

Almost there
Happy New Year
how are we ending 2023?

Much the same way we did 2022 it seems. If you were to combine all the war, hate, ignorance and misery in the world it would still pale in comparison to the love that surrounds us everyday. Andrew and I are sustained by the love of family and friends. When we watch the news we do so with a grain of salt knowing that news media outlets only make money when they excite us with fear and compel us to tune in again tomorrow.

The Jews and Arabs have been shooting and killing each other for millennia. Nothing new there. The Russians have been aggressively attempting to devour eastern Europe forever it seems. Nothing new there. The Chinese think they are all that just like Americans do. Nothing new there. Mental illness, destitution and homelessness run rampant on our streets ostensibly described as the 'poor unfortunates'. Nothing new there either. You can look at all that and think... 'what a horrible time we live in' ... or... you can choose to look around at all the love and benevolence that people bestow upon one another... and let that warm and guide you.

We look forward to 2024 and all the changes we expect to see. If Biden and Trump turn out to be the only real choices we have for President we certainly won't be surprised. Americans are easily lead by the extreme and especially social media. The last four years have been fraught with Democrats and Republicans fighting to control power, weaponizing the judiciary and spreading their own versions of the truth. And nothing new there, either. We just wish they didn't spend so much of our hard earned money on their own selfish ambitions and worked a little harder on American prosperity. We continue to trust that there are sufficient watch dogs across America and around the world to maintain some semblance of balance... so we don't end the world on an explosive note but rather continue to live our lives with dignity, peacefully... and as we choose.

So as 2024 unfolds we will listen to the events of the day, as much as we can stomach, go to the polls and vote our choices and as we always do... look to our friends and family for the love and comfort that makes each sunrise hopeful. Being afraid and despondent over current events is a sad waste of the precious days we have left. The rich and powerful rule the world and we can pretend that we have some significant influence... but we don't. The ballot box is as close as we can get and that's a reality Andrew and I fully support. Terry Ernest - December 30, 2023

happy new year
Expect change but nothing really new


And NO this is not humbug children... it is Christmas economics.

We Celebrate our Christmas with family and friends

We hope that whatever you believe and however you choose to celebrate that you include the ones you love and perhaps your neighbors who have less. And if you choose not to celebrate the holidays... there's no shame in Bah Humbug, Just keep it to yourself.
While this is the season of giving, we chose not to give money to Hallmark or the USPS this year so...
This is your Christmas Card. Enjoy!

FriendsChristmas2023 What are Friends For...
Let us count the ways

Click the pic to see friends celebrate December 23, 2023

Family is more than flesh
and blood

Click the pic for more Christmas images

RoadTrip December 17th Day Trip

Partly cloudy and cool on December 17th we decided to take a day trip to get away from Christmas shopping temptations and highly infectious mall-martians . First stop:National City Swap Meet which was crowded and very busy. We bought 15 yards of Christmas print fabric with which we will fashion some temporary curtains for our laundromat/pantry. On the premises we found a food truck and enjoyed two tacos and a bottle of water...$8.

On to Pauma Valley, about 45 miles north, to pick a peck of non-pickled persimmons. Our targeted ranch was closed but Andrew's keen sense found an ever better and more beautiful one... the Bar 2 Ranch. They were currently selling persimmon, oranges, avocados and pomegranates. Pick persimmons yourself... $0.89/lb. We left with about 50lbs of persimmons, 15 lb of oranges and a dozen avocados. Yes, persimmon make great stocking stuffers and these were very fresh, firm and sweet. Now that's the way to shop. Walk around with a knife in your hand and sample the fruit before you buy. You get first pick and no one will mess with you.

As you would expect, five minutes after we left the ranch I had to pee. But as luck would have it, there was an Indian Casino just down the road so naturally we stopped. We sat in a sports bar with a humongous TV and enjoyed an adequate casino lunch. Whatever happened to the days when casinos would entice you to come in with terrific food at a very good price?
After lunch Andrew got busy on the slot machines and thirty minutes and $40 later... we walked out with twenty cents. But there were lots of smiles.

We ended our trip with a $400 stop at Costco in San Marcos (the north side of Escondido) and very nice enchiladas for dinner from one of our favorite taco shops. Our day trip beat Christmas shopping hands down.

Terry Ernest - December 17, 2023

Was It Trump God or Jesus God that made Mike Johnson the new "Moses".

I am baffled that the United States Speaker of the House, two heart beats from the oval office, claimed on day one that God spoke to him and told him he would be the Speaker of the House. And most recently, God called on him to be the new 'Moses' to lead his people. Unfortunately we will not see him wandering the dessert for 40 years... too bad. Mike Johnson must be double jointed because he sure likes to pat himself on the back. Being proud of yourself is one thing. But bragging on your delusions of grandeur suggests impending psychological peril. Besides, that's MTG's shtick.
Reality Check: You'd have to stand in line a very long time to get the head of the list of people who think God has told them they are Moses. How do you think Mike MAGA Moses Johnson got there so quickly? What worries me is that hornswoggled Americas will re-elect Donald Trump in 2024 and leave Prophet Johnson in the Speaker's chair. If that happens, Andrew and I will be forced to resurrect our plan to move to Northern Thailand or, dare I say... Canada. Most likely though, we will stay and watch the comedy unfold and the country implode.
Terry Ernest - December 7, 2023
Happy Birthday Cris Torres

Christmas 2023 is Underway With One Minor Oops

Not to worry. The crystal decanter that got busted to smithereens was going to be a white elephant gift this year. Looks like it's back to the closet to look for gifts we received at previous parties. As for the naughty list... Andrew? Never. We wouldn't allow it.
December 5, 2023

The tree is the centerpiece of Andrew's decorating this year. 100% Andrew. No Kibitzing from Terry.

tree views
Lao Independence Day

On December 2, 1975, the Lao monarchy was officially replaced by the Communist Lao People's Democratic Republic.
Laos was a French protectorate for most of the 20th century and, following the end of World War II, resistance to French control grew, leading to the founding of the Pathet Lao resistance organization by the Indochinese Communist Party. The armed struggle that resulted is what is known as the First Indochina War, and it led to Laos gaining independence as a constitutional monarchy under King Sisavang Phoulivong in October 1953. Laos’ path to becoming a communist republic started when, in 1975, the Pathet Lao, with the support of North Vietnam and the Soviet Union, overthrew the royalist Lao government and forced King Savang Vatthana to abdicate. On that fateful day, the Pathet Lao government under Kaysone Phomvihane renamed the country the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

Andrew, born in 1969 in Laos amidst the perils of the Vietnam war and the general instability of Southeast Asia, was named Vatthana in honor of the last King of Laos. That explains why, although Andrew doesn't make me call him Your Majesty or anything, he likes to slip into a crown every now and then.

We are told that people in Laos are 'encouraged' to celebrate National Day by the government as a face of unity. In America, the Lao Community does not celebrate National Day. In fact,  the brutal regime change by the communists in 1975 forward is why so many Lao people immigrated to America in the first place.

Terry Ernest - December 2, 2023

One Down - 842,911 to GO SantosByeBye

Poor George Santos,
you had to tell a lie.
And then another
and another...
Now we say Goodbye.

Congress thinks you're full of crap,
And soon in court,
you'll take the rap,
for being such a selfish prick...
may all those charges stick, stick... stick.

How many selfish and dishonest politicians does it take to wake people up? New York's Third Congressional District were certainly made the fool by all of George Santos' shenanigans. Was it so important for them to elect a Republican that they failed to do vet him effectively? That seems to be the case and a constant in America. My father was one of many I knew in my younger days and many still today that don't care who is running as long as they are Republican. And they are not alone.
Speaker Johnson's concerns about setting a precedent expelling Santos before he is convicted? I don't worry. There don't seem to be any precedents that congress won't break or adjust at will.
There is little doubt that Santos is stressed to the teeth by all of this especially knowing that his 15 minutes of fame are all but over. However, because of the plastic surgery that he (allegedly) paid for from campaign contributions... it doesn't show. We wish him well and know he will be very popular in prison where his catch phrase will likely be the same as his parting words from Congress... "To hell with this place." Butthead

Terry Ernest - December 1, 2023

Ryder Nambounmy Welcome another family member... Ryder Chase Nambounmy November 26 2023
14 lb - 31 In

Andrew's nephew Corey and his wife Jenny presented their 4th child to the family after a somewhat l o n g and fruitful labor. Mother and baby are just fine. Have you ever seen such round, pink, puffy cheeks? Already in the works is a plan to help Ryder survive three older sisters. Grand uncles Andrew and Terry will be standing by.

Happy Thanksgiving Stuff a Turkey
The rules of war vary depending on who wrote the list you read

Terry Ernest - November 22, 2023

Follow the Rules of War

If war is already illegal, why do we have rules to govern it and who has the strength and power to enforce the rules?
Did you bomb that hospital and kill all those civilians?
   SORRY...We were aiming for the army post next door and missed.
   In the spirit of equity we had to hire a nearsighted bombardier.
   We didn't do it. The other side did it.
Was Your Response Proportional?
   YES - They killed 1,200. We killed 12,000. The proportion was 10:1
   YES - No one could give us exact numbers so we guessed... correctly
How Did You Protect Your Captured Prisoners?
   We kept then in front of us so they would get fresh air and sunshine.
   We let them choose long beatings or short torture during questioning.

For every listing of the rules of war there are a myriad interpretations and ways of explaining your way around them. Ending World War II with atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't constitute war crimes?

War serves no value other than to glorify those who Commit it and those who Profit from it

Mama's Kitchen Pie Sales Are Now closed - thanks to all BuyPies

Once again Andrew and Terry took to selling Thanksgiving Pies in support of Mama's Kitchen. Thank You to all who participated this year. For the rest of you I hope your store bought pies force you to aim poorly. Nyuk... nyuk... nyuk.

BuyPies Together we raised $275.00 for Mama's Kitchen

AFF We Were There

Andrew and I attended Opening Night, November 2 at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park to watch the hilarious movie "Quiz Lady," Closing NIght November 12 where the feature was a fun movie called..."Mustache," and lots of movies in between.

Film Festival Information

Knowledge is Power

by Rose Nylund

... or a gerkonanaken is the kind of person you don't want to share your hoogencoggles with

SpeakerJohnson Speaker Mike Johnson - Any Farther Right and He'd Be From Nazareth

And there you have it. The hard right has placed a MAGA Republican, with little leadership experience and a sycophantic-Trumpophile to boot... in the Speaker's Chair... second to the throne. Well at least there is a Speaker now and the House can get back to doing the work of the people, or perhaps the work of Donald Trump. Mike Johnson, in his acceptance speech, said his office will stand for trust, transparency and accountability, honesty and integrity (2020 election and January 6th not withstanding). He says that God has ordained him to be the Speaker of the House after his wife spent two weeks on her knees in prayer. His words, not mine. All this from a man who fell victim to Trump's 2020 election conspiracy, took lead actions to decertify that election and bears a striking resemblance to Captain Wally "Leadbottom" Binghamton from McHale's Navy.

In all fairness we should give Mike Johnson the benefit of the doubt as he takes on a very difficult role. As a staunch conservative who is on record for opposing same-sex marriage, reproductive rights and social media induced gender dysphoria, or as he says, "Read the Bible." Johnson also supports strong family values where the man goes to work and the woman remains at home on her knees... in prayer. And he is also about living by the Republican Golden Rule, where the people with the gold... make the rules. Good Luck Speaker Mike Johnson You will need it ♂

Terry Ernest - October 25, 2023

Gaetz Booger Democrats - The Party of Bad Ideas
Republicans - The Party of No Ideas

The gridlock in Washington keeping the House from doing its job is largely the result of a handful of MAGA Republicans who are apparently holding out for nothing. If they have a plan they have certainly not presented it. It seems they just want the limelight to further their own personal agendas, which like their plans, are not apparent. Matt Gaetz won't be happy until he is proclaimed The General of the Republican Civil War while dear Lorena Boebert just wants another bastard grand-child to brag on. Will they change their tunes if the government goes into shutdown in November? Unlikely. With little doubt they are working on a strategy to blame the Biden administration which is no real plan, because what's wrong with the Biden administration is already apparent. The Republicans say they want the center seat yet they continue to show a burgeoning lack of leadership. How embarrassing for all of them and for the people who continue to allow so many ineffectual leaders to serve. And how embarrassing for America at a time when there is so much that needs to be done. So how do we get them up and going again?

The House of Representatives needs a deluxe bipartisan anti-idiotic ENEMA.

Terry Ernest - October 20, 2023

WaitingForGold War serves no value other than to glorify those who commit it and those who profit from it

and yet collectively, we continue to allow it... world wide. Governments say that they do everything they can to avoid it but they do not. News media exploit war for huge profits while sanitizing it for our protection and everyone fingers the other guy as provocateur, guilty of war crimes.

Abraham gave the land of Canaan to the Hebrews and he gave it to the Arabs. And for the millennia since the Hebrews and Arabs have been fighting for it to unrelenting, bloody ends. And they are not the only ones throughout history that have slaughtered their neighbors in the name of God, something we will never see the end of. Biden talks about the horrific atrocities that Hamas inflicted on Israel over the last 10 days lest he forget the 100,000+++ civilian casualties America and its allies inflicted on Iraq during the first days of Operation Desert Freedom in 2003 when President George W Imbecile needed to bolster his ego following 911. And the list of war crimes, or strategic errors as some call them, goes on and on. Political speech writers make it all sound so noble and heroic with the expectation that we must support war or be labeled unpatriotic.

There is nothing new happening in Israel and Gaza these days. Netanyahoo is doing the same thing that George W Imbecile did after 911 and with the same relative disregard for civilian lives. 'I am King... Hear me Roar' ... rationalized in this scenario as... 'But Hamas leader El Dief started it'.

The fact is that those in power have been waving the flag in our faces for thousands of years and pumping us up with notions of warriors, heroes and glory without which... who would fight?
And if no one fights, what are you left with... peace.

Terry Ernest - October 15, 2023

PushRight California is Nudging Us Right

We see it buried in the news quite frequently that more and more folks are moving out of California. Most media outlets try to explain it by blaming the ever rising taxes and cost of living, especially housing. But in fact, the liberal left is pushing more and more people to the right... politically and geographically.

Governor Gavin Nuisance and the California legislature are taking the proliferating social media theme of gender-bending equality to disturbing heights. But is it really being done for reasons other than to spit in the face of the conservatives and moderates that champion for family values and parental rights? The latest move is to pass more and more laws that further undermine parental rights and control over their children. So now if an 11 year old boy leaves for school in trousers and arrives in a skirt, whether s/he declares gender immunity or not, the school may NOT so inform the child's parents. Today in California children can get birth control pills, treated for STDs, obtain abortions, change genders and receive psycho-social therapy all without their parents knowledge or consent. This gets conservatives' blood boiling and chisels away any concept that parents should bear responsibility for their children's behavior. The part of all this I never see anyone talking about is who then bears the costs of these undisclosed services to minors, particularly if there are adverse effects, such as violent reactions to medications? It seems to me that if we expect parents to have control and responsibility for their children then we need to give them respect, tools needed to be successful and the required authority.

One sad part to all of this, which gets less attention, is that there are so many incompetent parents who mistreat or ignore their children. This drives children to seek help outside the home and politicians to create blanket laws instead of going after bad actors. Such liberal policies, designed to protect children we are told, stand to give justification to parents when they say... 'don't blame us... we didn't know our child was having a problem.'
There is a better way to support all this somewhere in the middle.
Terry Ernest - October 5, 2023


 82-80 NL West 3rd Place
Bye-Bye...Done for the season


 83-79 NL Central 2nd Place
Bye-Bye...Done for the season

Win Some Lose Some Losses

September closed with a usual blend of wins and losses. San Diego gas prices are up nice and high so the people that make and distribute the gas will make a lot of money off the backs of the average American who has so prospered under Bidenomics.

After countless months of discussing congressional age and term limits, watching our aged leaders freeze and fall, Diane Feinstein took her final bow leaving nothing resolved. Her brilliant career was a way forward for women to step up and take their rightful place among the like minded. But at what cost? For the last many months Senator Feinstein was clearly past her political prime. Was there nothing else she wanted to do before the end? Somewhat sad.

Sir Michael Gambon certainly had a diverse and celebrated life. He talked about how much he admired JK Rowling for creating the magical world of Harry Potter. Then admitted he never read the books and only took the job for the money. Too bad his candor wasn't contagious. There is a long list of high profile people who could have benefited from his simple, and comfortable honesty.
Terry Ernest - October 1, 2023

End of Summer Vacations Rock
and so do Washington Apples

Flea Another First For San Diego

Of all the accolades that could be bestowed upon a city, San Diego has been named the city with more fleas than anywhere else in the country. Your dog has fleas, your cat has fleas and your neighbor too, most likely. This notable distinction was recently broadcast on all of the local TV stations and, as you would expect in America, the price of flea and tick medicine has just gone up. Just like the homeless, fleas are drawn to our more favorable weather. And just like the homeless, fleas burden the locals and don't pay taxes.

I wonder who has the dubious job of counting all the fleas in order to award such honors? Worst job ever! And how does one go about counting fleas on your own dog let alone an entire city? Perhaps they go by reported flea bite disease incidences. I can honestly say that I have never known anyone who developed a flea bite disease. But then that isn't something people tend to brag about... unless you are a Tik Tok user. That must be where the numbers come from. Some say all the answers to all the questions in the world may be found on Tik Tok.

Tampa is the lightening capital of the US. Detroit, with Memphis on its heels, is the crime capital and good old San Diego, is the flea capital of America. I guess if you have to be labeled with a new moniker, Flea Capital isn't too awfully terrible. Andrew and I have only fish for pets... in the aquarium and out in the pond. You can't go wrong with fish. They don't bark or scratch the furniture or crap on the rug and they don't get fleas. They do however, attract opossum and raccoon but that's better left for another story.

Terry Ernest - September 6, 2023

TrumpMug Another First for Donald Trump

You would think that in his profound indignation and tedious assertions that he has done nothing wrong, former President Donald Trump could have brokered a smile for the Fulton County mugshot camera much like some of his co-defendants did. The sad part of all this seemingly partisan prosecution is that it is costing the tax payers of America, hundreds of millions of dollars, and for what? Trump's supporters keep giving him millions to support his defense needs and the tax payers fund the huge cost of investigation and litigation. Only the lawyers win. If Trump is found guilty of any of the crimes he's been accused of the max he will receive is house arrest and a fine. It is extremely unlikely that Trump will ever go to prison. If the Republicans, Trump or another, should win the White House in 2024, Trump will likely be pardoned of any federal crime... guilty or not.

Worst of all is that truth seems to be permanently lost in the political equation. A recent example is the first Republican primary debate. Apparently you can say whatever you want, truth or lie, and in Trump fashion, just claim that you thought it was true. This of course negates the real value of the myriad political fact checkers that pop up every time a politician speaks. I have little doubt that Trump is guilty of serious crimes against America and that he knows it. And I have little doubt that Hunter Biden is a corporate crook who expects dad will find a way to help him but ultimately Hunter will be defended by his drug addiction and PTSD. The trauma of course is being Joe Biden's son.

Terry Ernest - August 25, 2023

A Hurricane Named Hilary HilaryComing

Friday, August 18, 2023 1400
Mostly Sunny and 87° today.
National Weather Service issued its first, ever, Tropical Storm Watch for San Diego this morning. Forecasters predict hurricane Hilary, identifying now as a non-binary category 4 storm, will hit San Diego with fierce winds and major rain on Sunday by noon as either a Cat 1 Hurricane or Tropical Storm. Aunty Em - Aunty Em... the media buzz is telling everyone to get prepared... and for the thousands of homeless on the streets... may the force be with you. As for us, we are hoping for plenty of excitement and rain without property damage.
Happy Birthday Sherry.

Friday, August 18, 2023 2215
National Weather Service issued Tropical Storm Warning. Watch for high winds, heavy rain and possible torpedoes Sunday and Monday. Rain of any kind in August is unheard of in San Diego let alone a tropical storm. I wonder if there is a political witch hunt behind the reason they named this storm Hilary? Currently 71° - Humidity 88% - Barometer 29.78 - Light winds from the Southwest.

Saturday, August 19, 2023 1100
Mostly cloudy, light winds can't make up their minds which direction they are coming from, currently 72° Hum 73%, Bar 29.90

Sunday, August 20, 2023 0845
Currently 72° Hum 88% Bar 29.56. Light winds from the northeast and light rain. National Weather Service continues to alert the Tropical Storm Warning on TV, Radio and Phone. Still no thunderstorms...the big bang is expected today around 1500.

Sunday, August 20, 2023 1300
Welcome to the proverbial 'calm before the storm.' It is dead calm, humid with just the lightest sprinkle. Currently 74°, Hum 90% and Bar falling at 29.46. If we had a proper TV or Radio station around they would be playing Carol King's... 'anticipation, anticipa a tion, it's making me crazy' with or without the old ketchup commercial. We are now going to watch the movie... 2012 hoping that it will provide inverse jinx and that we won't end up in Oz... or worse, Sacramento.

Sunday, August 20, 2023 1530
Still no thunder and lightening. Mild winds and light to moderate rain. Currently: Temp 76° Hum 89% Bar 29.46. Seems the storm has slowed down (not good for us) or the prognosticators missed the mark. Roast turkey legs and Portuguese red wine while we wait. Yummers.

Sunday, August 20, 2023 2200
Worst Tropical Storm Ever
Currently... 67° - Hum 90% - Bar 29.85.
Okay, maybe not the wort tropical storm ever, but after all the hoopla and media hype this tropical storm was pretty boring. We got a little over three inches of rain spanning 11 hours which is amazing for a San Diego summer day...but NO thunder and lightening, no hail, no scary winds and no sirens. Now as the storm tracks north, they say, all that is left is a little more rain on and off through Monday morning. While we are glad for the rain we did get, we certainly missed having one of those good old rip-roaring summer thunderstorms. Tomorrow we will hear about everyone else's storm stories which are sure to be more exciting than ours. speakers on

Terry Ernest - August 20, 2023

MiddleGround Middle Ground

If you are anything like me you are pretty tired of hearing about Trump and Biden, the right and the left, the truth and... what everyone else says. I know there is more to America than just our over inflated two party system but you wouldn't know it from main stream media. The Republicans seem more comfortable letting people make their own choices and then reap the consequences of those choices... good or bad. Save for your old age or stand in line for bread. Squash your competitor and move to the head of the class. Assist those that cannot help themselves, throw a bone to the veterans and placate the minorities and the poor. That's their anthem. Some call this dignity through self reliance. Others call it hate camouflaged by the bible. The democrats, on the other hand, prefer to tax and spend, rule and regulate us to the point of utter confusion and then reward the most confused with tax dollar hand outs but without a work for return value... the management of which they say would be too expensive and undermines dignity. Some call this dignity through equal shares. Others call this a slippery slope to socialism.

Somewhere in the middle there is reasonable regulation that the people define with rewards for making good choices... and consequential penalties for those that don't. Education is the key... not more laws restricting individual freedoms and certainly not social media influencers. The law shouldn't say you can't drink and drive. It should say that if you drink and drive and you damage property or cause injury, you will go to hell in a hand basket... and the penalties should fit the crime. Many of our laws today are the result of media driven, post traumatic emotion promulgated by ambulance chasers and attention seeking politicians. The emotional outpouring from a mother's grief over the needless loss of a child, however heart breaking, should not set the law of the land.

You want to do illegal drugs and risk incarceration or death? You make the choice. The government (and your friends and family) should be all up in your face telling you, in no uncertain terms, that illegal drugs are very dangerous and may kill you, or worse set you on a spiraling path toward the abyss. But it seems hypocritical to rail against illegal drug use while sponsoring TV commercials telling you where the safe injection sites and naloxone dispensaries are. On my middle ground we let people make their own choices with the understanding that there are clear consequences... and that the consequences may be severe.

The middle ground that I seek helps everyone stand on their own two feet not by legislating us to death but by educating us to life with equal opportunity for all. The old adage... 'feed a man a fish, teach a man to fish' is as relevant today as it has always been. Feeding someone is the easy way. Teaching has greater challenges. Some people learn by simple instruction. Some need to burn their hands on the stove. The dignity of life that people seek comes from the choices we make and not from gifts or the adoration of others.

Is this middle ground possible? Perhaps in small pieces but not anytime soon. As long as money rules the world and greed is not punishable by death we will continue the status quo. 'Everything is perfectly wonderful' doesn't sell and gee whiz... what would David Muir have to talk about?

Terry Ernest - August 5, 2023

BanTheBulb Ban the Bulb... Really?

While I agree that incandescent and halogen light bulbs should go the way of the dodo, I am once again not surprised that our government missed a better opportunity than just saying you can no longer sell them. Every time I hear about one of these new laws I seem to move a little closer to the right. The recursive tax and regulate Democrats just love to slap our hands and say "NO". But is that really government's job? Seems to me they should educate Americans about the benefits of the newer light technologies and let them make the choice. And of course to help them choose, in true Democrat fashion... slap an idiotic use fee on the sales of those dastardly bulbs. With all the whining and complaining that congress does about the federal deficit you'd think this was a no brainer.

I remember back in my college days and the cold Chicago winters... it was common to snuggle up to your desk lamp when the landlord provided heat wasn't enough. And sometimes that lamp made its way under your covers before bedtime. Now that you can't get from the new technology.

No doubt there are plenty who prefer the old bulbs and will stockpile them best they can before the ban. After that there will be some black market sales and large shipments to other countries. Then of course there will be all manner of social endeavors to provide LED and those horrible, ugly CFL bulbs to the poor who will now freeze to death because they have no other source of heat. And for that we can thank Jennifer Granholm, the Secretary of Energy, for taking the authoritarian path.

Terry Ernest - July 28, 2023
Happy Birthday Tyler Shane Cook.

Heat Wave Hot Enough For You?

I am never quite sure what to say when someone asks... "Hot enough for you?" I know the people in Phoenix naturally respond with... "No, crank it up another ten degrees please." And of course the Christian right in Texas are hoping to keep cool on their right knee by thanking God for his divine gift of sweltering heat while guzzling ice cold Lone Star beer on their left. Everyone is wondering if this latest heat wave gripping the world is indeed related to human impacts on climate change. What do Americans think? Well of course it is... or maybe it's not.

I remember super hot summer days in Chicagoland as a kid. We're talking 104° in the shade. We had to walk along the side of the road to keep our shoes from sticking to the melting tar. As I recall, our favorite cooling measure was the garden hose in the back yard. We could get in our daily hygiene requirements with the spinning garden sprinkler followed by aerobics on the slip-n-slide. We were happy, mom was happy and since we had our own well, dad didn't have to worry about the water bill. In those days drinking from the garden hose was as common as mosquitoes at dusk. Today you need a pack mule to carry enough bottled water from the store to keep you from melting unless you are enlightened enough to properly filter your own tap water.

Some things never change though... there are still the poor souls who don't know that when it's hot you need to drink more water and stay in the shade. No doubt from the same gene pool as those who don't know that you shouldn't take your family out for a Sunday drive... when they are alerting flash flood warnings in your area.

Terry Ernest - July 18, 2023

All Inclusive The Pride Slide

It seems only yesterday that the streets of Boys Town in Chicago were ablaze with shirtless men in micro short-shorts strutting along with rainbow flags and matching bandannas in defiance of those that would seek to deny their day of Gay Pride. Today there is a different song being sung. It's more broad scope attempts to include curved people of all self-appointed identities. While Andrew and I fully support diversity and believe that all adults should be free to be whatever works best for them... we don't feel compelled to join them all in celebration. Social Media is driving every sex, gender and identity behavior extreme you can think of and to me... much of it has become like diarrhea. Yes it may be part of life... but I don't want to see it.

I do lament the loss of our gay identity a little bit and remember the days when being 'in the closet' was a lot like smoking pot before it was legalized. It made us feel singular, unique and because it was considered 'wrong'... excited. We will never see those days again and as the lines of the straight and curved become more blurred we look forward to the day when we can all be people without labels, or acronyms or extremist affiliations and just appreciate ourselves as individuals.
I don't care if you want to date a rhinoceros as long as consent is mutual and you don't make me do it.

Terry Ernest - July 12, 2023

All Inclusive CSI San Diego

Picture it... San Diego on a warm July afternoon. Andrew and I arrive home from shopping to find someone had broken in and stolen all our furniture and carpeting. Not finished with the dastardly deed we confronted the trans-intruder hiding in the back room and, completely in self defense mind you; we were forced to whack the perp... at least that's what we told the po-po. How rude to break in to someone's home and get your blood spilled all over the living room floor.

Actually, this is the last step of our home restoration project following the hot water pipe debacle from back in April. Tomorrow our new carpeting gets installed and Andrew and I can finally move out of our double-wide and back into our home. We have spent the last month patching, painting and refreshing in preparation for new carpeting and a return to normal life. Now if we can just figure out what 'normal life' is, we will know when to it... we have returned. Does proper English raise your eyebrows? It does mine!

Terry Ernest - July 11, 2023

TeamCallieAnne Team

Today we focus our love and our energy on the successful surgery our darling Grand-Niece Callie-Anne Cook will undergo... and her speedy recovery. Callie-Anne was born with Apert's syndrome, a genetic disorder that creates problems with normal bone and tissue growth. While Callie-Anne faces many challenges that most of us do not, she is blessed by having two parents that love and support her in all ways. So our love and positive energy also goes out to my nephew David and his wife Jaime as they wait by Callie-Anne's side.
This young girl is full of what my grand-father would have called 'piss and vinegar'. She is smart and resourceful and pretty well knows what she wants... and her parents and family top the list. This surgery will allow Callie-Anne's brain to expand normally and keep her smiling as the family prepares her for another major procedure planned for next summer.
So keep smiling Callie-Anne, Andrew and I are firmly in your corner.
Uncles Andrew and Terry - June 28, 2023

June 29, 2023 Callie Anne recovered as expected and was moved out of ICU to a reportedly spacious pent house room with a view. Too bad her eyes are so swollen from the surgery she can't appreciate the view... but mom and dad say she's doing fine.
July 1, 2023 - Callie-Anne is out of the hospial and enjoying one more hot day in Dallas before heading home. She's a little weak and tired and still very swollen but apparently... all as expected.
July 17, 2023. Callie-Ann had a brief bout with infection interruptus but she is on the mend and home with her family.
Happy First Day of Summer
JuneGasProces A Few Current Thoughts

  • San Diego Padres have been in 4th place in their division for weeks now. We must not be paying the boys enough money to encourage them to play to their full potentials. As such, I advocate a big, fat pay raise for all of them. Die hard Padres fans won't mind paying $80 for a seat in the nose bleed section and $22.50 for a beer.

  • Gas Prices Still Hugging $5/Gal here while Tampa, Florida sees an average price of $3.21. In San Diego we get 842,911 excuses from the oil industry and government leadership as to why... and they just can't sell it... but sadly we keep buying it. Perhaps our California tax and spend democracy will levy a homeless gas tax so we can pay even more at the pump and maybe get some of the poor unfortunates and bums off our city sidewalks. We haven't been very successful so far... maybe throwing more money at it will help. Fat chance.

  • Trump Will Find a Way to delay his classified documents trial, his NY fraud and corruption trial and whatever other litigations cross his path by flooding the media with his usual accusatory rhetoric and hate filled hyperbole... just enough to confuse the people who support him and encourage prosecutors to go back and double and triple check everything. A well established Trump MO. We will never see Trump in prison unless he goes completely nuts. And then at best, he will go to Shady Pines for Megalomaniacs.

  • Cultivated Chicken Coming Soon now that the USDA has approved its commercial production. Michelin-starred chefs have been cooking up the 'no kill meat' in a butter and cream sauce and feeding it to skeptical critics who have largely given it two thumbs up. Consider this though: Escoffier, the father of modern French cuisine once said... "With enough butter and cream sauce, you can make dog poop taste good." No Kill Meat doesn't sound very appetizing... I'm sure they will introduce a more suitable appellation for this laboratory cultured chicken flesh. Next on the menu? Petri Dish Pork Chops. They will be fall off the bone tender because... there is no bone. Yum!
Terry Ernest - June 21, 2023
Most Overused Word in America... Sorry Sorry

We've come along way from Elton John's 1976 hit "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word." Some 45 years later and it seems that "SORRY" has become one of the most overused words of the day... ever diluting its meaning. It's like... if you love everyone then what does love really mean? Or, if everyone is a hero then how do we honor those who display real heroism? Did you brush someone's arm while passing them on the sidewalk... sorry. When someone reminds you that you forget to turn off the bathroom light... sorry. Did you squash a bug with your foot when you didn't need to... sorry. Did you jab a knife into someone's chest... okay, not the same as an elbow brush on the sidewalk but still gets ...sorry. If you were to count all the times you say sorry in a day you might be surprised by the number. We are being socialized that way... oh hell, I said sorry the other day because I left the refrigerator door open and the door alarm sounded. It's tragic but true.

When Elton and Bernie wrote the song the meaning and expectations around the word Sorry were more sharply defined. Saying Sorry meant that you were acknowledging guilt or shame over some action or event and it was a word that many couldn't say easily.... hence the lyric. Today sorry is used for just about anything when other words don't come... another example of abbreviated English... and for that I am sorry (not really). Sorry has become ubiquitous like "having said that" another phrase that really means nothing and has become common to say when the words to introduce the next line of thought fail... and the speaker wants to sound literate. Sorry has become a magic word that we expect will make everything alright... and for that we should all be sorry.
There is one sorry truism however; sorry does not feed the bulldog.

Terry Ernest - June 5, 2023
Happy First Day
of Hurricane Season

When mom was still with us I delighted at phoning her on June 1st each year and reminding her that it was the official start of the hurricane season. And in return, she would scoff and remind me how she hated hurricanes especially when they were preceded by ordered evacuations... or when they made you fall down as depicted by this lovely balaclava faced comedian. The rest of my family in Florida seem somewhat ambivalent about hurricanes even though a sizable tree branch sliced through my brother Bill's roof a few years back and I have a sister that lives in a mobile home... and we all know how hurricanes like to make them mobile 😉
At least people on the south and east coasts have something to look forward to. The weather in San Diego is as predictable and boring as it could be. Today we did have an hour of sunshine but it has been consistently gray and cold... for weeks. Where is global warming when you need it? I can't remember the last time we saw 70°. As a brief diversion we did come somewhat close to a hurricane last year... maybe 2023 will be our year. The NOAA predictions for last year's hurricane season were a bit off so perhaps they could focus more attention on the west coast... please! Seems to me that a good job of preparing for and mopping up after a hurricane would add a feather in the cap of Presidential hopeful Gavin Newsom... anything to get him out of California. Jim and Tammy.
Terry Ernest - June 1, 2023

It's Epiphyllum Time YellowTang

It's seems like only yesterday when Andrew brought home our first Epiphyllum plant, "Phou Pi"... we named it after his mother, and our garden has flourished ever since. And not just ours, but our friends Cris and Dean have taken the epi raising hobby to a much bigger level including online sales on Etsy.
We now have about 24 different hybrids of all colors and sizes... some growing in pots and some cuttings we stuck in the old branch pockets of our palm trees. Our three most prolific bloomers are Barbra, Pink Pagoda and Binky Pink. Truth be known, they are pretty easy to grow. The blooming trick seems to revolve around the amount of sun they get... and part of the joy for us is finding it out for ourselves.

May 21, 2023

Trantop All the Trans Hub-Bub

There may still be wisdom in the old adage... "You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig." Now what's is all the buzz about civil rights groups, including LGBTQIA+ activists, demanding that people should have the right to bend their genders however they like? While I agree that adults should have the right to be whatever they want to be, as long as they understand the consequences, I don't believe that parents should have the right or the access to attempt to change the birth gender of their children... and certainly not on my nickle.

When I was a kid I was limp wristed and preferred to play with my sisters more than my brothers. My dad was mindful of this and made it a point to slap my wrists whenever he saw them dangling. He didn't make a big deal about it other than to remind me that boys don't walk around like that. And I'm pretty sure he and my mom never entertained the possibility of gender dysphoria. In fact that was something we had never heard of. At no time did I ever feel like a girl or want to be one... of course, at the time, it never dawned on us that it was even possible. We did know about transvestites back then but they presented more as entertainers... similar to the young black men who walked around in bright green polyester leisure suits with pink spoolies in their hair... 'look at me, look at me.' Once I realized what my penis could do I was all in... 100% boy. I didn't grow up to be the stereotypical John Wayne male but a happy male none the less. Seems to me that all young males should have the opportunity to grow up first before making life altering decisions.

From what I see all this hubbub is linked to the impact of social media and the near immediate notoriety that comes from posting online... especially anything out of the ordinary. And thanks to social media and its legions with nothing better to do, the boundaries of ordinary are all but obscured. More and more parents are posting about their young children who are being taught that if you don't like being a boy, you can be turned into a girl or a non-binary entity. These are notions that we never entertained in our wildest dreams. And parents today don't even have to teach their kids about this, they are learning it all online, right or wrong, good or bad.

Gender reassignment trends are making headlines in part because of celebrities who are making big money exploiting their own stories, often regaining faded notoriety by reaching outside the box and shaking the social bushes. A lot of what I hear attesting to the success of these therapies in improving the lives of the gender dysphoric is being made by the people who are making all the money or getting all the social media accolades. No surprise there.

Since it's indisputable that money moves mountains, let's look at who is benefiting the most by keeping the transgender evolution on the front page. Get a million hits on your social media posts and your ego soars along with a promise of big $$$ for you and the social media outlets... even if there is no truth or honesty in your post. Add to the list of money makers, doctors and all the mental health providers required to enact gender reassignment and the followup social and psychological services, and of course the mass media who are poised at the ready to expose any attempt by the Right to suppress transgender rights. Today the term gender dysphoria and its helpful synonyms are ubiquitous such that DeSantis style laws restricting it from being talked about in public schools are more self-righteous than effective. Yet similar laws keep coming suggesting it bolsters the conservative platform while the liberals use it as political fodder.

I often wonder if Bruce Jenner really suffered from gender dysphoria or was his washed up athletic career... and creeping age... at the heart of his need to do something extraordinary to get back in the lime light. It's a lot easier for the rich and famous to take a major step like that than the average Joe... in spite of all the emotional stories we heard as Bruce transitioned to Caitlyn.

In some ways I worry for the millennials as they engage with adult society, particularly in finding a mate. When I was young, with rare exception, you could tell a boy from a girl. Our biggest challenges were pretty much limited to determining if that boy wanted a girl or another boy... and while there were recognized signals to help with that, it wasn't always easy. Today it is a little different. I'm sure you have all heard the story about a guy who picks up a girl in a Texas bar and then beats her to death when he finds a dick in her pants that isn't his. I expect that ignorant brutality will continue long into this gender vs. genderless war between the Right and the Left, between the God fearing and the enlightened. We should work harder to protect our children and let them mature before any attempt to reassign their gender. And we should work harder to educate adults who may lead us to a better path. Just because its popular on social media doesn't mean we have to move in that direction. Just ask the morons that got sick from eating Chicken alla NyQuil.

Terry Ernest - May 16, 2023

Tracking Mass Shootings MassShootings

An American disgrace could be defined as having busy web sites dedicated to tracking mass shooting statistics while our elected officials stand intellectually paralyzed by the influence of the NRA and second amendment radicals... or stand politically impotent in the minority. The people keep saying that something must be done... that more needs to be done, words that are amplified with each new mass shooting event.
But who will affect change? On the right we have those that will protect the second amendment at all costs. Lawmakers like Colorado's Lauren Bobbert even brag about having bought a gun for her bastard grandchild. And on that fringe, members of congress like Keith Self from Texas say nothing needs to be done because mass shootings are God's will. The left, with loud vocals from the likes of California Governor Gavin Newsom, seems to prefer taking guns out of everyone's hands, particularly automatic weapons, and allowing access to gun ownership only after exhaustive background checks using undefined algorithms. Algorithms which will surely become fodder for shyster lawyers galore.
These are the people we will rely on to make meaningful change? We are apparently attached to congress by an incline plane wrapped helically around an axis. Now consider the mass media which makes gazillions of dollars when we tune in to their broadcasts, podcasts and Online offerings. Mass shootings are a big draw and they know just how to pull us in. Let's face it... in America, money is all that matters in the long run. Politicians make the laws and with rare exception, they want to be elected and re-elected so they vote along with those most likely to keep them in power. Those with the most money have the most influence.
It seems that we are just as divided on abortion and gender equality as we are on the laws... we say we want... to more clearly define the second amendment... and just as likely to see meaningful change. You can't give to one group without taking from another and we are a selfish lot.

Safe ground for discussing this topic may be the reasonable consensus that mental health is squarely at the center of each of these events. Simply stated, people in their right minds don't buy automatic weapons and formulate plans to gun down a bunch of people, with or without a suicidal motive. Going out in a blaze of glory was popular in the old west and thanks to instant sensationalizing... it still is today.
So how do we determine who are the people and what are the circumstances that should throw up red flags. You hear all too often family and friends of shooters say things like... 'I can't believe it'... 'there were no signs that anything was wrong' ... 'he seemed like such a nice person.' Instant news headlines and sensational reporting of these events get us all riled up but sadly there is so little follow-up that it's hard to draw any competent conclusions. Who were the shooter's parents and major influencers? What was his life really like and how could someone commit such a heinous act without anyone having a clue that something was awry? It staggers my mind and I rarely get more than the highlights of a shooting event. 'Criminal investigations' and 'privacy laws' prevent us from really knowing what happened. Hopefully lawmakers get much deeper insight into these atrocities so they can formulate plans to address them.😃
Since major gun control is not likely to happen any time soon, focus on a national registry of red flag people is likely in the works. And that scares me even more. Are we going to allow our elected officials to determine who gets placed on the naughty list? If I am treated for depression will that require my name be added to the list? There are so many issues with deriving a national database of people who should not be allowed to purchase or own firearms that you can bet a platoon of lawyers are at the ready to challenge its relevance and its constitutionality.

I don't know the answer to the seemingly non stop parade of mass shooting events but I do know two things. We are not moving in a direction likely to reduce them and I don't want to live in a country where only the cops and the bad guys have guns.

Terry Ernest - May 10, 2023

KingCHuck It's Good to be King

And there they are. The fully installed King and Queen of the British Empire. Only crowned an hour or so and already Camilla is having hearing problems. I am sure their reign will be filled with 'I can't hear you dear' moments. Seems like just yesterday when then Prince Charles wanted to marry Camilla but could not because she was apparently a known slut in the realm. So Charles settled for Diana and during their 15 year marriage each cheated on the other to their own delight. Many believe this to be typical for the royals... possibly even restrained. After Diana passed, Charles was able to make his affair with Camilla public and finally in 2005 they were married. Somewhere along the line Queen Elizabeth gave her royal okie dokie for them to wed.

And now for a long and happy life together, Charles and Camilla are free to do what they please. Now that Charles is the head of the Church of England... he surely must feel fire proofed so there would be little risk in breaking his wedding vows again... just so long as his loyal subjects can endure. Will we live to see the day when the people decide that maintaining a King and Queen and the monarchical infrastructure isn't worth the cost and the social injustice? Unlikely. There's a perception that while they have little more than social power, the monarchy brings in more money than it costs the taxpayers every year. Not to worry... fairy tales will live on and likely be enhanced by the adventures of Charles and Camilla.

... and the Fairy Tale Continues

Terry Ernest - May 8, 2023

ColibriADueTeste Two Headed Hummingbird

Spring has definitely sprung here on Tulip Street. In addition to the hot water pipe that sprung a leak, Andrew and I are the proud foster parents of a double-headed hummingbird 😃 Seems we have fostered a set of hummingbirds every spring for the last several years. Last year under the carport... this year under the palapa. One important thing we have learned is to keep everything away from their nests because the chicks instinctively point their tiny behinds in the air and shoot in all directions.
Our garden is a mass with flowers of all kinds from poppies to petunias. Hummingbirds are common here and except for the baby poop... they are our pleasure.
April 27, 2023

RedPoppy Opium on the Hoof Did you know that there are scores of instructional videos on YouTube showing you how to convert your lovely poppy flowers into first rate opium and poppy seeds for your bagels? Our spring garden has poppies for the first time thanks to a handful of seeds Andrew got from his brother Van last year. Apparently you just need to sprinkle the seeds on the ground in the fall/winter and the rains will do the rest. They are fast growers, vigorous and the flowers last 3-4 days leaving behind a seed pod full of goodies. We are told that if you don't manage the seed pods they will burst in the late summer and flourish beyond control the next spring. I think we'll choose the poppy seeds over opium production. They will make a nice topping for fresh baked bread.
April 29, 2023
Who Knew a Broken Hot Water Pipe Could Cause Such Havoc

Picture it! April 17, 2023...Under our house in the you have to crawl space... a hot water pipe just under the hot water heater had a pinhole leak which shot hot water in a pressure jet under the house, possibly for a few weeks. This apparently caused extreme humidity under the house sweating all the sub-floors and condensing into puddles on the far south side. Andrew just happened to open the hatch to the crawl space under the car port and found 2 inches of water. We then opened the hatch to the crawl space on the west side and steam came out. It all gets exciting from there.

With the help of Andrew's brother Vil, who was brave enough to crawl under the house, we identified the leak and stopped it by taking out the hot water heater, closing the loop and restoring cold water to the house.


Enter the remediation team. We contacted our homeowners insurance company, filed a claim and hired a water damage remediation team to get us back on track. Besides sucking the standing water out from under the house they installed 5 big dehumidifiers in the house because water was wicking its way up the sub-floors to the floors and some of the lower walls. Apparently, the hot water escaping from the leaking pipe combined with the cool weather created massive condensation just about everywhere under the house. How ridiculous! Our house looks like it was invaded by one of Dr Who's arch enemies... and it's only going to get more exciting as the contractors and the insurance company battle for dollars and Andrew and I get to play referee.

Note to Homeowners: Check for water leaks REGULARLY

As the saga continues. The remediation team measured moisture content in the floors and walls in the house and now suggests we should remove baseboards in several areas to facilitate drying. But in order to do that they had to hire a company to measures lead and asbestos risk. That was done and of course they found some lead paint in the walls, buried beneath several layers of latex paint that I applied over the years, and in the area that was the original kitchen of the house (70 years ago) a layer of asbestos contaminated floor tile (2% Chrysotile) that has been underneath at least four different carpet coverings that I have installed in the near 40 years I've been living here.

Then the lead and asbestos mitigation team, hired by the contractor, showed up to review the testing results, formulate a plan and prepare a quote for the insurance company.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ NoWhitePenis

Day 4 - Ever the pragmatist, I am looking at all the moving parts of this project and trying to make decisions. The latest from the original contractor I hired suggests that because some of our walls and baseboards show moisture content (their assessment was not very scientific), that we should remove the baseboards and cut away the bottom two feet of drywall to allow more deep drying. This in addition to the 5 dehumidifiers running in the house and the one big one under the house. Of course that contractor stands to make a lot of money providing that service. However we can't do that without first hiring the lead and asbestos abatement team to make the environment 'safe.' They also stand to make a lot of money. The missing piece which we will hopefully get this coming Monday is the word from the insurance company on what they will and will not pay for. That aside, I have no plans to allow them to chop up my home on the chance that mold may develop in the walls and particularly because they provide no comfortable evidence or guarantee.

Day 5 - Got an invoice from the company that was hired to asses the interior risk for $1500. The dollars are adding up quickly and I still don't know what the insurance company will pay and what I will have to cough up. And we still do not have hot water. Andrew and I are living pioneer style. Heating water on the stove to use for bucket showers. So we continue the drying process inside and under the crawl space while our electric meter spins like a turbo prop. Happy Lao New Year.

Day 9 - We have sucked hundreds of gallons of water from inside the house where the temperature and humidiy are pretty consistently 80° and 24%. If I wanted to spit I would have to drink two large glasses of water first. We have moved most of our furniture and what-not into the kitchen and sunroom where we now live. The excitement of living pioneer style is waning day by day. But like most things... there is a plus side. We are cleaning out a lot of old stuff around the house and keeping the trash and recycle bins busy.

Day 11 - Still no hot water and according to a notice we got from the electric company, the dehumidification process is costing about $60 a day. The main part of the house is all but empty now and ready for the asbestos abatement to begin in a few days followed by all the carpeting and padding to be hauled away. Once that is completed we can rebuild the small section of floor that was damaged and get a new hot water heater installed.
Day 14
Asbestos abatement team here to remove the 70+ year old original kitchen floor and open two wall sections near where the hot water pipe leaked. They did their work in about three hours setting up am interesting protective barrier to keep the cooties contained. The scene looks like a quintessential alien encounter anti-contamination containment. Tomorrow the air testing people will be here to make sure there is no asbestos contamination in the house. After that the restoration folks will repair all the damaged bits. Oh my aching wallet.
May 2, 2023

Day 21
Still no hot water but we are getting closer. Now the teams are set to scrub and disinfect the underside of the house and restore the damaged areas. Together with repairing the broken hot water pipe and installing a new how water heater we may see the end of this... yet.
Day 30
Still no hot water. The remediation is ongoing. Today I believe they completed the water damage component to this long project by placing a few humdred pounds of kitty litter in the crawlspace as a desiccant for future water issues. Last month's electric bill was $1139.00. Still waiting for the reconstruction team to put the floor back in and a plumber to fix the damn leak that started all of this. One bright note: I get to end each bucket shower in Splash Dance style. Very invigorating.
OdsFloor Day 42
Reconstruction begins today and should take 3 days. New hot water heater being delivered tomorrow and should be in on Saturday. We ordered new carpeting which will be another two weeks before we get it but our water disaster is just about at an end. Taking advantage of the time before carpeting install to do some painting and other renovations. Getting my Google and Yelp reviews ready for the company we hired to manage this process. They will not be happy when they read my words. I will say that the individual workers who serviced our home were all professional and did a good job. And I will say that their management team should be very, very embarrassed at their failed leadership and deceptive practices.
May 31, 2023.

Day 54
Anticipatorializing the completion of this project today. Still have 3 weeks to go until our new carpet arrives so we will be mostly living in one room although we will have our laundry room restored tomorrow. Now comes the calm and rational discussion with the troubled vendor over the bill. We shall be ruthless, but honest and fair.

Day 65
All that's left is the haggling over the money. The itemized bills received were filled with errors and not in our favor. So as I understand the game... the contractor's relationship with the insurance company is like your doctor's office and your health plan. They send big inflated bills knowing they will only get back a portion of it. In our case, the contractor sent a bill to the insurance company for $23K and the insurance company agreed to $18K. We were not part of that discussion and didn't even get to see the original bill only the one negotiated. For unknown reasons, the insurance company sent us the money instead of paying the contractor directly. When I got to see the bill I found some false claims and some very inflated ones. Imagine trying to charge $3700 for one technician who spent two hours in our crawl space with a handful of wire brushes and a spray bottle of anti-microbial. We will see this week what the contractor comes back with. I have already had a manager call me and ask me to upgrade the rating I left on Yelp. I told him I believed my review was fair and accurate and that I would consider changing it depending on how we conclude with the money and perhaps an acknowledgment of their poor business practice and management style. Still two weeks to go before we get our new carpeting... I miss my bedroom.

Day 85
Still waiting for the Water, Flood and Restoration contractor we hired to produce the final bills. Seems odd to me. You'd expect they would be quick to get out the bills and then whine every few days until they get their final payment. Today we get our new carpeting installed and can finally move back into the main house. The end is in sight. July 12, 2023

EasterBunny Listen to the Easter Bunny

A wise Easter Bunny once said that there is more to life than just hopping from place to place leaving a trail of jelly beans. There may be a lot of wisdom in that axiom but I can't recommend taking the word of a woodland creature who is closely tied to a holiday staple like the marshmallow 'peep.' Our benevolent government has recently added 'peeps' to the list of horrible things we should not eat... so naturally, they are more popular than ever.
The Christian holidays, like Easter, open a treasure trove of memories... things I haven't thought about in a long, long time. As kids growing up in the Chicago suburbs, Easter Sunday meant saying good-bye to mom and dad so they could do whatever moms and dads do when their children board the bus to Sunday school. Easter at church was all about the death and resurrection of Christ... but once we got home it was all about finding the colorful Easter eggs mom hid, and for me, searching through all the Easter baskets and lovingly filching all the black jelly beans I could find. Of course mom's special Easter dinner was always a feast that we shared as a family... without exception.

Terry Ernest - April 9, 2023

MarchGas Happy Lao New Year West Pac Widows

Back in the day, modesty precludes me from revealing specific dates, spouses left behind by sailors from the US Navy's 7th Fleet were known as West Pac Widows. So is my lament each March and April when Andrew focuses most of his attention on Lao New Year activities and I am left home to practice sauce making and the re-watching of all of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings... all 43 hours of it.
But I don't complain. Relationships are strengthened when we are accepting of our partner's needs. So is the case with our relationship with California gasoline producers. They need to constantly jack up their prices... while offering unbelievable explanations... and we accept it... as do our supportive elected officials. In true California fashion, consumer groups ready to fight for more transparency into gasoline prices and corporate profits were focus diverted by news that egg prices have gone down from $11 a dozen to just under $4. While we are happy to know that scrambled eggs are once again affordable, paying $5 a gallon for gas to drive to the store to buy them diminishes that magnanimous value.
They say that Californians have to pay extra for all the sunshine we get... and that our high cost of living has nothing to do with the Newsom Czar and the tax and spend Democrats that run the state. Seriously? We are a gullible lot... until we get to the ballot box, then gullible is replaced by sadly misinformed. And our political process helps to make that happen... on purpose. A solid blue state? One more forced tax increase disguised as a 'fee' and our purplish sunrise will give way to a bloody red sundown.

Terry Ernest - March 30, 2023
PrisonBitch prophetic ?

Our Master Manipulator never wants to miss an opportunity. From day one on the political scene every time anyone looked sideways at Trump he cried political 'witch' hunt. He has never done anything wrong and any such perception is the work of the liberal left. This, of course, is his remake of the expression... 'Trumped Up Charges' and we have heard that over and over again and it will continue until the day he draws his last breath. Trump's most recent strategic move to regain his throne is his prediction that he will be arrested in New York on Tuesday, March 21 and his armies will march across the land in protest.
The saddest part is that we just do not know to what degree Trump's political opponents really play in all this and how much is dedicated law enforcement. There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump ranks high among the world's bullshit artists and that he uses his privilege to take advantage of everyone around him. But for me, I want to see the facts that have been uncovered and not rely on the rhetoric of political pundits, opinionated media outlets or sour grapes. Just as the democrats have pursued Trump, so move the Republicans to pursue the Biden family and this... is politics as usual. Although we have never seen a former president behind bars, Trump does like to be the exception to every rule. Good thing he looks good in his chosen color! Stand by for more finger pointing and political backlash. Let's hope the country stays calm... fat chance.

Terry Ernest - March 20, 2023


After several days of rain here in San Diego we face yet another change in the weather... a beautiful, sunny and reasonably warm end of winter day. Is it the luck of the Irish? Not likely but what better way to explain it. Our recent weather reminds me of 1979 when I first moved from Chicago to San Diego following the blizzard of '78. As I recall it rained just about every day in the first weeks of March, much like it has this year. Our garden is plush and green the likes we haven't seen in years even with $200 a month water bills. We feel blessed by all this rain and fortunately we are flood protected by the sizable hill we live on. Not so lucky are the folks that live in low lying areas that are prone to flood... many of which flood every time there is measurable rain. Our local news outlets know just where to take their cameras after a rain event often interviewing the same folks time after time. "well I tell ya... this is the 17th time our house has flooded but we aren't discouraged. We will repair and rebuild like we always do. See you next year". Yes, there are red-necks in San Diego too. We liken our chronic flood victims to the mid-western folks that live in tornado alley without basements. 'It's just a matter of time' seems to be the foundation for a thrill that escapes me.
Andrew and I are celebrating St. Patrick's day today with a corned beef brisket, currently out on the smoker, and the usual sides. That will be our pot of gold. Green beer is for the young folks that prefer looks over taste. For us, we prefer a stout glass of Guinness or a crisp IPA that pairs well with blarney.
Terry Ernest - March 17, 2023

WineGrapesFebruary23 Wine All You Like
That's what Andrew and I did during our recent long weekend in Sonoma County wine country, a mildly intoxicating adventure we shared with our vino experienced friends, Kevin and John. It was our first time visiting California wine country and we packed quite a lot into our four days. We stationed ourselves in a boutique hotel in Healdsburg which is a 15 minute car ride north of the Santa Rosa airport. From there we visited 7 wineries, tasted more than two dozen wines and enjoyed lots of good food and good company. While the weather was rather cold and rainy we escaped most of the bad stuff and enjoyed the crisp air and fruit tree blossoms all around us.
Having little experience with boutique wineries it didn't us take long to come to appreciate the enormous work that goes into making excellent wines to be shared with a select audience. Until now, Andrew and I have rarely spent more than $40 for a bottle of wine and while that afforded us a large selection of some very good wine, we learned that there is a world of opportunity outside the supermarket or local wine store. So we got our first taste and it tasted mighty-nice. While we may not know our nose from our legs we do know what pleases the palate and I'm sure we will be going back for more.
Orchidea dell'uva da vino = Wine Grapes Orchid.
Terry Ernest - February 28, 2023 photos
Remembering Your Birthday, Mom

gasFebruary23 The State of the Union
The annual State of the Union address, or SOTU as slothful typists call it, is required by constitutional law and generally takes about 3 hours to complete. True to its form, little has changed in the format in at least my lifetime. The party in power makes the speech, the opposing party rebukes it and a myriad political pundits jump at the chance to expose all the mistakes... often garnering the largest share of viewership. Each team tries to toot their own horn the loudest and viewers are turning it off in droves. This year there was a near 29% drop in viewers compared to last year which certainly doesn't please the media outlets that broadcast or stream it. I suggest that this shows that the people are increasingly bored with the format and the general lack of substantive content from both sides, and perhaps that apathy is on the rise and more and more Americans are OK with letting someone else tell them how it all stacks up.
During the speech two things impressed me. President Biden is too old to continue pursuing a second term and many members of congress have issues with manners, respect and self control. Fresh faces and ideas are the desire of the day... as ususal. Current democratic policy making seems to favor the poor and the queer and that enrages the Republicans who favor the rich, the God fearing and those willing to give them... more. Somewhere there is a road that leads down the middle and that's the road I seek. Less government control and more respect for Americans choosing their own path. Rewards for achievement and swift punishment for disregarding the law... handed down equally.
Terry Ernest - February 9, 2023

Happy Lao New Year
71 Birthdays Better Defined

Age can be a cruel mistress if you let it get you down... and sadly too many people do. Just look at the myriad celebrities that look like Joan Rivers after her final face-lift. I look at age as the inexorable tax you pay from the day you are born, until the day you die. Birthdays are like noisy little reminders that another tax payment is due. Just how much you pay though, is largely up to you. All our lives we are surrounded by people who tell us what to do. Eat this, not that... this is good for you, that is bad. We are bombarded by others' opinions and so-called lifestyle facts. Coffee is good for you... coffee is bad. Do this but don't do that. Don't eat fat, it will harden your arteries... don't eat sugar, it will make you fat and that will harden your arteries... and on and on and on. The bottom line is that we filter all that input, good or bad, and then choose what we eat, how we exercise, what risks we will take and what sacrifices we will make to ensure we arrive at our next birthday... in some recognizable form.

Along that road we may attempt to mitigate any failures by blaming others... but unless someone shoved that Eskimo Pie down your throat without your permission... it's only your reflection in the mirror. Your mom and dad got you started, hopefully with a sound foundation, and with rare exception, the rest is in your own hands.
On my birthday I find it therapeutic to own up to the state of things... to the decisions that I have made and the chosen path I have taken. Then I like to re-evaluate the latest barrage of lifestyle pundits who apparently know everything and then... I plot my course and set off for my next birthday. In the grand scheme of things, we will all take our final breath one day and somehow I expect to find it satisfying to know that I did it, my way. It may not have been the right way or the best way but at least it was, my way. I want no regrets for paths not taken and I don't want to leave with the burden of my choices on someone else's shoulders.

So Happy Birthday. Step Up and take a bow, good or bad, it's your special day. And if you don't like the path you have chosen, course corrections are your inalienable right. And Andrew darling... please find a better hiding place for the chocolate candy.

Terry Ernest - January 27, 2023 

TalkingWasherTechnology Leading Us?
This morning I got an email from my washing machine. It wanted to let me know that it was operating within parameters and that last month I did 11 loads of laundry... 3 whites, 3 quick wash and 5 regular loads. I was shocked! I thought I had done 13 loads... at least that's what I put on my invoice to Andrew :). Makes we wonder if the more wealthy use such services to keep track of their hired help... but then a good maid would know how to get around that. Is it possible that people are so consumed in their daily lives that they need to be notified when their washing machine reaches the last rinse cycle or when there are only 3 eggs left in the fridge? We buy technology to tell us when the washer completes it's cycle so that we don't have to actually get up and walk all the way to the laundry room to check its status. And then we buy technology that tells us to get up off our collective keesters and burn a few calories.
I have to admit that I am a technophile. I love gadgets that have practical value, save me time and provide features that otherwise would not exist. We have a wifi thermostat, numerous lights and switches that I can command from my phone or from Google or Amazon assistants and security cameras that I can see on my phone from anywhere in the world. But none of them send me emails... and that's the way it should be. Andrew, on the other hand, is a bit of a technophobe although he uses the gadgets I set up pretty efficiently.
While this home automation does make our lives a little easier, mostly by allowing us to schedule lights to go on and off or firing up the HVAC to heat or cool the house 30 minutes before we get home, there are some clear downsides. Most notable is how to manage all these devices during rare but real wifi downtime... with or without power outages. Our bed room table lamp for example... I have to unplug it, wait five seconds, and then plug it in again to get it to go on when the wifi is down. And that took me an hour to figure out. As for the rest of the gadgets, if that doesn't work... flashlights for everyone.

Terry Ernest - January 25, 2023
First Orchid

First Orchid Yellow Tiger

Our Yellow Tiger brassia orchid is the first bloom of the year. We typically get 3-4 blooms each year from this easy to grow orchid.
Spring is still 6 weeks away but you wouldn't know it looking at our garden. Four inches of rain in five days and green is now the theme with new growth everywhere. While it all looks great, that new growth means it will soon be time to get out the hedge trimmer and weed puller which thankfully, we rarely use between June and January. With all the rain California has seem in the last two weeks, and snow in the Sierras, you would think we would be out of the drought woods... but NO. Saving the Delta Smelt takes priority over fresh water security. There are apparently a number of places in the state where environmental considerations prevent us from storing rain water for our summer and long term needs. Not wanting to second-guess the powers that be... it means that we will continue in drought mode and expect to pay more and more for imported water. Welcome to California.

Terry Ernest - January 18, 2023


Year of the Rabbit

And here we go... 2023 promises to be another year of amusing anecdotes, family drama and political nonsense all wrapped in a warm blanket of hugs. There is a lot to be said about the old adage 'we can drive our own destinies' and Andrew and I like to steer ours in the direction of love and good humor. Some folks look at the high profile people of the day... like Marjorie Taylor Green from the confused state of Georgia... and want to reach out and sew her lips shut. We, on the other hand, prefer to watch her smile and then blame someone else for that foot in her mouth. It makes for a much better laugh.
Christmas Day it was sunny and 84 degrees here and a week later it was rainy and 53. This time of the year it's hard to convince people, especially on the East coast, that global warming even exists let alone is intensifying. And thanks to all their snow and cold... our local gas and electric company just informed us that we can expect our natural gas rates to go up by 120% compared to this time last year. Of course we laughed at that too. After all, God invented sweaters and warm socks for just such an occasion. You can choose to scream until you're blue in the mouth but it does little more than give you a sore throat and a funny look. So as long as eggs are $9 a dozen we will probably eat a few less... and that may be a good thing.

Terry Ernest - January 7, 2023

We 21 Down and 21 to Go
Andrew and I celebrated 21 years together in October. Our success is very simple. To say 'I love you' is never enough. You have to show it every day with tolerance and good humor. We lost our dear friend David Jeon in February, Mom in May and welcomed a Great Nephew, Emmett Shane Cook, to the family in July. We have suffered every supercilious politician from both sides of the aisle, locally and nationally and still believe that Trump wins the prize... although there is a bullpen of runners-up.
It's hard to believe we are about to enter the fourth year of the farcocted COVID-19 pandemic. We keep hearing the news that says the COVID-19

outbreaks are still prevalent and they are still impacting hospital performance but for the last many months we have not know anyone infected or even sick. Andrew and I have been vaccinated 4 times, infected with symptoms once and we still carry a mask with us wherever we go... just in case.
Our only real worries for 2023 are that in our defense of Ukraine we will press President Putin into a more broad scale war where even more people will senselessly die... and that I will have to go back to work to afford coffee, a breakfast omelet and single malt scotch. Really... Eggs at $11 a dozen? Someone is using the avian flu to line their pockets at our expense just like they did with last year's soaring gas prices. And that's capitalism at work. The government can try to explain it... but just look up at the top 2%. They have it all laid out in spades.
Andrew and I feel very thankful for the love and support of our families and friends. Let's all keep up the good work!
Bark at the Moon.
Terry Ernest - December 31, 2022