Epiphyllums 2024
La Nostra Collezione Epiphyllum e Fiori 2024

Disocactus Macranthus First official bloom of '24 (started in December).VERY pungent Ivory soap smell when it first opens. Another epiplyllum hybrid as are all colorful epi's. Blooms last 3 days.


Snowflake AKA rhipsalis robusta... was just a small newly rooted plant this time last year from the Delibertis collection.

Missing in Action

Candy Striper - New surprise gift from Dean and Cris - Medium 3 shades of pink. May 14, 2024


Yellow Beard Cymidium orchid blooms last for weeks and give off light fragrance at night.


Wine Grapes

Ox Blood

Ox Blood

Binky Pink

Binky Pink or German Empress

Morning Star

Morning Star Planted last year in the ground behind the palapa

Morning Star

Golden Mustache

Broken Yolk

Broken Yolk Large ruffly white with pale yellow outer petals. Plant with large heavy leaves.

Broken Yolk

Pink Pagoda


ChiChi Castanango


Hermosissmus is apparently the proper hybrid name.

Barbra Barbra
Lemon Meringue Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie

French Tip

French Tip


Fimbriata First bloom of this new addition. XL and looks like a cross between Barbra and Pink Pagoda. Very prolific bloomer.


Tiger's Eye, gift from Cris and Dean, new to the collection May 7, 2024


Twinkie  Google What's yellow on the outside, white on the inside?  Choices = banana or twinkie. Gift from Cris and Dean, new to the collection May 7, 2024


Fiesta del Fuego Muted and verigated outer petals -   vibrant red center. Enjoy it quickly before it goes from fiesta to siesta.


Large "Ivory" Guardian of the mailbox, Ivory is dense, heavy and a prolific bloomer.

Mellow Yellow

Mellow Yellow Similar to Lemon Meringue Pie but smaller and more yellow.

Mellow Yellow

Fireball Similar to Morning Star but more purple inside .

Mellow Yellow

Fuscia Freckles Third year rebloom.

Pink Veins

Pink Veins Second year rebloom.


Zygopetalum Orchid "Aubergine" First rebloom after dividing last year. Both divisions bloomed. Light Lilac scent in late afternoon.


Andrew's Moms Namesake "Phou Pi" First of many blooms to come.


Maydean... deep red with a bit of pink petal edges.

Zeus The Flowering Queen

Zeus The Flaming Queen First bloom measured a full 12 inches across.

Zeus The Flowering Queen

Night Princess aka Hookeri is truly a night bloomer and these lovely blooms rarely last more than a day.

Phyllis Fickle

Phyllis Fickle grows well in the palm tree and in pots. Vibrant pinks in an exquisite gradient.

Yellow Tang

Yellow Tang
Thick and luscious golden yellow... a little vodka and you could have a Harvey Wallbanger

Yellow Tang

This large yellow is very fragrant at night (ivory soap) and droops its outer petals like Fiesta del Fuego.

Queen of the Night

Le Regina Della Notte
The Queen of the Night is believed to be the mother of all Epiphyllum. All of the colorful hybrids today got their start by mixing their genes with the Queen.

Queen of the Night

Bloody Orange
With the first bloom of this hyrid her name was clear. Looks like you just opened a ripe blood orange. This extra-large bloom lasted three full days and the bees loved it.

Queen of the Night

Ruby Slippers
Only two years from cutting to first bloom. Only one bloom this year but next year... this deep red with pink interior tinges is large and smells like all the others.

New Hybrid Cuttings Fimbriata

Phyllis Fancy


Sweet Baby


