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Christmas... Done and Done

Another Christmas with family and friends. We hosted two parties again this year. The first, with friends, we enjoyed a small crowd of 22, many of whom had come to our Christmas party for each of the last 15 years. And on Christmas Day we hosted about 35 friends and family. Four generations of Manisouks and dear friends who help to make us who we are. There was no shortage of food I can tell you. As we do with most of our hosted parties, there was a mix of typical American Christmas fare and staple Lao dishes like papaya salad and Andrew's world famous Fire Shrimp. One thing was missing this year. For some reason there was no cranberry sauce. I doubt if anyone missed it.

   Here's a Link to Our Christmas Photos

As 2024 gets wrapped and printed as 'final' in the Akashic Record we look to 2025 to be a more peaceful and generous year for people everywhere. Many will say 'fat chance' to that. But we believe that all things are possible... however improbable. Andrew and I will do our part and take comfort in that. We would ask you to do the same. It may increase our odds of having a happy new year.
Terry Ernest - December 28, 2024

Oh Christmas Tree... ChristmasTree
Harry Potter Nap
Harry Potter Nap
Turkey Tickler Thanksgiving

Andrew and I will be celebrating with family and friends where there is sure to be just the right amount of love and drama. Perhaps that's the reason God invented single malt scotch. You really can't expect to gather a multi-generational family, add friends at a holiday, and have peace on earth, goodwill to all. And that's OK! A little friction is good for your blood pressure. And if it starts to get out of hand... a round of shots may be palliative. Our family gatherings don't get too emotional. There is too much good food around and we are all people of compassion and good sense. Of course with Trump just getting elected... all bets are off.

Terry Ernest - November 28, 2024

Black Friday Deal

Black Friday is not only an American day but celebrated all over the world. What better way to get rid of stuff that nobody wanted to buy all year long. Take it away Andrew...

Make America
Great Again

Rendiamo l'America di nuovo grande.
Buona fortuna presidente Trump e altri.

What Does Election Day
Mean to Me

First and foremost it means the end the the countless barrage of ads and commercials meant to divide and confuse Americans... and we don't need ads and commercials to do that. And I hope the postal carriers get paid a bonus for lugging around the tons of political flyers that inundate our mailbox. As of the start of this election day, the media reports that more than 30% of voters have already cast their votes and been counted and in person voter turn out is expected to be high. Andrew and I are among those who voted by mail two weeks ago. But based on the great political divide in America, and Trump who has stepped up the rhetoric calling our system of elections corrupt... it may be days before we know the true results. No doubt the sale of automatic weapons will surge this week largely by the hands of the sore losers. And there will be a LOT of them.

Like most Americans, we just want to live our lives the best way we can and with as much autonomy as we can expect in such a culturally diverse society. How much of my life will I control and how much the government... an age old query... one that you can never expect to be answered by a politician.

Andrew will be in Thailand next week with instructions to seek out a new home in case Trump wins or the Dictator of North Korea decides to start WWIII.

Terry Ernest - November 5, 2024 0900

all over butt
election results

What Do Election Results
Mean to Me

Four more years of all for Trump. In honor of the world's most prolific bullshit artist, Trump will be in a good position to:

  • Pardon his own Federal crimes and those of his sycophants
  • Pardon and release those convicted of the January 6 'insurrection'
  • Weaponize the Judiciary against his detractors
  • Fulfill his promise to deport millions of illegal immigrants on day one
  • Complete the southern border wall and tighten border security.
  • Impose 10-20% tariffs on the importing of foreign goods.
  • End taxes on Social Security Payments
  • Seat additional conservative Supreme Court Justices
  • Cut car insurance rates by 50%
  • End the Russian-Ukraine war in 24 hours
  • Create Tent Cities where the homeless can be moved
  • End the Federal Department of Education - States on their own.
  • Require Voter ID - Proof of Citizenship at the polls.
  • Legislation allowing only two genders - male and female as assigned at birth.
  • Cut the Federal Government's budget every year
  • Reduce American energy costs by 50%
  • Establish "beautification campaign" to improve the appearance of American cities
And his promise list goes on and on. Democrats say TRUMP will move the country backwards. Trump believes he will help restore good old American values and that, based on the election results, is what America wants. There will be many fights along the way... bullets flying... angry protests, you know, America. You give rights to one group to have to take something away from others. We can only hope that those elected to Congress can hold the line to reasonable and not divide us much further (fat chance). The HRC and the Curved population will have a lot on their hands as Trump attempts to undo much of what they have achieved.
Hang on to your hats... Stand By President Vance.
Terry Ernest - November 6, 2024


This year's line up of 170+ films is sure to have something you will want to see. Check the website.


Once again Andrew and Terry are selling Thanksgiving Pies to support Mama's Kitchen. This is our umpteenth year and we would love for you to help us. Buy Pies!

Janet as the Cow

Sister Janet out scaring the neighborhood... and so soon after hurricane Milton... Got Milk?

Nambunmy Halloween

Andrew's Nephew Corey Nambounmy and family won first prize for family costume. Sheriff Corey and his jailbird daughters Aubrey and Kira and wife Jenny, holding the loot they call Ryder. Deputy Riley looks fashionably pleased.

Andrew Gives Good

We attended a Halloween party and Andrew won first, second and third prize in the pumpkin carving contest. He was also the only participant. Everyone else was content to watch Andrew carve. Perhaps they were afraid to walk in the grass after dark or afraid of touching yucky pumpkin guts. It didn't take Andrew long to carve and candle-light some pumpkins making the evening more festive.

Highlights in a Flash
Shame on South Korea's national security for allowing a North Korean balloon carrying garbage (content undisclosed) to hit inside South Korea. And this is not the first time. Multiple similar balloons have targeted South Korea in the past few months. The latest one dropped garbage over the South Korean President's Palace. Could this be North Korea's metaphoric killing of the Archduke Ferdinand in 1914?
October 25, 2024
NeckNeck Who Cares? There is way too much interest in the center seat and not enough in whom we seat in Congress. If Harris wins she will not meet her promises with a Republican majority in the House and Senate. And visa versa for Trump. Although for Trump, he could busy himself with the DOJ in crucifying those who have opposed him... the heck with Congress. Actually, Harris could do that too! If we go to war in the Middle East, South China Sea or Europe, little will get done for our prosperity from Harris or Trump.
There is an uneducated notion in this country that congressional majorities, in opposite party to the president, constitute checks and balances. Horse Feathers! All it creates is partisan deadlock and an excuse for the president when s/he gets no bills passed and has to resort to executive orders. And of course, it supports the Speaker of the House when he struts like the Cock of the Walk. (Google it children).
Giuliani Mad Another Power Player Struck Down By His Own Big Mouth

Do you think we will ever see the day when the rich and powerful learn that the First Amendment doesn't give you the freedom to say whatever you want without consequences? Trump has never learned that and obviously Rudy Giuliani hasn't either. Although in Giuliani's case, I suspect that it may be sinking in now that he has been ordered to turn over his luxury Manhattan penthouse and other assets to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the Georgia election workers Giuliani defamed and now owes $150 million. I am sure this is very hard for Rudy as he cannot practice Law any more and apparently has no other skills. Always a silver lining... Trump may be able to teach Rudy to work the French fry station at his local McDonald's. Giuliani, now 80 years old, should have enough to live on with his pension and Social Security. If he has ever had an ounce of brains though, Giuliani has salted away some big bucks out of judicial reach. So I guess that means he is close to broke. Don't be surprised if he starts a GoFundMe page to solicit money to pay his lawyers and his Grub Hub bills. And as the former Mayor of NYC, Giuliani is entitled to first pick of the sidewalk steam grates whenever to needs to warm his aging bones this winter.
Hard Cheese Rudy.

Terry Ernest - October 22, 2024

2022Onward VOTE Now It's Now or Never

In California, every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail and today, I got an email from the Registrar of Voters saying that my ballot was received and counted. If this is truly legit then I say this is a great way to vote. Seems pretty efficient to me. And more convenient than standing in line to vote at the local polling place on election day... or now you can vote in person days ahead of the election at selected sites.

But who and what to vote for? The big ticket offices are not nearly as important to me as Congress, Fed and State and the myriad ballot measures for state and local measures, most of which may cost us A LOT OF MONEY now and in the future. At this time of high prices and gauging inflation, tax hikes and general obligation bond measures is not what we need. We need leadership that can spend wisely with what they already have. More of what I think.

How Do You Weed Out the Bullshit? That's the question of the month. There is so much vague and misleading information out there it is really hard to determine if anything on the ballot is worth voting for.

If in doubt... Vote NO

And on our ballot this year there are a few sensible measures to approve. Like strengthening local ethics committees by shielding them from political interference and spending Medicare dollars on patient care instead of new lab equipment and parking lots. As for some of the rest: The jokes are as follows:

  • California wants 50 billion dollars in general obligation bonds to fund its infrastructure projects and to pretend to help the homeless.
  • San Diego City wants a 1 cent sales tax increase and the County another half cent increase to fund their various infrastructure projects and to pretend to help the homeless. Combined that would put local sales tax over 9%.
  • California - Allow tax hikes without a 2/3 majority vote. OH HELL NO. This is another measure to help chisel away at Prop 13 and hit us with lots more taxes and "fees".
  • RENT CONTROL - NO! Let the market bear the housing prices. I am sorry, but not everyone can afford to live in San Diego and I don't think we should force land owners and developers to put round pegs in square holes.
  • MY FAVORITE If our prisoners (they prefer incarcerated Americans) don't want to work we should not force them to work. We can just hire additional people to do the work when prisoners refuse. Proponents say that the rate of recidivism will drop if we treat prisoners with kindness and understanding and put them through school instead of making them mop the floor, make their beds and do laundry, etc. Funny... that never worked for me when I was a kid. I spent half my early teenage years grounded for one thing or another.

Terry Ernest - October 20, 20204

NorthKoreaDumb Kim Jong Un... Wicked Witch of the North... Plots War with the World

Poor Kim Jong Un, lonely communist dictator of North Korea. He is trying so hard to plan a battle strategy against South Korea but his top generals gave him a paper map with no pictures. Left to his own devices, Kim will likely resort to eeny meeny miny moe in order to find Seoul on the map. Kim has been threatening everyone lately including us. Surely he knows that we will have South Korea's back to the tune of billions of American dollars. Just like we have Ukraine's and Israel's backs to the tune of billions more. And certainly Kim must know that if he uses a nuclear weapon on the South, or anywhere else, that North Korea will likely be wiped off the map.

His threatening posture includes his idea of taunting the US by sending some of his elite military troops to Russia to train up and fight against Ukraine. South Korea maintains that at least 1500 North Korean troops are in Russia now... something Pyongyang denies at this time. Not that his troops have any choice, but I wonder what Kim Jong Un used to bolster their confidence and to keep them from screaming into their pillows. Putin will most likely put the Korean troops on the front line calling it an act of solidarity while hoping it will keep his own troops from screaming into their pillows.

Rumors of Kim Jong Un's poor health could serve to foster his aggressive stance, which seems to be more bark than bite right now... but who knows what goes on in he mind of such a selfish autocrat, especially if he feels he has nothing to lose.
Insert Fat Jokes Here at Your Own Peril.

Terry Ernest - October 19, 2024

La Nina Coming Is La Niña Really Coming?

We certainly hope this is a mis-diagnosis by the world of meteorology. We are about 6 months now since we have had measurable rain in San Diego and, while I can't speak for everyone, we are counting on a good soaking this winter to make up for the serious deficit. You can get the garden hose out every day and never really get enough water in the ground to take care of big trees and shrubs. Besides, some of us are tired of getting a frowny face from the water authority with each billing. In addition, it would be nice for mother nature to wash the dirt and bird crap off our solar panels instead of my risking Andrew on the roof with a hose and brush ;) October 15, 2024

Happy Anniversary Contracts are Signed

We have mutually agreed to keep each other for another 23 years until separated by Shady Pines or a Russian nuke. The way the world is going... you never know.
Love keeps us together but even more importantly... it's mutual respect that gives our relationship its strength. And that is something we work on every single day. There is no ordinance that says you must put your dirty socks in the hamper and nagging someone into submission is never a path to a strong relationship. Rather, it represents first degree selfishness and that will more likely lead to an emotional ass kicking. Love has no room for selfishness and practice can make that perfect.
Terry Ernest - October 14, 2024


Regular Season
93-69 NLW - 2nd Place

NL Division Series Best of 5
SD 2 - LA 3

Better Luck Next Year

to be continued... 2024 Part 2