2020 may have been a rough and rocky year but on the bright side, it was slightly better than a flaming stick in the eye. While there are many who would argue that point, you must admit that 2020 was a painful experience for all but the wealthy money makers... and one that will continue well into 2021, right along with systemic racism, greed, poverty and all the rest of humanity. But on the brighter side, we will take on 2021 without Donald J. Trump in the center seat. Joe Biden won't be a magic bullet but he promises among many things, continuity and honest communication.
We shall see.
Andrew got his first COVID-19 vaccination shot (Moderna) at work which we are happy for except that his company, Sharp Healthcare, is being sharply :) criticized for vaccinating non-front line workers, including administration, ahead of so many first responders in San Diego that risk their lives every day. Sharp's response to the criticism was as expected... neener, neener, neener. I, on the other hand will wait a few months for my vaccination... I hear Pfizer is working on a vaccine in suppository form. A fitting end... to the pandemic perhaps?
Terry Ernest - December 31, 2020
December is looking a bit brighter, all things considered, with the high holidays on the way. We finally got Andrew out of the office and working from home and we have discovered to our delight, that gingerbread is a lot easier to make if you first start with a 'gentle' glass of gin. One draw back of course is that your decorating skills may quickly wane and look a bit 'first grader' and after a few glasses more... that may become an insult to first graders. The same is true if you take on building a gingerbread house from scratch... no glue guns allowed.
Since the pandemic started we have endured 842,961 indistinct COVID-19 orders, alerts, messages or pieces of advice, from every government level and media source, all of which we are expected to assimilate and change our behavior. While there are those that will not embrace the science, most people know what to do. The hard part for some is just doing it.
Andrew and I are among the fortunate that do not want for food or shelter and have plenty of things to do at home to keep away the COVID doldrums. Toward that end we are re-engineering our usual gift giving this year and directing the dollars to support our local food banks and Mama's Kitchen first and foremost.
Even with the hope of a new vaccine there are still many days of uncertainty ahead. It seems our best option at this time is to stay home and enjoy a nice Gin and Pellegrino and keep making those gingerbread cookies. Maybe switch to scotch... it tends to steady the hands a little better than gin. Thankfully people haven't hoarded brown sugar and molasses...yet.
December15, 2020 Terry Ernest
This Thanksgiving will mark our 260th day of pandemic 'isolation'. Like many Americans, we struggle with the line that separates normal from safe. This year because of the expanded Coronavirus infection rate we decided to forgo our usual family and friends Thanksgiving celebration and try something new. Food sharing and teleconferencing. Andrew and I will cook two 20 pound turkeys, one traditionally roasted and one smoked on the wood fire grill. Add to that a brown sugar ham and lobster mac and cheese. Andrew will deliver our food to the family compound and bring home all the other goodies... vegetables, taters and Bee's lovely pumpkin cheesecake. Then we will gather around the laptop and celebrate our sacrifice this year hoping that we will all be together next year. It doesn't seem like such a large sacrifice when you consider the technology available for us to be virtually together. And like most situations there is a silver lining... it will certainly cut down on all the petty arguments and political rhetoric common at the family table, especially this year, while helping to protect the many of us that are among the vulnerable. Our extended family is a diverse mix of democrats, republicans, independents and those that really don't care. Surprisingly, everyone was in accord with the sage old Star Trek axiom... 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one'... something that many, many people would be wise to consider. It's looking more like Thanksgiving will be a practice run for Christmas. And that's OK, we will donate the money we would have otherwise spent on booze and plastic crap made in China to the local food bank and try to reduce the stress that everyone is feeling, everywhere. Stay safe friends.
November 25, 2020 Terry ErnestWith virtually every news media outlet focused on the national election results, the predictable Trump folderol, and the raging pandemic, it's hard to believe there is anything else. But this morning when we saw our Brassia orchid "Yellow Tiger" open its first flowers we knew there was hope for a brighter day. With all the divisive rhetoric and rampant selfishness across America there is at least one thing we can all agree on... there is a moment of joy, however fleeting, at the sight of a beautiful flower. It has no political allegiance nor need for personal pronouns. Its colors have no racial ideology and its perfume only serves to heighten the joy. We can enjoy it without guilt by association or fear of contagion... and in today's world it may be the perfect alternative to the many hugs and kisses we have been denied these many months in quarantine. So we will continue our practice of wearing a mask, washing our hands and keeping our distance comforted in knowing there are more blooms on the way.
November 15, 2020 Terry ErnestThis may be the best one yet. It appears that President Trump has enticed Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) to file a lawsuit in federal court seeking to give Vice President Mike Pence broad discretion in determining which electoral college votes to stand and which to be dismissed. This last ditch effort by the Trump team to overturn the will of the people reeks of desperation and even VP Pence wants to reject the lawsuit. Pence claims that it would be too much responsibility for him, a career politician, who has heretofore maintained a winning streak of ineffectiveness. Gohmert, when asked by Trump just how many hookers it would take to persuade him to stand firmly behind such a lawsuit returned a resounding, three. Of course, Trump denies any participation in this absurd effort claiming he would never offer up more than two hookers for that level of loyalty... although he did not dismiss the possibility of a broad pardon for Gohmert should the GOP, or anyone else, try to ride him out on a rail.
Texas is almost... as amusing as Florida.
December 31, 2021 -Terry Ernest
NEWS FLASH - In a last ditch effort, President Donald Trump will officially change his name to Joe Biden today so that he may continue to claim that he won the election. Melania is furious but her recent Botox treatments are keeping it a state secret.
December 17, 2020 Terry Ernest________________________________________
We still believe that on or about January 20, 2021 Donald J. Trump will be pulled from the Whitehouse kicking and screaming about how the election was stolen from him by the nefarious left. While some government agencies are now recognizing the win of Biden and Harris, Trump is still playing the wounded, martyred victim. The most troubling thing about Trump is that 70+ million Americans voted for him after his 4 years of bullshit and failed leadership. How sad to be so locked into the Republican Party that one can so easily deny reality. And how sad that Republican campaign contributers care not that Trump is spending their money on a barrage of merit-less law suits that serve no value other than to make Trump lawyers rich. This is Trump's true strength.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris build on their transition plans with keen focus on managing the pandemic day one and repairing Trump damage day two. Biden's choices for top administrative positions is in alignment with my thinking. Women have been complaining for decades about the way men rule the world. I say give the tough jobs to the women and see how much better they do.
December 10, 2020 Terry ErnestRumor has it that Joe Biden is victorious in his bid for the center seat. Rumor also has it that a fair and honest American election is a quintessential fundamental of democracy. Neither of these rumors are well fixed in Trump's mind and may never be. Biden's crusade for character over conceit, respect over ridicule may have won over the American electorate but will forever bewilder Donald and the gang. And it's too bad too... Trump may have actually had some good ideas on how best to move America forward but he consistently let his ego get the better of his tongue and his Twitter fingers. His leadership failures, particularly this year with the Coronavirus were just another example of how Donald Trump was more important than anyone else. He had to know better than all the experts... his perception of his presidential 'legacy' was more important than the millions of people damaged by the current pandemic and his racially insensitive care for those who would seek a better life in America. Trump will forever be known as the president who took pleasure in exacerbating the burgeoning public divide... a president who never really loses.
Good News! We only have a few more months of Donald J Trump feeding his enormous ego at our expense. By his own words Trump will 'not go quietly into that good night... rage, rage against the dying of the light...' and then he will take credit for that Dylan Thomas poem. As our grief for our 1 term president wanes we must wish the best for the Biden/Harris administration and hope that they can heal the many political and social divides that have festered over the last 46 months and restore America back to the will of the people.
Transition will not be easy.
November 7, 2020 Terry Ernest
Donald Trump is the undisputed king of conspiracy theories particularly with any reference to his presidency and, as we have been hearing for months and months, the highly corrupt and fraudulently dishonest election process. It makes you wonder what his verbal about-face will be should he possibly win another term. (Yes, I bit my tongue).
While we are told by the Federal Election Commission that the legal battles waged by candidates terrified of losing are not paid for by taxpayer money, ballot recounts on the other hand are. At this very moment VP Pence is pimping for dollars anywhere he can to help pay for Trump's very expensive barrage of law suits. No doubt Pence is finding many rich Republicans willing to pay to keep the status quo. What will be interesting down the road is to follow the many political watchdogs looking for evidence that Trump maneuvered tax dollars to shore up his re-election coffers. More conspiracy theories on the way.
Of equal interest is knowing the degree of stress Trump's team are really experiencing during these days of final ballot counting. But alas, since truth is not a commodity known to come out of the Trump White house we will likely never know.
November 6, 2020 Terry Ernest
While the results of the 2020 election may not be known immediately or even any time soon, many will be crying by close of day. The big question is will it be the blue team or the red. In 2016 Hillary was the polling favorite and look how that turned out. All the political pundits in the world may have their opinions but aren't ready to put money on the line just yet. Only the prophet and televangelist Pat Robertson has come forth and said that God has shown him that Trump will win. Seems to me that before making such a bold statement Robertson should be willing to take a lightening strike if he is wrong. [Take a lesson Florida]. Trump says that if he doesn't win the stock market will crash irrevocably and the country will disintegrate into chaos more profound than anything he has been able to conjure. Biden says that a Trump win will herald the end of democracy as we know it and plunge us into dark despair. Sounds like we may be screwed either way and perhaps it's time to look at alternatives. It can't be that cold in Canada... can it?
October 30, 2020 Terry Ernest
This year Halloween is on the Full Moon which may be even more enjoyable if kids stay home and party with family instead of working the neighborhoods.
Safety First!
Here on the... 222nd day of Corona Virus Quarantine the race for the center seat gets more predictable every day. Trump and his band of sycophants reek with desperation as they continue to throw disagreeable scientists under the bus, spit in the face of the pandemic with their mask-less rallies and culpable lies and attempts to usurp the preferential ballot by mail processes nationwide. While Trump was shouting at the 'massive' crowds at his Florida rallies he should have changed the mantra from "four more years" to "sign the envelope." You would think that with the embarrassment of hanging chads in the 2000 elections that Florida voters would have paid better attention. But no.............. 100,000 plus ballots received have already been denied because voters failed to correctly sign their names to the ballot envelopes. And while Florida gets the gold star there are apparently thousands of others across the country that cannot follow simple instructions. Happy Birthday Chance Perdomo.
October 19, 2020 Terry Ernest
This is a triple anniversary. 19 years together, 7 years married and Andrew's 24th year at Sharp Healthcare.
I am a lucky man to have found such a wonderful life partner. Well at least I think he is my life partner. Over breakfast I asked Andrew if he would keep me for another 19 years. His Reply? "Ask me again on our 20th."
I am often asked what is the secret to our success. Well for me, the answer is easy... being with Andrew is more important to me than any personal selfishness I could perceive.
OK Andrew? But next year I want a proper answer.
October 14, 2020 Terry Ernest
Poor, poor Donald Trump. Two days in the hospital being treated for a well deserved disease, and the president became so in need of adoration, that he risked the health of his security team to take a quick drive around the block. He will most likely recall this incident by saying that there were thousands upon thousands of people lining the streets to cheer him on and wish him a speedy recovery... and in Trump fashion, he will add that he took the daring drive because he didn't want Americans to worry about him. Meanwhile... across America, political pundits are making serious wagers to see if Trump's COVID-19 experience will humble him and set him on a path of leadership. The odds are not high that it will. He will likely poo-poo the experience saying that it wasn't so bad and that the doctors were just being overly cautions because he is the greatest president America has ever seen.
October 5, 2020 Terry Ernest
The first 2020 presidential debate, or rather debacle, began and ended in classic Trump style... chaos. To Chris Wallace: You should have known that you would need a whip and a muzzle to get Trump to comply with the agreed upon ground rules. To the Republicans that elected Trump: This is all your fault. To the hopeful Democrats: Find a better way to get your message across. The next scheduled debate will likely be a carbon copy unless of course they allow the moderator the use of a tazer. To the Undecided: Really?
For 3 1/2 years we have seen that Trump cannot tell the truth and cannot orate a single thought without name calling and interjecting confusion and chaos. Try as he might, Biden just couldn't help fall into the Trump trap of name calling and distraction from his real message. Only the news media outlets and political pundits benefit from these debates and to the tune of millions of dollars. These debates are a waste of time, an orchestrated distraction.
September 30, 2020 Terry Ernest
Seems to me that President Trump, who didn't want any of us to panic, said in a press conference around pandemic day 20 that the corona virus would be gone in April. Well like good Americans we waited and waited and in fact, we are still waiting. In fairness to Donald Trump he has had a tough road to hoe... and you wouldn't think so since 'ho' is one of his favorite words, but alas, it is true. The poor man has put his foot in his mouth so many times that at his last press conference... an aid asked him if he would like a glass of water to wash down his foot... and then promptly returned with 9 gallons and a straw.
September 27, 2020 Terry Ernest
It is enormously difficult to stay home day after day, month after month, manipulated by the Covid-19 pandemic without being overcome by urges to slap a few people off their thrones starting with the fascist in the White house, our self appointed Health Czar Gavin Newsom and the many local sycophants that are afraid to think for themselves. Rather than stress over that which we have little control, Andrew and I decided to take off for a few days and celebrate his birthday. Four days and 1200 miles later we returned home, to the new normal... happily refreshed. Our chosen outdoor destination... The Grand Canyon in Arizona. The drive there was long but uncomplicated thanks to Google maps and Andrew's great stamina. We stayed at the Grand Hotel in Tusayan, just a few miles from the south entrance of the Grand Canyon National Park. Very comfortable hotel with all the expected Covid-19 precautions. The biggest change was 'make your own bed'...no maid service. If you wanted new towels or any such thing you just called the front desk and they would deliver them to your room. Everywhere we went there were mask requirements and hand sanitizer dispensers and we were pleasantly surprised to see that most people were wearing masks or had them handy when social distancing wasn't possible, even hiking the canyon south rim. After a few days of the southern canyon we drove back west to Grand Canyon West in Peach Tree, Arizona, home of the Hualapai natives and the world famous Skywalk which they own and manage. The west end of the Grand Canyon was spectacular with more vertical walls and very deep falls. The Skywalk was a bit terrifying at first knowing that just below your shoe protectors... standing on a glass walkway... is 4000 feet of nothing. But watching the brave folks before us quelled our trepidations. A bit disappointed to learn that you may not take your own photos on the Skywalk. In fact, they make you lock up ALL your personal items in lockers before you go out on the walk and cover your feet with surgical like shoe covers all designed to protect the glass floor panels. Fortunately they have several staff photographers that will photograph you and sell you the end result. It was a very welcome 4 days away. We felt safe everywhere we went and enjoyed the scenic views across the mountains and the high desert... except of course for the disturbing number of TRUMP signs and flags we passed in that purple state to our right.
September 21, 2020 Terry Ernest
Andrew brought home a watermelon the other day. A nice big one almost perfectly round and weighing in around 12 pounds. It had everything you could reasonably expect from a watermelon except for rich, sweet watermelon flavor. It was OK - and it did taste like watermelon but it certainly lacked the quality of watermelons I remember as a child and of course, it had no seeds. Why oh why did they breed out the seeds... those big black slippery spit-bombs with which we loved to pack our cheeks full and project in rapid fire at anyone within spitting distance. Dad would bring home a big, juicy watermelon... mom would cut it up and the first words out of her mouth were... "take it outside."
It was the Japanese in the early 50's who first presented seedless watermelon to the world... no doubt payback for WWII. And while it didn't catch on right away, mothers everywhere began to embrace this marvel of science every-time they fished watermelon seeds from our pockets or combed them out of our hair. Then there were all the 'Miss Manners' in the world embracing this new flavor-lack wonder when they realized it was easier to serve seedless watermelon than to teach people how to gracefully remove the seeds from their mouths. Once again convenience wins out over quality, a trait, we are told, that Donald Trump knows only too well. You can still find real watermelon in the summer but don't look for it at supermarkets or chain stores. Locally grown farmers markets are your best bet and don't forget, real watermelons make for a family-fun pandemic diversion... so as the Japanese might say... 脳を吐き出す ...spit your brains out... and enjoy.
Well Andrew and I have made it to pandemic stay at home day 165 and we haven't shot or killed anyone. It's our love for each other and our family and friends that drives our behavior and makes us know we can weather any storm. Of course diversionary activities have become essential tools in our sanity kit. We have spent many long hours watching our garden flourish this summer and we have even taken up barberism...'the unlicensed cutting and styling of someone's hair'. We've experimented with new techniques for using the leaf blower indoors for general dusting and floor maintenance and most recently taken up cheese making. FYI - ricotta is easy and so is cream cheese and as soon as I master using rennet correctly we will have our first stringy mozzarella.
We take a tiny bit of credit knowing our family and friends are safe from the covid-19 beast, and while we feel a shared inconvenience for the many protective measures imposed by the state, we know that our own health and the health of our family and friends must come first. So boo-hoo to the cry babies that don't want to wear a mask.
For the last many months Andrew has created and distributed hundreds of masks to family and friends and he has helped the community distribute food to workers in harms way in our local hospitals. We have seen our grand nephew Tyler Cook decorated for bravery after his Coast Guard helicopter crew performed a daring rescue during the Middle Fire... and we have watched the Lord of the Rings, extended version, 17 times. Now if that isn't sacrifice I don't know what is.
To our delight, we have embraced the respite of the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park every week since they reopened and will for the foreseeable future... which is, according to all who claim to know everything... completely unknown. And finally, hats off to the many who will brave the new vaccine challenge testing... we admire your courage, unless of course you are doing it just for the money, but in any case, we will not be among you.
It's a cozy picture indeed. Seems only a few months ago Kamala Harris stopped infinitesimally short of calling Joe Biden a racist and saying she believed some of the women who had come forward accusing Biden of inappropriate touching. But then in America it's apparently OK to say whatever you want during the primary cycle and then deny or reposition your remarks afterwards. 'It was said in the heat of battle' is a common disclaimer which effectively allows you to step in dog shit and still smell good. Well like so many political pairs, Biden and Harris have mastered that age old skill of 'restating the truth as a matter of perspective.'
Using the constitutional definition: "Men" Will Say Anything to Get Laid (elected).
Biden/Harris is a far better choice than Trump and 'what's his name' for 846,911 reasons.
Let's vote out the old and ineffective (Pelosi and McConnell for starters) and invigorate congress with fresh faces and new ideas.
Perhaps we could all worry less about the few we may offend and more about the many we may inspire.
I take everything with a grain of salt unless there is proof positive or... unless David Muir says so. We have to be smart and even more so when the politicians are not.
If the Biden administration prioritizes leveling the social and cultural playing fields for all Americans, they will be raising taxes... and most likely raising taxes anyway. That is what democrats do.
If Trump gets re-elected it will signal the end of America as we know it and Andrew and I will be moving to another country... and we're taking my mom with us.
It is time to tell governments to back off their pandemic response crush on social liberty and let the markets and the people decide. I have long advocated that the role of government should be to research and educate first before driving the imperial road. Governor Newsom in California started his pandemic response with strength and conviction using his emergency powers and the best advise he could muster in an effort to minimize pandemonium. As the federal government has shown us, bureaucracies easily get out of control and lead to confusion and self-protective social disobedience. 'If you pull the reins too tight the horse will buck' ... well that's what's happening across California nay the country. The pandemic control rules have become increasingly confusing (way too many cooks in the kitchen) and largely unenforceable which opens the door to people taking their own road. And that's exactly what's happening and I say let them. Except for the few who live under rocks, Americans know what the experts say is best practice. If you feel safe going to a restaurant, bar or gym - go. If you don't, stay home. If you think Jesus will protect you in a crowded church by all means attend. If you don't then sing and pray at home. If you don't care that you may bring disease home to grandma then by all means ignore the mask and hygiene recommendations. This beast will pass, but on the current track not without a lot more hurt and despair for Americans. The federal, state and local governments certainly don't have all the answers and cannot be the be-all and end-all... not in the land of liberty. Let them now focus on shoring up those who have lost so much and engaging the private sector to find a cure and distribute a safe and effective vaccine.
August 8, 2020 Terry Ernest
The big question is to whom will we be counting on? Just like the Coronavirus pandemic, 'Election 2020' will be replete with confusing and contradictory news and global opinion brought to you by a self serving punditry not to mention a host of foreign interests. Is it possible that Kanye West can spend enough money and control his bipolar outbursts long enough to get his 'Birthday Party' on the ballot with an intelligible agenda? Not likely. Then there's good old Joe Biden, experienced, well established, well connected, no doubt owing many... will he tax and spend us into the poor house as we recover from the Coronavirus pandemic? Will he ensure that the new vaccines get distributed to the most vulnerable populations first, and then the rich and famous sports celebrities? As for the incumbent Donald J. Trump... he has strengthened the national economy at the expense of the Federal deficit and created lots of new jobs at the expense of our international relations and pretty much pissed off most of the world leaders... all while feathering the nests of the top 1%. Sadly Trump is such a walking example of fertilizer that it doesn't matter what he tweets or says anymore, his agenda is 99% Trump and friends and 1% America. I shudder to think what he would do were he to get a second term. So hold onto your hats... it's going to be a bumpy ride. But please vote... and make an informed decision before you vote. If intelligentsia isn't your forte, then at least consider the impact your vote may have on the SNL cast and crew and comics everywhere.
July 26, 2020 Terry Ernest
Are you feeling virtually proud? Well good for you... the pandemic is certainly making it a little harder this year. The gay boys are all stuck at home, the lesbians have taken over everything, the trans-genders are in a snit because the hospitals are busy and they can't get on a gender reassignment surgery schedule... and Q now apparently includes everyone with at least two piercings and a visible tattoo. How I wax nostalgic for the good old days when "Dikes on Bikes" would crackle and roar down University and 6th Avenues in Hillcrest leading a festive parade of shirtless men, gratuitous floats and not too many politicians. It was a time when we welcomed the San Diego police to walk in solidarity with us... no matter how many people they shot and killed that year. A time when we celebrated every color in the rainbow with minimal politics... a time when we were all just gay and you didn't have to remember the alphabet or carry a personal pronoun translation device. Somehow I don't think that watching videos of past Pride Parades and an endless stream of commercials by social and racial pundits will provide the emotional 'kumbaya' the organizers are counting on. Andrew and I will celebrate with our friends the power of diversity that pride encompasses and leave all the other stuff to those who know everything. Pride is like wearing a mask. You know what to do... you just have to make up your mind to do it and feel the pride of knowing you too, have stepped up.
And another empty vodka bottle hits the recycling bin.
July 13, 2020 Terry Ernest
Were I to utter the perfect declaration of feelings about the Covid-19 pandemic it would be Curly's definitive... "this is getting monotonous." Today marks 112 stay at home days which Andrew and I have mostly complied with. Andrew goes to the office 5 days a week and retired Terry stays home and cooks. Andrew visits his family home a few days a week and retired Terry stays home and cleans. Andrew does most of the shopping including an occasional Lefty's Italian Beef Sausage combo sandwich while Terry stays home and makes soups and sauces. Who knew retirement could be so much fun! On the brighter side our beautiful garden has flourished big time and Trump has quit participating in the Coronavirus briefings. It's not all tedious though. Andrew has created and delivered about 300 lovely masks to our family and friends. We go out for brisk walks and occasional not so close encounters with a few friends. All-in-all this pandemic is indeed monotonous. The constant parade of news and media outlets pandering 'we are all in this together' ... endless conflicting Coronavirus news stories... governors in their polished autocratic roles dictating the behavior of the day touting their emergency powers.... it's all sounding like a broken record. By now people should know what they need to do to protect themselves and those they love and not have to rely on daily edicts from local and state leaders. So we mostly stay at home, keep in touch with those we love and support our local food banks. We keep up with current events, wear our masks, wash our hands, keep our distance and basically shut up about it. We leave the kvetching to the people who live alone and haven't found a pandemic hobby yet.
July 1, 2020 Terry Ernest
George Floyd didn't die just because he was black. He died because Derek Chavin, like countless other Americans, learned that minority races were inferior to whites and that gave him the right to disregard Floyd's humanity. A similar outcome may have transpired were Floyd Vietnamese or Mexican. It wasn't the carotid restraint that killed Floyd it was the manifestation of hate and Chavin's sense of superiority. And now across America politicians, religious leaders, celebrities and businesses galore are once again stepping up to the podium to declare that "Black Lives Matter." The American response following the George Floyd death is clearly more definitive than we have seen before. On the heels of the nationwide protests and rioting we hear demands for police reform and funding reallocations... we see protesters and city leaders tearing down historical monuments, objects that represent slavery and oppression like the Confederate South and Christopher Columbus. But should we stop there? Why not tear down the Washington and Jefferson Memorials, they represent two of many founding fathers that owned slaves and who talked about reform but did little about it. Thomas Jefferson was known for saying that he believed that blacks were indeed inferior to whites. Since the beginning of America blacks were not among those our founding fathers included in "...all men are created equal" and they have struggled ever since. The list of American slave owners is substantial including Benjamin Franklin. Why not try to erase them all from our racist memory too. But none of these reactionary behaviors deal with the real issue, which is hate. You can ban all law enforcement from using carotid restraints but that won't prevent another George Floyd incident. The morale mantra across America might better serve were it the more inclusive... "All Lives Matter" and not focused on one of many discriminated against minorities. Starbucks should take a leadership role and design an "All Lives Matter" T-shirt and enforce that equally in all their venues. We should hold accountable and equally all acts of hate and stop making excuses for poor potty training and protecting those in authority with 'unqualified, qualified immunity'. Joe Biden may want to appeal to voters by choosing a black woman for his presidential running mate but I would caution him to make sure she is indeed the best American for the job. Barack Obama sat in the center seat for 8 years and while he did a good job still the hate continues.
June 12, 2020 Terry Ernest
Really, in San Diego? Well if Trump is right and global warming is just a hoax then we should brace for a major volcanic eruption.
Great crop of Dragon Fruit this year. Some of it quite beefy and bigger than Andrew's fist. The bees were all over the flowers this time which isn't usually the case. Andrew didn't have to go out with his paint brush and breed them manually.
Neither president could bring themselves to effectively deal with the disease of the day, so like AIDS in the 80's, COVID-19 has spread and killed, in part, because the President of the United States just couldn't say the right words.
Masters in Science - Cyber Security
University of San Diego - Class of 2020
Masters in Public Health - Epidemiology
San Diego State University - Class of 2020
Here are this year's loveliest blooms.
Curious hobby Epiplyllums. They are more like children than garden plants, although some would argue that children are often more vegetative. You give them cute names, raise them as best you can, worry about them, protect them from the cold and diseases, and when it's time to bloom you sit up night after night waiting for that one moment when all your hard work pays off. The blooms are magnificent but for most of the Epi's, they bloom at night and last only for a few days. "Binky Pink" is one of the the exceptions. She blooms for 4-6 weeks non-stop.
Sway to more blooms.
Please wash your hands and STOP buying toilet paper. It won’t protect you unless you
wear it over your mouth (yuck) and besides, covid-19 will not give you diarrhea. Scotch can be a lovely disinfectant, however.
Be sure to stop by and leave a nice bottle on our doorstep. We will test it for you.
Panic causes stress and stress weakens your body’s immune response and that combined with covid-19 will kill you. So CHILL... stay
home and like a high fiber diet, this ‘pandemic’ will pass more smoothly.
If you must go out be sure to wear your 'Mask by Andrew' and wash your hands when you are done.
With Love, Andrew and Terry - April 1, 2020
Here on our 82nd quarantine day there is something to look forward to besides another Coronavirus compulsory public service platitude or George Floyd racial violence impact study... Atlantic hurricanes. These meteorological beasts are God's way or giving the South-East a well needed enema which for most can be quite restorative. It will be interesting to see how long it takes Trump to tweet that hurricanes will destroy the Coronavirus and save us all despite the death and destruction that usually come with them. For our friends and family in the hurricane zone and all of Puerto Rico you should know what to do by now so be prepared, which may or may not include stocking up on toilet paper and slim jims. We can be comforted to know that President Trump has added paper towels to the national stockpile and push come to shove, he'll be throwing them your way.
Terry Ernest
Happy Memorial Day here on our 75th quarantine day. Haven't we been listening to the pandemic news long enough to know what to do to best protect ourselves? You wear a mask and wash your hands. I wear a mask and wash my hands. You keep your distance and I keep my distance. You protect me. I protect you. Even
Jethro Bodine could cipher that out with his limited 5th grade education. It's time for the government to step back and prepare for worse things. If you feel safe going to church - go to church. If you don't feel safe, tell your pastor and stay home until you do. If you want to sit in a Plexiglas booth in a restaurant that reeks of Lysol - do it. Personally, curb side take out is much more appealing to us in the current state of things. Just remember, shyster lawyers are out there watching everything and preparing their post-pandemic infomercials. You probably don't want to become a shyster victim, or a stooge.
Today, Andrew and I took a long walk in downtown San Diego along the beautiful Embarcadero. There were lots of people walking and bike riding in the warm sunshine. Nothing equaling pre-pandemic crowds but it was obvious that people want to be out and about. I would say about 75% of folks had masks on and social distance consciousness was apparent. Andrew felt safe as did I. It seems to me that our personal feeling of "safe" may be our most powerful weapon against Covid-19... at this time. Now is the time for our governments to embrace the people.
Terry Ernest
If you are compelled to listen to the news, as most Americans are these days, then you have heard at least some of the 842,611 stories about the collateral impacts of the current pandemic. Stories told by pundits, politicians, prophets and prisoners... scientists, singers, stock-holders and skeptics... in every age, shape, color and level of intelligence from every corner of the world (except North Korea of course). Well enough is enough. Before mental health collapse becomes the next pandemic we need a day off, or maybe a week off. We need to embrace the sage proverb, 'No News is Good News' and switch off our TVs and Radios and give our brains a chance to decompress. If the bull shit gets any deeper the government will have to send out hip boots instead of stimulus checks.
'Stop and Smell the Roses' may have never been more prophetic than it is today... of course in our garden it would be the epiphyllums. We are taking advantage of a couple of days free from Coronavirus Pandemic news from any source.
The Flower Moon on May 7 was this year's herald to Mother's Day. Our garden exploded with color to help us say thanks to our moms and to all moms who aren't currently serving hard time. Then again our moms served their hard while we were still ditching our brussel sprouts under the table.
Two of our most beautiful epiphyllums are named after our mothers... Phou Pi for Andrew's mom and Phyllis Fickle for Terry's.
I think our mothers were way ahead of their time. They must have foreseen this Coronavirus quarantine. Why else would they have told us to wash our hands 47 times a day when we were growing up?
And thanks mom; we will never forget the immortal words:
"Hold the Mayo" is the theme for this year's Cinco De Mayo celebration. As we stay-at-home and try our best to support our chronic quarantine orders we are reminded of how we can celebrate, safely.
Save this recipe. We will likely need it for nine more holidays and the 4th of July.
We certainly appreciate the grand comedy that comes from our Washington leadership. It makes the doldrums of the stay at home quarantine so much more tolerable. Even more so today as the California Governor has extended the 'stay at home' order indefinitely, or at least until Californians start rioting. This week Vice President Mike Pence gets the comedy award for his brave display of arrogant superciliocity at the Mayo Clinic. Defending his refusal to wear a protective mask despite the Mayo Clinic policy for visitors - Pence said that he didn't need to wear one because he gets tested regularly, has tested negative for COVID-19, and besides; he wanted to look the researchers in the eye and say 'Thank You.' Double Guffaw. But shame on the Mayo Clinic for indulging him and supporting the mixed message Pence sends to America.
Or have we joined the ranks of the covidiots, forced to cut our own hair, use Kirkland's pseudo 2 ply toilet paper and stay at home pretending that it will all get better. While we have the world's most elitist ego maniac occupying the center seat of the White House, thoughtfully guiding us through this tumultuous pandemic, it could be worse. The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, announced to his people that if they violate the quarantine orders his police are authorized to shoot them dead.
Thanks for the great cut Andrew.
April 21, 2020 - Quarantine Day 41
Seems unlikely that with the trillions of dollars being spent and lost with the Corona-virus pandemic that we will see, anytime soon, work on the country's crumbling infrastructure, except for the wall of course. In previous economic crises with high unemployment, governments mitigated such despair with public works projects. That is less likely now with the evolving norm of social distancing. What does seem likely is that some clever entrepreneur will introduce America to "My Pothole Repair." A fabulous DIY kit with everything you need to fill a standard 12x12x3 inch pothole, face coverings included. And with every verified pothole repair you get a $10 tax credit. I will not be standing in line for one of these although they will be available on Amazon. Too bad Ron Popeil isn't active anymore or the airwaves would be saturated with "My Pothole Repair" infomercials.... "all this for just 3 easy payments of $19.99....but wait there's more." Anything might be preferable to the myriad bleeding heart wash your hands, stay at home, we are all in this together public service messages that air every 53 seconds.
Happy Birthday Doug Powell.
Here's our lovely nephew Rainier all decked out in his new nursing outfit at UCSD Medical Center. Next he will probably put on his fancy blue shoe coverings. If you aren't clear on what PPE is, you are seeing it right here. Click his picture for a closer view and his face tells a good part of the story. Having been a hospital nurse in the early 80's during the AIDS epidemic I know just what kind of things are going on in his mind as he readies to enter a patient room. You know you have a job to do and that your compassion for helping others is strong, but you also know that the patient may have something that can kill you if your isolation technique isn't spot on... and maybe even if it is. We hold dear the many who put themselves in harms way every day to save us all from the covid-19 menace and the many menaces that aren't making headline news. But be of good cheer - there is good news for Rainier... in that outfit he can always moonlight as a welder.
Terry Ernest
March 30, 2020
In recent days there have been a number of tasteless jokes going around about the Coronavirus pandemic... and here's another one! Just kidding - April Fool's Day is right around the corner and Americans will certainly step forward and compete for the biggest fool. I will be right there cheering them on with Moe, Larry and Curly. After all, one can't spend all day watching 'Bewitched' and 'Dark Shadows.'
While we weren't around for the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918, reading stories about it draw striking similarities with what is happening today. From the government's reluctance to 'get the ball rolling' to the very slow economic recovery it remains unclear if we indeed learned anything from our past experiences. Big differences between then and now is the way information gets to the masses. Today 'instant news', fake or otherwise, is absolutely overwhelming. And while we certainly get the gist of things it seems easier somehow to just skip the Coronavirus Show on every media outlet and enjoy the comedy stylings of our beloved Aunt Clara. Only two months retired and nearly a third of it spent in home confinement. Thank God for Andrew.
Terry Ernest
March 23, 2020
Andrew is still working at Sharp only now they have his division divided into two shifts to reduce the number of folks in the office building at one time. Andrew volunteered to take the 2pm to 10:30pm shift to reduce his having to eat yet another variation of my chicken soup. But since I pack his lunches... fat chance.
Normally this time of year Andrew would be knee deep in preparations for Lao New Year but all of that has been canceled along with everything else. Check out Andrew's latest hobby... crafting couture masks to add some sophistication to personal protective equipment. With 4 layers of fabric I bet they are every bit as protective as N95 masks. Well they certainly look good and people do get out of your way when you wear them.
Terry Ernest
Thank You Arvin - Stay Safe
A Bit Over the Top?
For a mere $1299.95 you can own the latest in Coronavirus protection gear. This spherical gem called "The Coronalizer" combines full face coverage with auto-distancing not to mention bounce back protection in the event you are knocked on your arse while jogging in the park. Wear it whenever you go out. And when you get home just have someone hose you off, slip out the bottom and store it in the garage. You won't have to worry about washing your hands because while you are wearing it you won't be able to touch anything. The Coronalizer even looks like the virus itself and is available in your choice of colors.
The NASL, National Association of Shyster Lawyers, introduces their first 'grab that dough' campaign of the Coronavirus season.
We're Ready to Believe You
We will sue just for you.
Call Us for a No Cost Consultation - We will sue for you.
Wash Your Hands and Keep your distance or the lawyers win.
Keeping away from people is easy... now if I could find a way to maintain social distancing from the refrigerator my wardrobe would be most appreciative...
Lao New Year, normally a very busy time at our house, is largely symbolic this year. Each year the Manisouk family creates an animal effigy consistent with the legend of King Kablinaphrom. This year Andrew's dad and brothers created "Rona" the tiger, so named by niece Chloe "during these difficult times". But before she could be delivered to the Lao Temple "Masks by Andrew" had to create suitable protection.
This year's three Lao Princesses are our lovely grand-nieces, Riley, Kiera and Aubrey.
We celebrate independence and the abundance of freedom we enjoy as Americans remembering that equality is also a symbol of freedom, one we struggle tirelessly to achieve. Every American should have a right to a quality education, full time employment that pays a livable wage, the right to marry the partner of their choice and the right to competent, timely and affordable health care.