2021 - The Way of the Pandemic

Betty White

Remembering 2021 is easy... today, anyway. But check back in 6 months and much of 2021 will be but a distant memory... hence the regular blogging. That's either a good thing or the first signs of dementia... only time will tell. What I will remember most is how lucky I am to have a partner like Andrew who stands beside me through the good times and a few not so good times. He makes everyday a joy to be alive. For us, in 2021, there were really no bad times as long as you don't count anything that has to do with political news and the pandemic... and of course the loss of the last of the Golden Girls, Betty White.
Mom came to live with us in early July just a few days after we completed our old bathroom remodel. We all get along fine and Andrew has embraced her as if she was his mother too. One of our joys, besides watching horror movies at night, is to spend quality moments together laughing at the countless morons that whine and complain about vaccines and mask mandates and then drop dead from COVID-19 strains A, B or C. And then we count our blessings and pass those on to the ones we love who have all, so far, stayed safe.
We have no specific plans for 2022 except to do what we always do, go to bed each night with a smile and wake up the same way.

Favorite Betty White Moments:

MTM: Massive Mudslides Wreak Havoc,

Golden Girls: The Great Herring War, Bitter Butter Memories, Little Bits of Plaid in the Corn

Hot In Cleveland: Bender Over, Why AreYou Renting to Prostitutes?, 'I am Anastasia... the last remaining member of the Romanov family''

Lake Placid: "If I had a dick, this is where I would tell you to suck it..."

Notable quotes:
'Avoid eating anything green and always have a cocktail before dinner'
'Vodka goes very well with hotdogs'
'I was born a cockeyed optimist'

Terry Ernest - December 31, 2021

Memories, light the corners of my...
Fiori = Flowers, in Italian


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
To all of our Family and Friends.

Seems like 2021 is ending much like 2020 did but with one major exception. We are so much more experienced with protecting ourselves and the ones we love that the 'pandemic' has become second nature to us. We just added 'mask' to the list of things to check before leaving home and wash your hands upon return. And while we will forgo our friends and neighbors Christmas party again this year we never forget the people who mean so much to us. If someone could send me a list of those people I would appreciate it ;)

In keeping with the holiday spirit... these are a few of my favorite things. Barbra Streisand's 1967 Christmas Album... who knew a Jewish girl from Brooklyn could make Jingle Bells sparkle with such ferocity. And favorite Christmas movie... hands down it is Monte Woolley and Bette Davis in the 1947 comedy, "The Man Who Came To Dinner."

At Christmas time we look forward to Christmas cards in the mail, a holiday tradition that seems to wane with every new digital revelation. It's nice to get something in the mail besides shaky offers to buy our house or prepay my cremation. We especially love the photo Christmas cards which these days seem to be outpacing Hallmark's glitter angels. It's a wonderful way to be with the ones we love if only for a moment and to see the grand nephews and nieces as they reach for the sky.

If Merry Christmas isn't your bag or if we used an incorrect pronoun this year, we beg your pardon. We don't do humbug and it's hard to change a lifetime of literate English and use 'they' in a singular form.

SantaBalls AndrewAndTerry


Omicron - It's a Comin'

And the winter brings with it yet another COVID-19 variant, as though the Delta variant wasn't enough to boost national morbidity and mortality statistics. Omicron is apparently a gift from South Africa who undoubtedly blame the British and the Chinese. It's anyone's guess how many more variants of COVID-19 we will see before this farcocted pandemic is over and still there are more than 50 million eligible Americans still un-vaccinated. While I believe people should have the right to refuse vaccination, there must be consequences for the impact it has to our national health and economy. I have been saying all along that Pfizer and Moderna should develop a COVID-19 vaccine suppository for the anti-vaxers with explicit instructions on what to do with it. I guess there haven't been enough celebrities to die from COVID-19 to wake up the minority that feel they can make it on their own. It's not fake news to say that the anti-vaxers are at least partly responsible for the ridiculous price of beef. Mom, Andrew and I are all vaccinated and boosted and looking forward to the holidays... at least until the scotch runs out.

Terry Ernest - December 18, 2021


'Tis The Season

After black Friday, which we completely ignored, we find ourselves knee deep in planning for the holiday season. As per usual, first stop, our local Home Depot for the best Nordman fir tree we can find. This year we got a very nice one for about the same price we paid last year, which is twice what it should be... but then I was never good at math. We don't look for a 'perfect' tree but rather one with character and strong branches as we have a number of heavy glass ornaments and have sadly suffered from branch sag in the past. The depot had a lot of trees from which to chose and rather unusually, many were covered with dirt. Ours wasn't very dirty but it was infested with brown oak leaves. But after a good washing our Nordman is ready for phase II. Mom is with us this year and she has been made fully aware that Andrew is our captain of tree decorating. To paraphrase Andrew's Christmas tree decorating style... 'pitch in or shut up.' We shall see.
Terry Ernest December 5, 2021


Have we Become Interminably Insensitive?

As 2021 winds down our national capacity for turning our heads hoping someone else will take care of 'things' never does. The student killings at Oxford High is just another news headline... just another sad reminder that anyone can raise children and champion with all their might for their parental rights for control... until something unspeakable happens... then it's "we had no idea".. "we did our best" .. "don't blame us." And if the Ethan Crumbley tragedy isn't bad enough... a sad ending for a 15 year old boy warped by years of ignorance and abuse... we have politicians making light of it by posting their family Christmas photo armed to the teeth. Shame on the Michigan leadership who will talk the big talk but do little else and shame on Kentucky for electing such an insensitive boob to congress.
Terry Ernest December 4, 2021

GotPies GotPies

We have been supporting Mama's Kitchen for many years. Please add your support by purchasing some delicious Thanksgiving pies or making a donation. You will be blessed.
And please... help us spread the word.
November 20th is the last day you can order.

Thanks for your PIE orders. Mama's Kitchen sold out this year's pie sales a week before Thanksgiving thanks to you.


Dodge a Bullet
Change Your Name

Undoubtedly one of the oldest tricks in the corporate book... when your image gets tarnished... customers threaten to walk... and regulators are in deep enough to graph your bowel movements... Don't Change Your Business Model... Change Your Name. Seems these days that the number of high level inquiries into the business practices of Facebook are out numbering new users. All the while Mark Zuckerberg pursues his burgeoning aspirations of owning the future of the 'Internet' with his conceptional 'meta-verse.' Go for it Mark, but anyone who thinks he does this for our benefit is probably queued to be the chief executive of fantasy land. When Facebook was inaugurated way back in 2004 I signed up to use the platform and did for a few years. It was easy to connect with friends and there was little interruption by the company. But after a while I became sick of looking at pictures of what people were eating, cute puppies and the corporate greed of in-your-face advertising that I decided having my own website was a lot more fun. I became like Zuckerberg, I wanted all the control. Today Facebook [Meta] has become so commercial and poisoned with imperceptible privacy policies and disinformation that I no longer go there. Good luck with Meta Mark... may your billions keep you out of prison and your AR goggles never fog up.

Terry Ernest October 30, 2021


...when the anti-vaxers of the world embrace the axiom 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one' #selfish...when Xi Jinping completes peaceful reunification with Taiwan #selfish and when the Donkeys and Elephants play nicely in the congressional circus. #Who The Hell Knows
The pandemic seems to be forever evolving now with people not wanting to go back to work in large numbers, supply chain disruptions happening internationally.. and yes, Costco is again limiting TP and paper towels... and America is edging ever closer to one million COVID-19 deaths.  We all share in all of it.

Terry Ernest - October 8, 2021


Beer... Beer...
In My Glass

After a couple of these giant steins of beer you end up with a pretty good buzz and pumped guns. At 6.6 lbs per stein we have decided to make Oktoberfest our new gym.. at least for the season.


Oggi è il primo giorno d'autunno.

Yes, today is the first day of Autumn and we celebrated here in San Diego with clear, sunny skies, light breezes off the Pacific and 97 degrees. And as the evening fell we enjoyed the onset of a cooling trend and the gentle waning of the Harvest Moon. Somewhere in between we blissfully ignored the latest news of the pandemic, the habitual partisan circus in Washington and all of the woes of the world.
It was a good day.

Terry Ernest - September 22, 2021


Happy Birthday Andrew

September 18, 2021

No finer man walks the earth. 

Honest, loving, generous and not a bad kisser. 

You are loved even more than you know.


It's hard to believe that it has been 20 years since we watched in horror as international terrorists decimated a New York landmark and thousands of American lives... shattering our national sense of safety. And in those twenty years we have spent over 2 trillion dollars and thousands and thousands more lives in acts of retribution, mostly misguided and following a consistently failed military policy that might... will abolish evil.
Perhaps we could spend a few trillion dollars to end the perpetual tyranny of domestic gun violence that claims more than 4 times the number of 911 victims every year. Then we might actually see something positive come from our hard earned tax dollars. Sadly, we are still too afraid to step on the Second Amendment and those who hold power from it... to make any meaningful changes.

Terry Ernest - September 9, 2021


Republicans, who are at the forefront of the recall election, should be required to pay for it. What a waste... attempting to recall a governor when he has only a year to go. At at time when dollars should be spent on lifting up Californians we are pissing away millions to satisfy a handful of crybaby Republicans who want Gubernatorial Power, NOW.
We Voted NO, not because we like Guber Newsom but because this is purely a partisan power grab and a waste of our tax $$$$$ now calculated by the State Finance Department to be $276 million.

If Nothing Else Comes of This
We must look hard at the laws that govern recalls. It should not be open to any special interest that can lobby enough funds and signatures to force a recall election without evidence of crime or gross incompetence. We will be looking at our elected officials to take this forward... and you know the Democrats will and the Republicans will rail against them.

September 15, 2021
It's all over but the crying. As expected, (R)Larry Elder got the lion's share of the loser votes but not nearly enough to sway the election results. How sad to think that California could endorse a right wing candidate who is anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-minimum wage and anti-immigrant. Let's see if Larry Elder thinks he has enough support to run in the primary next year. I'll bet he does and I'll bet he thinks he can win. We need fresh blood in Sacramento, but not his.


Never Too Late

As our Epiphyllum season wanes to obscurity in the heat of the last of the summer days we expect to see a few stragglers. These late bloomers may continue for a few more months. The Night Princess (above) and the Night Queens for sure... and others may follow.
Dragon Fruit flowers, also night bloomers, are in good numbers this year but the resulting fruits are few. Proper Trumpophiles would blame China for this pandemic induced slump in fruit harvest. Dems posture at Global Warming. We tend to blame Miracle Grow... and lazy bees.

Terry Ernest - September 4, 2021

China Wants to Butch It Up

Sissy Boys

Take a look at the latest news buzz from China and it's quick to see that the Niang Pao (sissy boys) are seen as threatening the very foundation of the communist way. Even more interesting is the assertion, also common in the news of the day, that our CIA has been instrumental in propagating the 'cultural value' of masculine-impaired men in an attempt to reduce the fighting strength of the Chinese people... sentiments that have been echoed by Japan and South Korea... and not completely unbelievable.
But how ridiculous to suggest that a svelte 'man' layered with Maybelle and carrying a beaded purse would be any less capable of firing an automatic weapon or throwing a grenade than a butch Marine. President Xi Jinping's communist party leadership is afraid that the liberalization of the youthful male image will undermine China's position in the world's power hierarchy... or perhaps he is afraid that someone will find out he secretly wears a lace teddy under his Mao style suits.

Terry Ernest - September 2, 2021 

Variants Coming

Quick - Go Out and buy all the water and toilet paper you can before the pandemic pundits try to force us all back in our caves. Thanks in large part to the many who refuse to get vaccinated, for whatever reasons, our return to normal is being postponed by virus mutations and those who continue spread it around. Booster shots next and then what? You'd think by now they would have invented vaccine in suppository form for all the anti-vaxxers. USPS could deliver them with easy to follow instructions... just stick it up your ass.

Terry Ernest - August 19, 2021

A Hurricane's A Comin'

IDA Coming

Picture It - Gulf of Mexico - 16 years to the day post Katrina and the government is once again asking gulf coast residents, particularly in the greater New Orleans area, to get out or get very prepared. A little different this time - the Mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, is issuing a STRONG recommendation to evacuate for all those outside the levee-system. Apparently there is no time to issue mandatory evacuation orders. And like we have seen with COVID-19, some will comply,  be safe and survive and some will write their own science and trust that the levee will not break and that God will protect them. Many of the non-evacuees we will see on the evening news on Sunday and Monday and hear about when they tally the costs... best of luck.

Terry Ernest - August 28, 2021 

20 Years in Afghanistan


What We Did
What It Cost
What Is Next

When it comes to our 20 years in Afghanistan, you can argue the statistics and the numbers but you can't argue the outcome, especially considering that today Afghanistan has more refugees than anywhere else in the world and... the Taliban that we ousted in 2001 is now taking power. It would appear that we accomplished nothing. Thanks to the misguided intelligence feeding President Bush's ego and need to retaliate after 911 we find ourselves 20 years later confirming the same failed policies we saw in Vietnam. Oh sure, we had bold goals in Vietnam too but we left there with our tails between our legs leaving the communist threat we so decried well entrenched... and like Afghanistan the costs were very, very high.
So now, as we gracefully hand over the fate of Afghanistan to its internal leadership (there is none), the Taliban is movin' on up and positioning to take full control of the country. Today we saw the Afghan President pack his family and 'A' list concubines and leave the country in fear for their lives. This will certainly leave the door open for a host of opportunists who will likely bow to the Taliban for their share of the scraps.

Complacent America

Over the last two decades we've seen people voice their opposition to our presence in Afghanistan... mostly following media reports of new American casualties... but it was nothing like we saw during the Vietnam era. And now those reports have waned from our attention and as we did post Vietnam, in an attempt to assuage our consciences, we collectively throw our hands up in the air and sing... 'well, we tried.'... to the tune of 2 trillion dollars and countless lives.
If only we had the foresight and leadership 20 years ago to allow the Afghan people to fight for what they wanted and accept the consequences of their resolve. Today we would see a very different Afghanistan. It may not be the capitalist democracy we enjoy but then there are people all over the world who live happy lives... without that.

Terry Ernest - August 15, 2021

A Tale of Two Johns



Marjorie Taylor Green, aka MTG and 9 other things, is what Freud called 'spooky.' And yes MTG is from Georgia and yes, people in Georgia believe that Freud is a way to cook chicken. But that is no excuse for her toxic verbal diarrhea. Green's relentless pursuit of the ultimate Trumpism has now earned her a forth strike with Twitter. Sadly that will only serve to give her fingers a week off. We will never see her final ignominy because she believes everything she says even if she knows it is untrue. And while that may seem a contradiction and there may be some true pathology present - people like Marjorie Taylor Green will just keep going on and going off trying with all their might to persist their 15 minutes of fame.

Terry Ernest August 10, 2021

Florida Gets it Partly Right

no mandates

was the theme of Gov DeSantis' pandemic address to the state this week. 'There will be no lock-downs... no mask mandates' and if DeSantis would have stopped there he would have gotten an A+... but he had to exercise yet another executive order threatening to defund schools that enforce their own COVID-19 mandates. We applaud Gov DeSantis for standing up for the rights of Floridians. The pandemic has been going on long enough and we certainly don't need governments telling us what we must and must not do. The government's job should be to educate people using the best science and expertise and let the people decide how to behave, particularly when it comes to parents deciding health and safety for their children. That's where DeSantis failed again. He could have used his media time to encourage Floridians to listen to the advice of the CDC and follow recommendations to protect themselves and others and encourage businesses to do the same. BUT NO... he had to blow his own horn and paraphrase Trump's 'it's nothing to worry about.'
Now we will see if California's Gov Nuisance will follow suit and let Californians decide for themselves.

Terry Ernest July 31, 2021

All In The Family


Well it's official. Mom is here for the summer and fall while sister Sherry works on finding just the right beach front property somewhere in the general Clearwater, Florida vicinity. Property with any kind of direct view and access to the beaches on the gulf side are at a premium right now and, for the most part, available only to short term vacation renters. There is apparently a huge demand for beach front property with prices to match. Sherry stayed with us for a week to help get mom settled and then right back to the hunt. Well we will stock up on Bailey's Irish Cream and Sprouts marvelous dark chocolate raspberry cookies while we patiently wait for the next COVID-19 edict from the pandemic punditry. Happy Summer!

Terry Ernest July 21, 2021

A Fine Time to Remodel


We've been working on our bathroom remodel for nearly three months and while it is almost finished, buyers remorse is still high, like prices for virtually everything in the realm of building materials and bathroom supplies. Apparently everyone and his(+) brother have had nothing to do during the pandemic except remodel and build... hence the infamous paradigm of supply and demand. We would likely have put this project off another year if we had known a common eight foot 2x4 would cost $12.95 and specialty trades like plumbing and tile work could ask for the moon... and get it. But something grand has come of all this.. Andrew got to install his first toilet and he did it without spilling a single drop... of water.
We expect to break a virtual bottle of champaign over the rim of our new tub in just a few days and mom will get to christen the room in about ten days when she and sister Sherry arrive from Florida.

Terry Ernest July 3, 2021

It Only Took 445 Days

445days recall1

Today in California our benevolent Guber Gavin Newsom, aligned for a recall election in 2021, arranged to lift the COVID19 restrictions from those who are fully vaccinated... no masks and no social distancing. For those who have chosen not to be vaccinated, please stay in your caves or under your rocks so the rest of us can go back to enjoying a reasonably normal life. Here in California where we have the highest taxes in the nation, the highest homeless population and another burgeoning drought and wild fire season, it is no wonder that there is so much clatter about recalling the governor. Newsom (D) if recalled, will likely be replaced with an (R)... and if Caitlyn gets ze way... a (TR).
So now the question is, is it worth the $200+ million dollars we expect to pay for a special election to possibly recall a governor that is going to be up for re-election next year anyway? NO NO NO
Governor Newsom may not be the leader that California needs or even wants but he was fairly elected and the people will decide his fate in 2022. Why piss away yet another chunk of our tax dollars to satisfy a few hopeful Republicans that think they have a better way forward. Surely they can wait until 2022 and battle for the center seat in a proper election. The better choice is for each of us to put pressure on our elected representatives to better hold Governor Newsom to the will of the people... if anyone can figure out what that is. That and take a better look at the 100+ year old recall laws that just don't work anymore in our era of hostile and divisive partisan politics. And perhaps, those who challenge the incumbent outside of the normal election process should foot the bill.

Terry Ernest June 15, 2021

Conservatives Keep Trying


Florida is certainly not alone in their fight to maintain their civil morality, or God's will, as most will tell you. The notion that there are men and women and any other iteration of gender is an abomination may have worked in 1950's America but by shear numbers and notoriety you can't say that today. Governor Desantis is making the same arguments for gender sports as for abortion but with little to back it up. The abortion issue would be much easier to legislate if there were consensus as to when is it life and when is it but growing tissue. So will be the gender issue when we can agree on what is a male, what is a female and what is everyone who is, or chooses to be... something else.
As the gays did in the 80's, so move the transgenders + in this new millennium as they seek their equal place in our social order. What that place is, of course, is the big question. Ponder one of a thousand questions... Is it fair to allow a physiological boy who identifies as a girl to compete on a girls team, shower and change in a girls locker room? There are no easy answers even for the politicians who see but one path.
We have little gender sharing in our sports culture because men are perceived to be stronger and have greater endurance than women. And while there are exceptions to every rule, men do not want to be out muscled by women and women do not want to have to train twice as hard to compete with men. Perhaps we work harder to make sports more gender neutral... just like public bathrooms and an ever growing number of opportunities in the military. Although for me, Brazilian soccer teams should be all male and look good with their shirts off. Let them identify as whatever they want... after the game.

Terry Ernest June 13, 2021


2021 has more than one epidemic on its hands. This has been a terrific year for our Epiphyllum garden with more blooms than ever before. The cuttings we inserted in the branch pits of our palm trees last year have taken off and bloomed after considerably less care than the potted plants. "Barbra" - "Phyllis Fickle" and "Fireball" are our most prolific bloomers and "Zeus the Flaming Queen" our newest hybrid, wins for the largest in size. Pictures
"Fireball" won for the most number of blooms on a single plant (so far) at 19. "Phou Pi" however may just break that record as she has just started her bloom.
Another notable improvement this spring has been the bee population. Granted our garden is loaded with flowers this year but the bees have been very heavy especially with our epi's. Our first rule with bees... you don't mess with us and we won't mess with you. Bee1

BarbraGIF Fiori

For the second year in a row San Diego's Lao Community must forestall their usual jubilant celebration of Lao New Year as the Coronavirus pandemic slowly winds down. For us the change is profound. Usually I get to see very little of Andrew from mid March through April as every week is consumed with one Lao New Year activity or another with Andrew right up front organizing and decorating. This year a small effort is underway to create a modified Lao New Year celebration at the Buddhist temple replete with social distancing and mask precautions... a far cry from the grandiose pageantry that we are so used to. There is still a lot of fear and trepidation when it comes to large gatherings and the temple monks are very cautious and protective. But not to worry, Andrew and I are pandemic proficient and we will find ways to safely enjoy the holiday with friends and family. More About Lao New Year

Terry Ernest - April 13, 2021


Spring is in the Air

No matter where you look these days there are signs of Spring which remind us that life renews in cycles regardless of the political tone. Now that the Biden election hysteria has largely calmed down we look forward to sweeping election reform legislation thanks to the early lead by Georgia lawmakers. Personally I don't see anything wrong with asking voters to show their ID before they cast their ballot, in person or by mail-in vote. You have to show ID to buy alcohol and guns and to drive a car... why not make the same requirement nationwide to help foster confidence in the voting system. People of color, just as frequently as whites, buy alcohol, guns and drive cars...so how does this idea discriminate? OK, Georgia crossed the line by demonstrating that their motivation was to restrict voting access, particularly to those who vote to the left. But really, no longer able to receive a cup of water while standing in line to vote? Boo hoo, so know the rules and bring your own water. We should be looking for tighter controls over mail-in voting that don't deny access but do foster confidence. And shouldn't the voting laws be clear and transparent? And that's the rub. One of my gripes with our nation of law is that laws are too often vague, confusing or even hidden from the view of the average Joe (pronouns: they, them). Like taxes and rules governing Medicare, laws are meant to provide multiple outcomes as a tool to support loop holes and lawyers and, of course, the upper 2%. Don't believe me? Read any law book, piece of legislation - or the Constitution.
Happy Spring.

Terry Ernest - March 26, 2021

Happy 1 Year - Coronavirus


As we celebrate mom's 93rd birthday we are reminded that it has now been about a year since we have been asked to stay home and protect ourselves and those we love from the ravages of the COVID-19 virus.

During the past year there has been a lot if COVID-19 mis-information spread around... and here's some more. Our research tells us that people who object the loudest to wearing masks are people with rotting teeth, terrifying gum disease or breath foul enough to make a dead skunk run the other way. To them we say, "How sad for you... get some Listerine".

In spite of the edicts from our elected officials and 842,911 pandemic pundits - many people have figured out what to do to stay safe and prosper. Sadly, many did not. Andrew and I have been vaccinated and as we watch the vaccinated numbers grow we expect America will get back on its feet, people will get back to work and liberties will be restored before Trump runs for office again... or your money back.

Terry Ernest – March 11, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom
93 Looks Good On You

Gotta love a mom with a sense of humor and affection for butterflies. She wasn't really worried about a heart attack... just likes a bit of drama now and again.

A Shot in the Arm


Just the Facts

Andrew has received his 2 COVID-19 vaccine shots (Moderna) and except for some Oscar worthy feigning severe arm pain for the first day or two he has been the model recipient. I got my first shot today (Pfizer) at a very well organized, professional and efficient station in one of our local shopping malls... Grossmont Center. I was notified by my healthcare plan (Sharp Healthcare of course) that I was eligible and given a link to make an appointment. I made an appointment online, and in one try, with no hassle, I had an appointment for two days hence. I arrived for my appointment 20 minutes early and they didn't seem to mind. I was in and out in 6 minutes then escorted to the waiting room which just happened to empty into the food court at the mall. The only minor issue I had was finding my car in the vast parking lot. It seems the exit from the vaccination center leads to the other side of the mall.

A Challenged Cynic

I must say I was pleasantly surprised by my first vaccination super-station experience. Even as I was walking up to the entrance and saw people gathered in a bunch, knowing that I was 20 minutes early, I was certain that I would have to stand in a long line. Today was another of those days when it was good to be wrong.

Terry Ernest – February 17, 2021

Less News is More


Here on pandemic quarantine day 341, it has occurred to me that listening to the news on TV or most any device may be more harmful than the COVID-19 beast itself. Besides all the fake news and conspiracy theories endlessly being tossed about... pandemic information often leaves us bewildered and with more questions. Single mask... double mask... no mask... you have rights... you have no rights... businesses and schools open... business and schools closed... the governor is king... oust the autocrat and put in a proper dictator. Are there Jewish lasers in space and do they kill the COVID-19 virus or just start forest fires which in turn kill the COVID-19 virus. Its a constant head spin. While I applaud our Constitution's vague notion of free speech in America these days, with so much instant communication, free speech boundaries are impossible to get consensus on let alone to teach or enforce. Thank God for media giants like Facebook and Twitter who use their power of censorship to 'protect us' from the totally irresponsible. Sadly we are left to sort out the rest of the bullshit from the balderdash, the hoax from the hyperbole. It's really not that different than it was 50 years ago, there's just so much more of it today and it's instantly in your face. Back then news was much easier to ignore... not so much today. After all, news outlets only make money when you watch or listen to their programming so of course they will say whatever it takes to get your attention. David Muir on ABC is very compelling, the new NBCLX platform has the youth market and WGN's News Nation claims to be the most opinion neutral of them all. But to me they are all more hype and advertising than valuable information so for my money the best option is to just stop listening to the news. OK - I will peak every once and a while just so my friends won' think I live under a rock but that's it. Fortunately I have Andrew to keep me informed. He seems so much less impacted by the media hype than I am. And, as I have done most of my life, I will continue to seek out the information I require which will never include earthquake death tolls in Bolivia or Kardashian lore.

Terry Ernest – February 15, 2021

Trump Part2


Famous Last Words

Now I know what Jimmy Webb meant when he wrote the words to the 60's classic "MacArthur Park"... among other things, don't leave your gingerbread house out in the rain and hail. It won't survive much like a second date with a one night stand... some times the answer should be no. Someone tell that to Gorilla Glue Girl.

Terry Ernest – February 9, 2021

Cloris Leachman

Remembering Cloris Leachman

With the passing of another birthday came the passing of one of our favorite funny ladies, Cloris Leachman. This picture is from San Diego Pride celebration in 2010 when Cloris was Grand Marshall and I got to meet her and chat while she autographed her new book for me. Andrew took the picture just moments after I reached around Cloris to put my arm around her and inadvertently missed her shoulder and grabbed her left boob.  She immediately turned to look at me and with a stoic face said... "thank you." That was classic Cloris Leachman. We have loved her contributions to the world and as Mel Brooks said just after her passing... 'whenever we hear a horse whinny we will think of her.' Frau Blücher is there waiting for us every time we pop Young Frankenstein into the DVD player and we appreciate every laugh. From Timmy Martin's mother in Lassie, 1957 to the outrageous Maw Maw on Raising Hope in 2014 we have seen them all and hope to see them all again and again.

Terry Ernest – January 28, 2021


Check Off Another Year

Sixty-nine, while one of my favorite numbers, when it comes to years of age, not so much. For me, birthdays are noisy little reminders that I may be too old to once again feel love's keen sting and too young to get a room with a view at Shady Pines. Sixty-nine is among the years where people toss birthday cliches at you like ...”what's in an age, it's just a number” or “You don't look a day over ___” ...when in reality you vigorously cling to the younger person inside of you and wonder 'what the hell happened?'
They say that as you get older three things happen, the first is that your memory goes... and, well I can't remember the other two. But I'm not sure that's completely true. On my 19th birthday, 50 years ago to the day, I remember water skiing with the Seabees on Cam Ranh Bay in South Vietnam where the water was so clean and clear you could see the bottom of every ship and the American beer cans that littered the sand below. The white sand beach was warm and inviting and I was not the only American there glad to get away from all that war nonsense, if only for a day or two. Cam Ranh was far enough south that the French influence was strong and so was the wine. Combine that with very friendly sailors and... I think I will end the reminiscing there. OK, so I can't remember what I had for lunch two days ago... but the good news is, I will likely remember in about 50 years.
My greatest blessing in life is Andrew. He keeps me young and motivated to greet each new day with open arms and optimism despite the adversity of the day. After Andrew... it's a high fiber diet and brilliant dark chocolate. Happy Birthday Mozart.

Terry Ernest – January 27, 2021


Day One
One New Direction

Picture it... Washington DC, the Nation's Capital... January 20, 2021.
On this day, behind an unprecedented wall of security and in the face of profound national division, Joe Biden was inaugurated as our 46th President. At the capital ceremony and opening for President Biden, Lady Gaga belted out a brilliant version of the Star Spangled Banner and Jenifer Lopez and Garth Brooks followed with their beautiful vocal tributes. Following the oath of office President Biden gave a masterful speech offering every opportunity to close the divide in this country and move forward with prosperity for all Americans. We wish the new president and his history making Vice President Kamala Harris well. While the country navigates the present state of adversity we realize that their jobs will not be easy. We stand hopeful and optimistic but expect at the very least, truth and honest debate. And just as we said the day Donald Trump was inaugurated, after we finished throwing up of course, "...we shall see what we shall see."

January 20, 2021 - Terry Ernest


Gone... But Not Forever

Andrew and I join with millions of other Americans in saying good bye to Donald Trump. There goes a man who had every opportunity to take the center seat and move it forward for all Americans. A man who was famous and charismatic at the start and who fell from his own imagined grace because he couldn't move beyond his own grievous ego and unrelenting selfishness. Good Bye Donald Trump, a man who could not embrace those who knew better than he nor those with whom he disagreed. Trump will be remembered for consistently spreading his own version of the truth, blaming everyone else for his failures while never admitting there were any. It is any surprise that the Chief Bully and his 'anti-bully' wife leave with the lowest approval ratings in history... or is that fake news too?
Hope to see you at the impeachment trial.

January 20, 2021 - Terry Ernest


Senior Pillow Adviser - Mike Lindell

Here at the end of Trump's tenure as 'the most powerful man in the world' comes 11th hour political strategist Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy himself, offering sage advice on how to smuggle the Lincoln Bedroom pillows out of the White House undetected. You start with an armed rally in protest of the November election (steal) then fuel the insurrectionists with more vivid tales of widespread voter fraud and leftist led corruption. Add to that a little "I love you... you wonderful patriots" and a magnificent diversion takes the stage. As the fracas reaches a boiling point and all eyes are on the protesters you brow beat one of the White House house staff to put the pillows in a laundry cart and quietly take them to Marine One standing by on the White House lawn ready to whisk the President, and his ill gotten booty, away.
Seriously... does anyone believe Donald Trump would seek counsel from Mike Lindell? Of course not but he will happily take Mike's money, your hard earned pillow dollars, to feather his post term defense nest. I suspect that will take a lot of pillow money and probably a lot of pillow talk... not from Melania.
I wonder who Joe Biden will pick as his Senior Pillow Adviser.

It's OK to Boycott My Pillow

January 16, 2021 - Terry Ernest


Republicans Are Still In Denial ? ... Amazing

Hawley, Trump and Cruz are so deeply in denial ... they must be Egyptians. Six days until we can officially say good-bye to Trump ... his staunch loyalists, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley continue to deny all reality and stand firmly by their allusions that the election was stolen from Trump by leftist election fraud. They continue to stand by their widely disputed conspiracy theories and even after the Trump inspired insurrection at the capital they all stand tall. How sad for the people of Texas and Missouri... or is it? What we will see play out in the next many days is how their 'constituents' participate in the many demonstrations expected around the Biden inauguration and how many turn their backs on Hawley and Cruz as they express their pride.  There is a long list of other republicans that join with Hawley and Cruz although the numbers do seem to be dwindling as Trump gets closer to the door. Today's House Impeachment of Trump was expected but let's hope it doesn't encumber Biden when he hits the ground running on January 20. The reality of the day is that it is very hard to know if what you hear across all media outlets is really true or just another bullshit expression of 'free speech.' As a result it seems reasonable that the weak minded and apathetic would be easily led by the nose, something Trump takes advantage of every single day.

January 13, 2021 - Terry Ernest



When Is It Enough

With only 12 days left of his presidency Donald Trump has surpassed even himself with his unprecedented rhetoric emboldening his supporters to riot at the Capitol and then praising their patriotism with love. It's no wonder the news media is buzzing with talk about invoking the 25th amendment or another round of impeachment to remove this man from office. Trump, with his maniacal need to win, is certainly going out with a bang. VP Mike Pence, the professional shrinking violet, may have actually grown a pair over the last many days as he distances himself from Trump and positions himself to run for president in 2024. So have a number of congressional republicans with sights on the future. Then there's Ted Cruz from Texas who continues to stand tall spewing his verbal diarrhea as he shapes his own political demise. There is never a dull moment in this country and while we do appreciate the diversion from COVID-19 news, Trump's inordinate pardons and firings are generally enough. At least San Diego has the notoriety of being the home of the only anarchist shot and killed by Capitol Police. And now the blacks are complaining that the mostly white anarchists were treated much more humanely than black rioters typically are, and it appears they were. I guess someone, somewhere will have to tear down yet another confederate monument to try and keep the peace.

January 7, 2021 - Terry Ernest


Here on this 300th day of pandemic quarantine we find ourselves just 2 weeks away from inaugurating a new POTUS, unless of course Donald Trump pulls a last minute rabbit from his MAGA hat. We also find ourselves in the worst national healthcare crisis in living memory and a nation sorely divided between the me's and the you's. Andrew and I keep busy with our domestic duties and regular procrastination of some of our goals like remodeling the old bathroom and painting the house exterior. We manage the stress of the day by minimizing our exposure to other people and access to the pandemic news.
Here is San Diego we just installed a new mayor and now our former mayor, Kevin Faulconer, has his sights on the governors mansion. Apparently he, and many others, are not happy with the autocratic role and super-power grab Gov Gavin Newsom has assumed in the name of 'a state of emergency' so they are circulating a petition to recall him. Well that's one way to broaden your name recognition. In fact Faulconer wasn't all that good a mayor so he'll need all the help he can get. Doubt Gov Newsom has been any better or worse than any other governor during the pandemic as California, per capita, hasn't fared any better or worse than most other states.

January 5, 2021 - Terry Ernest



Another Last Ditch Effort

This may be the best one yet. It appears that President Trump has enticed Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) to file a lawsuit in federal court seeking to give Vice President Mike Pence broad discretion in determining which electoral college votes to stand and which to be dismissed. This last ditch effort by the Trump team to overturn the will of the people reeks of desperation and even VP Pence wants to reject the lawsuit. Pence claims that it would be too much responsibility for him, a career politician, who has heretofore maintained a winning streak of ineffectiveness. 3forGohmert Gohmert, when asked by Trump just how many hookers it would take to persuade him to stand firmly behind such a lawsuit returned a resounding, three. Of course, Trump denies any participation in this absurd effort claiming he would never offer up more than two hookers for that level of loyalty... although he did not dismiss the possibility of a broad pardon for Gohmert should the GOP, or anyone else, try to ride him out on a rail.
Texas is almost... as amusing as Florida.

January 1, 2021 -Terry Ernest


NEWS FLASH - In a last ditch effort, President Donald Trump will officially change his name to Joe Biden today so that he may continue to claim that he won the election. Melania is furious but her recent Botox treatments are keeping it a state secret.

December 17, 2020 Terry Ernest


We still believe that on or about January 20, 2021 Donald J. Trump will be pulled from the Whitehouse kicking and screaming about how the election was stolen from him by the nefarious left. While some government agencies are now recognizing the win of Biden and Harris, Trump is still playing the wounded, martyred victim. The most troubling thing about Trump is that 70+ million Americans voted for him after his 4 years of bullshit and failed leadership. How sad to be so locked into the Republican Party that one can so easily deny reality. And how sad that Republican campaign contributers care not that Trump is spending their money on a barrage of merit-less law suits that serve no value other than to make Trump lawyers rich. This is Trump's true strength.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris build on their transition plans with keen focus on managing the pandemic day one and repairing Trump damage day two. Biden's choices for top administrative positions is in alignment with my thinking. Women have been complaining for decades about the way men rule the world. I say give the tough jobs to the women and see how much better they do.

December 10, 2020 Terry Ernest

2020 may have been a rough and rocky year but on the bright side, it was slightly better than a flaming stick in the eye. While there are many who would argue that point, you must admit that 2020 was a painful experience for all but the wealthy money makers... and one that will continue well into 2021, right along with systemic racism, greed, poverty and all the rest of humanity. But on the brighter side, we will take on 2021 without Donald J. Trump in the center seat. Joe Biden won't be a magic bullet but he promises among many things,  continuity and honest communication.
We shall see.
Andrew got his first COVID-19 vaccination shot (Moderna) at work which we are happy for except that his company, Sharp Healthcare, is being sharply :) criticized for vaccinating non-front line workers, including administration, ahead of so many first responders in San Diego that risk their lives every day. Sharp's response to the criticism was as expected... neener, neener, neener. I, on the other hand will wait a few months for my vaccination... I hear Pfizer is working on a vaccine in suppository form. A fitting end... don't you think?

Terry Ernest - December 31, 2020

Snow in San Diego


Hard to believe we would have such a a strong snow storm on the last day of fall, 2020. Just goes to show you... strange and wonderful things come to those who stay home and make gingerbread.

Visit Shady Pines for our 2020 heritage.


We celebrate independence and the abundance of freedom we enjoy as Americans remembering that equality is also a symbol of freedom, one we struggle tirelessly to achieve. Every American should have a right to a quality education, full time employment that pays a livable wage, the right to marry the partner of their choice and the right to competent, timely and affordable health care.