradition

A Lao ritual not bound by the calendar but by the events of life that are celebrated, Soukhouane affirms the connection between spirit and body. The tying of white cotton threads around the wrist is one part of the ancient ritual and is a way of bestowing blessings and helping to bind the spirit and the body. Aryn Naga was celebrated this day, 100 days old and cherished by his family, friends and the entire community. The pictures in the photo album show some of the ceremony and the party held to honor the newest member of the family... and he's a keeper.

Read more about the Lao Soukhouane.

July 15-18 2011 San Diego Celebrates Gay Pride and Civil Diversity


The annual Pride celebration in San Diego is so much more than just one big gay party - the community of San Diego comes out to celebrate the progress we've made as we continue our reach for equality for everyone. Government, and those who would control it, cannot deny the clamoring of the American spirit to live in a free society where the people make the choices and the government manages those choices. Pride is a weekend where we focus our voices to make sure our message is crystal clear and understood by all, a weekend where we reaffirm our committment to equality, not just for marriage but across all social venues. Supported by national organizations like the HRC and the ACLU, San Diego will again demonstrate our equality agenda and we will do it every year until it's no longer necessary. It's all that and one great big gay party... but isn't that what celebrations are supposed to be?

Denver in JuneDRaft

White Water Rafting in Canon City, Colorado and pictures are ready. It was a great day with great friends and we all lived to tell the tale. Trust me, the tales are growing by leaps and bounds.


Pride in Denver is celebrated in much the same way as it is in San Diego but with a few distinct differences. Denver gets a lot more community involvement in large part because they don't restrict the festival to paying customers. There are no fences or fees to get in which draws more people and better supports the vendors that provide libation, food and a host of community services. Denver's Governor is active in ensuring that equality in Colorado affects all people and at his address to the festival crowds he praised and stressed the importance of GLBT community activism and the Denver efforts to embrace the entire community. Colorado seems certain that marriage equality will pass in 2012.


June 11, 2011 - How butch can you be - traipsing through the muck and mire to demonstrate one's physical prowess. That may well be the hidden theme of the annual Camp Pendleton Mud Run. As you'll see from the pictures pretty much anyone can run and finish this event. Of course if everyone runs there would be no one to snap all these priceless photos, digital support for your bragging rights. Andrew was a brave trooper crossing the finish line with a smile, unlike many who looked like they were imitating the last contractions before child birth. All of our friends finished in good time and with duct tape intact... and after a brief rest and shower with the Marines it was time for a cold beer and a petite plate of ribs, corn bread and teriyaki chicken.


Aunt Lorraine Schoen celebrated her 90th birthday on June 22, 2011 at her home in Phoenix.

Weiner1 Hiding in rehab is a smart decision for Rep Weiner right now. Can't wait to find out the ICD-9 code for his "condition" which pundits have described in an amusing array from hypertestosteronism, which usually is responsible for hairy women, to "mortalitis." For politicians, there's nothing wrong with wanting to get your weiner whacked as long as you follow the Clinton rules for sex which includes not really having sex with someone other than your wife and lying about it vociferously until you are caught red handed, or in Weiner's case, your tweets are exposed.

June 16 - 10 days in Weinerville - the man of the hour stands by to hit the streets - what will his egomaniacal behavior cost taxpayers? It would be much cheaper to simply weld his zipper shut and let him finish out his term. After all, he's great fodder for the late night comedians.

Aren't There Enough Weiners in Washington?Another BIG Weiner

June 6 - Anthony Weiner (D-NY), another shining example of our leadership's finest, tearfully admitted having had a number of online sex relationships with women over the Internet, saying he was deeply ashamed of his actions but like Jimmy Swaggert, Bill Clinton and the Governator, Arnold, he should be embraced, forgiven and allowed to move forward as if nothing has happened. OK so he thinks his internet foreplay was with adults, after all, everyone tells their true age on the internet these days and Weiner is a trusting man.... he did trust that nobody would find out he was a liar and a power freak. Somehow I don't think he will last too long in spite of how big a weiner he is and you can bet pictures validating that will be coming out soon... the Republicans must have their nipples in an uproar over this... but then again, sex scandals like this are becoming cliche in Washington politics. It would be a rare day when someone we elected to manage the awesome job of government wasn't dipping his wick or mounting one in some surreptitious power play.

terry ernest



It gets even better when you realize Bill Clinton officiated at the Weiner wedding - Clinton must have tutored Weiner in the art of getting your weiner wanked without the whole world finding out - and since Anthony Weiner married Hillary Clinton's aide - Huma - Hillary undoubtedly taught Huma how to look the other way and make like it doesn't matter which dutiful muslim wives do.


to San Diego

As gas prices cruise toward $5 and somewhat red tomatoes, hold the pesticides, are going for $6/pound our beloved government tells us that, while the economy is slowly recovering, inflation is well under control. I guess I didn't spend enough years in college because I don't know what that means. What I do know is that as gas prices rise and the oil companies continue to report multi-billion dollar profits, reality would be better served if the rocket scientists we elect to govern us just impaled us on sticks and paraded us around as suckers. Was it really that long ago when we sold tomatoes on the side of the road for 10₵ a pound and the gallons flew by faster than the dollars at the gas pump? A summary of sentiments was never uttered better than Mel Brooks did when he portrayed Louis the XVI in ‘History of the World Part 1,’ … “fuck the poor.”  But isn’t it ostensibly cynical to take comfort from that humor when we know our government leaders only want what’s best for us and legislate for all Americans equally.  Think about that the next you go to the polls and decide to send an incumbent back to do it to us... one more time.

Can you name the owner of those toes?
Lao New Year 2011LNY

This Year's Miss Lao New Year Contestants Our Photo Album is Off and Running Take a lesson America - the South East Asian Buddhists' celebration of the New Year goes on for 3 full days and celebrates so much more than a calendar event. While we have largely reduced New Years to a night of drunken frivolity followed by a day off for parades and football, the Lao New Year is a celebration of life and family. It celebrates the passing of one year, the beginning of another and through centuries old ritual, the young pay respect to the old, the old bestow blessings upon the young and communities come together to honor Buddha and to pray for peace and prosperity. Pii May Lao or Lao New Year The Lao people celebrate their New Year, Pii May (pronounced Pii-My) or Kut Songkaan according to the ancient Hindu calendar, which falls around April 13, 14, or 15 in the Gregorian calendar. The celebration is considered to be the most important and biggest traditional festival in the country. The festival coincides with the end of the dry season and the start of the monsoon season. It is seen as a day of rebirth and purification. According to a Lao legend, the Pii May celebration started after Thao Kabinlaphrom lost his life in a bet to a man named Thammaban Khuman. Thao Kabinlaphrom was not able to solve a three-part riddle. Per his request, his seven daughters (representing each day of the week) took great care not to let his severed head touch the ground or there would be great destruction throughout the world. The head was kept at Mt. Sumeru until Pii May of each year when each daughter would take turns cleansing it. Today, this story is reenacted during the Lao New Year celebration. The community chooses one female to represent Nang Sangkhan one of the seven sisters, to lead a procession or parade while showcasing a replica of Thao Kabinlaphrom on a ceremonial tray called Khan. Pii May Lao is a three‐day event. The first day is called Sangkhan Luang ( ສງັ ຂານລວ່ ງ ) or the last day of the old year. This is the day when people clean their houses in preparation for the New Year. On this day, people earn merit and blessings by building mounds of sand, usually on the river banks and temple grounds, which are then decorated with small triangular flags, flowers, money and candles. This day falls on Thursday, April 14th in 2011. The second day is called Sangkhan Nao ( ສງັ ຂານເນົາ ), which is the day between the old and the New Year (This day is considered neither to be part of the old year or the New Year). Sangkhan Nao is also known as the day of rest, which means all work is forbidden. Only fun actvites should take place such as visitng relatives and friends, taking a day trip or the customary throwing of water on friends and passersby. At night time, there is usually a Lamvong ( ລາໍ ວງົ ) or circle dancing party and everyone dresses their best to partake in the celebration. Plenty of food and drinks are available well into the night. This year, Sangkhan Nao is only one day long and falls on Friday, April 15th. The third day of the Lao New Year is called Sangkhan Kheun Pii May ( ສງັ ຂານຂນຶ້ ປີໃໝ ່ ). It is the start of the New Year and is the most joyous day of the festival. People go to the temple and make offerings to gain merit. Young people prepare scented water with flowers and visit their grandparents, parents, and elders. They rinse the elders’ hands with the water and ask for their blessings and forgiveness for any wrong‐doings in the past year. At home they engage in a special family ceremony called the Suukhwan ( ສຂູ່ ວນັ ) or Baci (ບາສ ີ ) to welcome the New Year in which partcipants then take turns tying the blessed white strings around each other’s wrists to wish them good luck and prosperity for the New Year. For 2011, the Lao New Year day falls on Saturday, April 16.

November 17, 2010

123Is it a world run amok or just another week in America the indulgent? Once again the news wires served up a salvo of intellectual oddities. Among my favorites was Lisa Murkowski the write in candidate that won the Senate seat in Alaska the Fickle. And then there's David Weaving, the guy who was convicted of second degree murder for hitting and killing a young bicyclist and while in prison, spending my tax dollars, filed a law suit against his victims family claiming it was their fault the boy died because they failed to make him wear a helmet. It is the land of liberty but sometimes its hard to know for whom the liberty bell tolls. On that you'll get an amen from the millions of fans of the hit ABC show, “Dancing with the Stars and Political Progeny” where Bristol Palin beat out the infinitely more talented 'Brandy' Norwood for a spot in the finals. And because our freedom of speech includes lies and cover ups until proven guilty, we may never know how 456much political muscle was behind Bristol landing herself a shot at the mirror ball trophy. But regardless of the outcome of the competition we will always have Bristol Palin to remind us that good things can happen to teenage girls who get knocked-up in the name of Christ. On the brighter side of DWTS, we will get to see Mark Ballas dance one more time. Now that's entertainment.

In Washingtom another lame-duck sesssion of Congress has begun and its off to a rip-roaring start. Nancy Pelosi has been reduced to only bitch-slapping half of the House of Representatives while a hundred plus freshmen, heavy on the right, have vowed to clean up Washington politics and set aside partisan differences for the good of the nation. If that isn't enough to inspire America lets turn to the honest debate in the Arizona home of John McCain over "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." I can't wait to see who wins that one. Better check the croutons in your salad John, ground glass is crunchy too but will get you closer to your wedding vows... 'till death do us part.' top

November 4, 2010

The vote is in and the count is all but done - once again Americans shoot themselves in the foot in their ignorant zeal to 'send a message.' The GOP takes a decisive lead and our efforts to bring equality to all Americans takes yet another step backward. Obama can look forward to little progress and a whole lot of capitulation for the next few years. governorThe sad part of this election is that nobody wins. Like the democrats, the republicas only care about power. And in the process we will wait for sensible healthcare and tax reform. We will continue George W. Imbecile's war mongering in the middle east and make excuses why we continue to support Israels selfish hate for their neighbors. 4000 people will still starve to death each day and the planet will keep getting warmer but Americans can feel proud in the knowledge that they have once again tied their president's hands and promulgated an an even richer lame-duck congress. On the bright side, we elected a career politician to the center seat in Sacramento, a man who admits that as gubernatorial candidates go, he was the lesser of two evils. We can't forget to thank Meg Whitman for boosting the state's economy by spending $140 million of our own hard earned dollars to make Jerry Brown look good, and without a magic wand.

We certainly have much to be thankful for but following the November 2 elections, the list got shorter.

It's now just a memory... one we will cherish for a long time, at least until the next time we get our passports stamped. We will be posting more pictures and a travel summary including likes and dislikes in the next few days.

BoopsOnthe Road

The End
of Shady Pines