Thanks for sharing our Oscar party and the riveting Oscar show. This year's contest winner with 17 out of 21 correct answers is Jared Thompson.

It's Our Oscar Party and You Are Invited
Join us for an evening of Oscar buffoonery, Andrew's party buffet and friendly libation.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Show starts at 5pm -
We'll be ready to party at 4pm.
A lovely gift basket awaits the guest who picks the most correct Oscar winners on our party ballot or who wins the wrestling match in case of a tie. Andrew will declare the winner - no crying.
Please RVSP to Andrew or Terry by February 5th.
Oscar ballot is available here online and will be available at the party. Ballot must be completed before the first award is given out during the show, Sunday, February 9.
We look forward to your excellent company.
Andrew and Terry
- 2410 Tulip Street - San Diego