VOTE Damn It VOTE Please


Not Democrats

The State of our Union seems to suggest that the only way for politicians and special interest groups to get what they want is to confuse and mislead the voters.


If You Don't Vote You Have No Right To Bitch

What? Who? Why?


Kamala Harris

The Pope had it right. I am choosing the better of two evils. Harris is a tax and spend Democrat who will go to great lengths to protect 'womens rights' with no regard for the morality of abortion and add greatly to the national debt fostering immigrants and feeding Ukraine and Israel. But Trump is such a walking example of fertilizer that he is completely untrustworthy and because of his relentless lying it is impossible to know what he will do.

US Senator
Partial and Full Term

Adam Schiff

If Kamala Harris has any chance of making a positive difference in America she will need a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. As we have seen with Biden, Republicans led by Captain Binghamton (Mike Johnson) will do everything they can to oppose Harris and impose their conservative agenda... if they come up with one.

US Rep
District 52

Juan Vargas Incumbent

If Kamala Harris has any chance of making a positive difference in America she will need a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. As we have seen with Biden, Republicans led by Captain Binghamton (Mike Johnson) will do everything they can to oppose Harris and impose their conservative agenda... if they come up with one.

State Senator 39th District

Bob Divine

California has moved way too far left and we need to spread some purple around. Look at the proposals on the ballot again this year. The democrats want to spend us into the poor house and levy a bigger tax burden on our backs.

State Assembly 79th District

Colin Parent

There are only two choices for this race, both Democrats. Colin Parent's opponent, Lashae Sharp-Collins is too invested in the efforts of Planned Parenthood and women's rights to see any sort of purple line.

San Diego Mayor

Larry Turner

San Diego leadership needs a new set of faces from the Mayor on down. Their failed attempts to deal with the homeless population, illegal street vendors and their obsession with bike lanes that few use needs to change. Fresh ideas from fresh faces.

City Counsel
District 9

Terry Hoskins

San Diego leadership needs a complete shake up from the Mayor on down. Their failed attempts to deal with the homeless population, illegal street vendors and their obsession with bike lanes that few use needs to change. Fresh ideas from fresh faces. Sean Elo-Rivera had his shot.

City Attorney

Heather Ferbert

San Diego doesn't need a career politician leading the City Attorney's office. Heather has served as Chief Deputy City Attorney under the incumbent Mara Elliot which may or may not be a good thing as Mara Elliot highly endorsed the 101 Ash street building debacle. Is this the lesser of two evils?

California Statewide Special Interest Propositions

Keep in mind that most of these ballot measures were largely drafted with selfish intent for the benefit of special interest groups.
As a general rule - if the ballot measure is vague and confusing... VOTE NO.

Prop 2
$10 BILLION BOND measure for public schools to
No Vote
This bond measure will cost the taxpayers another $500 MILLION annually to pay off this new debt over 35 years. California is too far in debt now to add another 10 billion. Perhaps they could teach school children basic plumbing, electrical, plaster and painting skills so when they graduate they might be able to do more than thumb their cell phones. A general obligation (GO) bond is secured by the state's  pledge to use all available resources — even tax revenues — to repay holders of the bond. NO NEW TAXES

Prop 3
Constitutional Right to Marry Amendment.
No Vote 
This amendment clears up the language in the constitution but typical of short sided partisans, fails to be explicit. The new language would support the right to marry regardless of sex or race and removes words saying that marriage is only between a man and a woman. That's great. Sadly it does not state clearly enough that marriage must be between consenting adult human beings. Some self serving moron will undoubtedly try to make the case to legally marry a hippopotamus in some way to qualify for healthcare benefits or avoid paying taxes.

Prop 4
$10 BILLION BOND measure for safe drinking water, wildfire protection and climate encroachment 
No Vote 
Why can't we budget for these necessities instead of putting the taxpayers in deeper debt using expensive bonds  which California cannot afford it at this time. Who pays for the bonds if California doesn't have enough money... WE DO. Our property taxes get hit with the added costs because California chooses not to live within its means. A time where inflation has caused skyrocketing costs is NOT THE TIME to force us to pay more in taxes.

Prop 5
Allow Tax Hikes without a 2/3 Vote
Yes Vote 
The law says two-thirds must approve property tax hikes and this measure is the start of an end run around Prop 13 by lowering that requirement to 55%. Local bonds are paid for by local tax payers and we pay ENOUGH taxes now. I am sorry that everyne can't afford to live in San Diego. I want to live on the beach in Del Mar but I can't afford it. Do we want laws that force Del Mar to build affordable housing on the beach so I can live there? NO. We clearly need statewide reality check. Not everyone can afford to live in San Diego and there are plenty of other places where they can live. Perhaps we should spend some effort to help people relocate instead of brow beating developers and tax payers to make them fit.

Prop 6
No Longer Require Prisoners to work

No Vote 
OH HELL NO. Why don't we skip prison all together and put these people up at the Marriott. The fact is that we put way too many non-violent people in prison to start with and its costing us a fortune. Many of these people should be sentenced to community service such to pay back for their crimes. The proponents equate making prisoners work in prison to slavery. How ridiculous. If prisoners chose not to work, who will pay for that work to get done... YOU and ME. Try telling your sergeant in the Army that you don't want to work tonight and see what that gets you.

Prop 32
Minimun wage to $18 in 2026 with annual raises...
No Vote 
OH HELL NO. This seems to be unnecessarily inflationary and risks job cuts at a time when prices, in general, are overly inflated. The market should bear the minimum wage and it should not be mandated by the state. Fast food outlets like McDonald's were never intended to offer jobs for breadwinners. They were designed for students to make a few bucks after school and on weekends. 

Prop 33
Rent Control - Local Authority
No Vote 
The market should bear rent control. If a landlord has 100 units and can get $3000 a month from 100 renters, s/he should have the right to do that. When there aren't 100 renters willing or able to rent for $3000 a month then the landlords will be forced to reduce their rents. That part of economics is what this country is built on. SORRY not everyone can afford to live in San Diego and that's the way it is. But government should not be the deciding factor.

Prop 34
How to Spend Prescription Drug Dollars
No Vote 
This sounds like another poorly written proposition that will cost more healthcare dollars than it will direct healthcare dollars to patients. Any proposals so vaguely written should be rejected.

Prop 35
Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Healthcare.
No Vote 
The caveat with this measure, which sounds appropriate, is that state dollars will be mandated for Medi-Cal in spite of shortfalls in the budget elsewhere. And shortfalls in the budget elsewhere may mean more taxes or 'fees' or gong without. This is not without costs. I smell a giant loophole.  

Prop 36
Changes felony charges for certain drug and theft crimes.
No Vote 
This sounds like another incomplete measure to deal with fentanyl drug use (mostly) and other drug and theft crimes in California. It seems vaguely written such that you might think it will be hard on crime. Have you noticed that there is NO attention to educating people about the dangers of illegal drug use anymore?. Not in California. We rather spend millions on putting dealers behind bars (nice try) and Naloxone stations statewide. We want to train kids how to reverse a potential drug overdose rather than prevent one. We are so going the wrong way. Drug dealers don't need to be in prison. They need to be forced to community service such that they pay for their crimes. But we can't do that because it would be tantamount to slavery.

San Diego Measures

Measure G
Half-cent sales tax increase for transportation 'infrastructure' and 'safety' projects'
NO Vote 
NO NEW TAXES. SD County has a surplus of tax dollars - they don't need more. The term 'infrasturcture' could mean 842,911 different things. NOW is not the time to raise taxes in the face of the corporate greed associated with high prices for just about everything. The leadreship doesn't give two shits about the people... just getting elected to positions of power. If the did they would spend their time really looking at all the waste rather than to rally for more money. But they don't. They prefer to put in on the backs of the people.  

Measure C
Change to Board of EducationElections
NO Vote
FINE! If it saves a few bucks not to hold primary elections when there are two or fewer candidates... do it.

Measure D
San Diego has an ethics commission?
NO Vote
This good governance measure strengthens the independence of the City of San Diego's Ethics Commission by empowering it to control its investigations and resources without political interference. Seems like a no brainer when it comes to avoiding political interference. Is that even possible?

Measure E
City of San Diego One Cent Sales Tax Increase 
NO Vote 
OH HELL NO. It seems clear that city leaders cannot manage money. Our city leaders need to get their house in order before they reach out to drain our pockets more. There are so many homeless and people barely making by day-to-day. Now is NOT THE TIME to try to justify another tax hike. And we cannot let the city use our added tax dollars to bail them out of 101 Ash Street and other failed finances.

Measure HH
Community College $3.5 BILLION Bond Measure      .
NO Vote 
Nice Try. Teach students basic plumbing, electrical and paint and plaster skills and let them do at least a bulk of the work. Perhaps they will graduate with some marketable skills. NO MORE BOND DEBT. Why is it so easy for leadership to just reach out for more dollars. Now is not the time to ask for more money when there are so many unable to pay the bills of today.

NO Vote
NO Vote
NO Vote
NO Vote
NO Vote
NO Vote

Terry Ernest - October 6, 2024