Politics Politics Politics

A more notable preamble for American politics has never been uttered.

What is It?

Our Vote

Survey Says


Numero Uno

Gary Johnson

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Donald Trump

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Even ze was surprised

Look at it this way. Congress is made up of Republicans, the party of no ideas, and Democrats, the party of bad ideas with a few independents who swing toward the perks. For the last many years little was effectively done because the two parties disagreed on most everything and staunchly along party lines. The ratios were such that it was very difficult to muster enough votes for a veto override and even in recent days when congress was finally able to override an Obama veto (which was a mistake) it ended with partisan buyers remorse. We are stagnant because of party politics and frankly congress is spending way too much of my money and producing too little. Hillary Clinton is a spend big Democrat who says noble things of a liberal nature but is too entrenched in partisan politics to have a singular voice. Her administration will have the woman card to prove and that is going to cost us big dollars with little in return and frankly, the national debt is way too big as it is. Donald Trump on the other hand shouldn't be allowed off the leash without a muzzle and who needs that level of international embarrassment. Gary Johnson is a Republican turned Libertarian because he recognizes that government at large is getting way too big, taking way too much control over our liberties and producing too little. While we would never expect that as President, Gary Johnson would be able to move very far with his libertarian agenda, his passion for America is clearly with our civil liberties above the need for governmental control. How is that not the way to go. OK so Johnson doesn't know what Aleppo is and can't spell Kim Jon Un - Trump doesn't know anything and he is polling way higher. And Hillary, she thinks that Iran will no longer pursue nuclear weapons because of the terrific work the state department did in its embargo reduction negotiations. Seriously?

California Propositions
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What is It?

Our Vote

Survey Says



School Bonds $9 Billion



What is this the federal government? We can't just take on more debt every time we want something new. I may approve additional bond measures for education when I see a reliable accountability for the $100+ billion in already approved bond measures since 2001. Where did all that money go? When we know that we can look at going into debt for more. I don't see anything in this proposition that clearly defines spending accountability. Let local communities petition for bond measures where dollars are needed for education infrastructure. We don't need any more state bonds issues where accountability in question is state-of-the-art.


Medi-Cal Hospital Fee



Everyone except for a handful of ne'er-do-wells endorse prop 52 to permanently extend current law requiring Medi-Cal funding fees. To be very honest the rules governing healthcare are even more complex that our tax laws with just as many loop holes and opportunities for exploitation and this includes giving care and getting paid for care. Healthcare would be so much more affordable if the rules for giving and getting paid for care were clear as a bell. The quality of healthcare may not get better but it would be a lot easier to catch the cheaters that cost us so much. Don't see any such provisions on the ballot again this year.


Voters Approve $2 Billion Revenue Bonds



It's scary to think how many people vote for the guy with the pretty face no matter what he has to say. When it comes to money issues I see no reason why we shouldn't have the tax payers approve bond initiatives of $2 billion or more. The primary argument I see for this initiative is concerns over the lag in approving emergency funds but that doesn't hold water for me. Governor Brown wants his farcocted bullet train to be a significant part of his legacy. That's fine, just let the people decide not some state agency after they chop one $60 billion dollar project into little pieces so it goes down easier.


Online 72 hours before Bill passes



Government 'transparency' is so often touted in election campaigns and often difficult to see after the fact. It seems reasonable that all bills before the California legislature be made available Online for anyone to access 72 hours before a vote and the results of the vote should be published immediately afterwards. I see no credible opposition to this proposal. Besides, this provision exempts 'closed door sessions' so the legislature will still be able to hide what they want to hide as they always have.


Tax Extension Folks > $250K



Temporary means temporary. California voters approved a temporary measure in 2012 to shore up the state's post recession economy and we certainly have. Yes one could always argue the more money we collect the more we can help those that can't help themselves. But we must draw the line somewhere. If the proponents of this bill want to raise taxes let them put forth a new proposal and clearly justify raising taxes. The state budget has a surplus - or so we are led to believe - give the tax payers a break. We don't need bigger government which is all we will get with billions added to the surplus we enjoy today.

What is It?

Our Vote

Survey Says



Cigarette Tax



While I don't like new taxes, because in general, the money the government already takes from us is not well managed, prop 56 is a use tax/fee and it certainly seems reasonable that smokers should pay a bigger share of the related healthcare costs. The only argument I see against prop 56 is that it bypasses the prop 98 constitutional changes that mandate a certain percentage of new tax revenue to go to K-12 education. The tobacco companies are spending millions to challenge prop 56 on this issue. Since prop 56 requires a 2/3 vote of the people it can override prop 98 provisions. We support raising the per pack tax on cigarettes by $2 or more because it will reduce the number of California smokers and for the smokers who can't abide by such an increase in tobacco tax, chase them off to Texas or Arkansas where those states can pay their healthcare costs.


Non Violent Felons



If you trust the letter of the law, particularly with its definition of 'non violent crimes' then the right vote is a YES vote. We spend way too much money in California locking up non violent criminals when they should be out and about doing community service to pay back for their crimes. Incarceration costs tons of money and gives nothing back to the people. I am a firm believer in paying for non-violent offenses with community service. This proposal will not automatically release anyone from prison but it provides additional options for those incarcerated who demonstrate rehabilitation.


English Proficiency



It seems to me that this measure is supported by the majority of California educators and creates options for getting children up to speed with English skills as quickly as possible. Particularly in our myriad immigrant communities, without solid English skills there are few options to prosper in California. The list of endorsements is quite impressive. I honestly don't understand the opposition to this.


Whack Citizens United Advisory



Citizens United, as decided by the Supreme Court, was a mistake and should be reversed. A corporation should not have the same 1st amendment rights as its individual members. While I agree that this measure will not have any power to do anything 'legally' it will help to get the dialog started and other states will follow suit. If you believe that big business has an unfair advantage to influence elections then you should vote yes.


Porn Condoms



I wonder what the qualifications for condom inspector will be and how one would interview for such a position. Perhaps they will hire retired military 'pecker checkers' whose job was to check the troops for suspicious penis lesions. This bill is another attempt to grab our money and make lawyers rich. If proponents of this misleading bill were worried about the health and safety of the actors in the adult film industry - this bill would be all about educating adult film actors and requiring them to acknowledge that they understand the risks of unprotected sex not forcing them to wear condoms. The government intrudes enough in our lives - educate not legislate is a much better way.


State Prescription Drug Purchases



Our culture supports big profits for the drug companies. It's the American way... capitalism. So if we restrict the state of California from purchasing drugs at a cost higher than the lowest cost the VA pays, the drug companies will increase the costs to the VA such that they can make their target profits. That's just business. The VA costs will rise and so will the costs to California. If you want to manage the State of California prescription costs the best way to do that is to reduce the number of prescriptions. If healthcare providers could spend more than 10 minutes with a patient and if health plans would pay more for alternatives to the American version of Western Medicine we could find much less expensive options to so many of today's common ailments. But no, your blood pressure or your cholesterol are a little high... here's an Rx for an expensive medication. You can't sleep or your shoulder aches... here's an Rx for an expensive medication.


Abolish Death Penalty



Absolutely. The death penalty only stands to make lawyers rich and burden the taxpayers in favor of a challenged appellate system. Life is the only thing we truly hold sovereign. No man should have the right to take another man's life for any reason. It has never been shown that death penalty options have deterred murder and California could definitely prosper with the savings hundreds of millions annually. The argument that putting a convicted murdered to death gives victims' families closure is largely absurd since we don't execute people in California anyway... we just spend a lot of money on appeals. Perhaps the Texas way - 'an eye for an eye' - is one of the reasons why we have so many murders.

What is It?

Our Vote

Survey Says



Ammunition Sales Registry



The biggest incentive I see to passing this bill is to add to a few politicians resumes, a line that shows they tried to break the grip the NRA has on American politics. Gavin Newsom et al. While I am not a gun owner if I chose to be I don't think I should have to be listed in a Federal registry every time I buy bullets or jump through 20 hoops to preserve my constitutional rights. I don't want to live in a country where only the police and the criminals have the sophisticated weapons and the rest of us have to throw rocks after being documented into a federal registry. I don't see anything in this bill that will really reduce crime. I see more big government consuming millions of our tax dollars to create more ineffective bureaucracies. We don't outlaw cigarettes and they kill way more people than guns do. Prop 63 should be rewritten to shore up loop holes in the background check process and to keep guns out of the hands of children and the mentally incompetent but not add to the burden of the average law abiding citizen exercising their second amendment rights. Criminals will not comply with these proposed new laws and we will spend another fortune trying to enforce them and to manage the corruption that will ensue... for little return.


Legal Marijuana



Absolutely. Liberty is NOT having the government telling you want you may and may not do - liberty is the government telling you that under the influence of drugs, alcohol or marijuana you risk danger to yourself and to others and under those influences, if you have an accident and hurt someone or damage property, you will go to hell in a hand basket. That should be the law of the land. There is no evidence to support the claims that legalizing the possession and use of marijuana will result in more drug addicts and crime. There are a gazillion people in California that want to smoke marijuana and do so illegally which supports the underground drug markets and gives nothing back to the state. We need to turn that around. People should be allowed to do what they want to do - responsibly.


State Takes Reusable Bag Fees



Rather a stupid law and one that targets the average Californian rather than the corporations who continue to produce and sell single use plastic bags that are not 100% recyclable. If California wants to make meaningful laws that protect the environment they should ban the manufacture, sale and use of single use plastic bags that are bio-hazardous and not 100% recyclable. Technology today can produce such bags. That should be the law not charging for bio-hazardous bags and directing the money back to the government. Just like the nickel tax they call 'CRV' on plastic and glass bottles. Just try and get your nickel back. Dumb law. New Tax - Wrong.


Hurry Death Penalty



Unnecessary - California should finally abolish the Death Penalty - VOTE YES PROP 62 - and that will render any need for this law, which will cost California money, unnecessary. Why spend money to manipulate the process for something that shouldn't be.


No More Single Use Bags



NO - Enough Taxes. Like Prop 65 - if California wants to make meaningful legislation aimed at protecting the environment they should ban the manufacture, sale and use of single use bags that are bio-hazardous and not 100% recyclable. Don't put the burden on the average California that needs a way to carry home his purchases. The minimum 10 cent sale of reusable bags is just another tax on Californians. As much as I try to take my own carry home bags with me I don't always know when I am going to be shopping and don't' always have them with me. Stores should be able to provide safe bags at no cost or a cost of their choosing - not a state mandated cost. Better to make the bags recyclable and provide an incentive for people to gather them up and return them.

San Diego Propositions

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What is It?

Our Vote

Survey Says



0.5% Sales Tax Increase



No New Taxes - Needs 2/3 Majority - Let the bureaucrats work harder to manage the dollars they already get. The number of initiatives that are 'earmarked' for this new money are too many and too vague and there are too many open pockets for this money to fall into. If San Diego needs something specific - let them set a referendum for it not create a giant pool of money from your tax dollars. Seems rather desperate to sell this new tax by claiming that Sacramento can't get any of the dollars. Who believes that?


Lilac Hills Ranch Project



San Diego county spends a lot of our tax dollars on the governing Board of Supervisors. If that body has not approved the Lilac Hills project the voters should reject it too. Based on the arguments for and against this proposal it seems clear that the scope of the project is not well defined, particularly regarding infrastructure and safety. How can the proponents say that adding 1700+ new homes in this project will decrease local street traffic? People living in $500,000 homes are going to have to drive somewhere to work and the Lilac Hills plan doesn't include local industry besides mall jobs.


Tax $$$ for Downtown Chargers Stadium



NO Tax Dollars for a Chargers Stadium. If San Diego can afford to risk our tourism market by imposing a new tax on hotel occupancy then we should direct those revenues to things the city really needs and not for a stadium for a profit-driven professional football team. The San Diego Chargers, just a few months ago, stuck their nose up at San Diego in its dealings with LA. The Chargers organization has made it pretty clear that they only care about making money and not on their once exclusive San Diego fan base. Let the Charges build in Mission Valley with their own money or go somewhere else.


Tax $$$ for Downtown Convention Facility ??- No Stadium



Like Proposition A, this proposal has so much potential pork in it that Jimmy Dean has come back from the dead with a truck full of casings. The city might very well benefit from raising the hotel occupancy tax rate but this measure is not the way to do it. We need a specific plan that specifically defines what the revenues will be used for like the construction of a contiguous convention center expansion and surrounding infrastructure. How many millions of general fund dollars did Mayor Faulconer use to try to keep the Chargers in San Diego, drafting expensive plans with 3D modeling, etc...and how many general fund dollars does the other city leadership use that we don't even know about. If we are going to raise taxes lets define them for specific purposes.


Charter Amendment



ALL FOR - None Opposed


Charter Amendment




Rather a dubious proposal. Seems to me that no one should be terminated from their job without good cause. If the funding for a position dries up - that's seems like a good cause to me. ALL FOR - None Opposed.


Charter Amendment



ALL FOR - None Opposed


Charter Amendment



ALL FOR - None Opposed


Charter Amendment SDHS



MOST FOR - Few Opposed - The blurry lines of a 50 year old agreement to lease the land for 50 years and then vacate is in question. Let the city counsel determine the lease agreement and not force the tax payers to bear the burden of building a new San Diego High School or lose it to bureaucratic bickering.


Charter Amendment - Mission Bay Park



ALL FOR - None Opposed - Grab that Dough


Lazy Voters - Primary Results



Let it stand - If a candidate gets a clear majority vote in the primary let it stand. Those in favor of this proposal claim that there isn't enough voter participation in the primary elections to fairly elect someone. Balderdash. Lazy voters must settle for what the others decide. Perhaps this will stimulate better participation in the June elections.


Charter Amendment



ALL FOR - None Opposed - But consider this... special elections cost a lot of money and if passed it will be at the hands of the city counsel to determine if an initiative or referendum proposed gets before the voters more expeditiously or waits until November. Getting out to vote twice a year is no burden on voters - stop mollycoddling people - get them involved or ask them to remain silent.


Affordable Housing



ALL FOR - None Opposed - but consider this. This proposal authorizes a significant increase in the number of affordable housing units the city may help develop, construct or acquire for low income residents without raising taxes. That money has to come from somewhere. You must rob Peter to pay Paul.


Local Marijuana Tax



A reasonable use tax which will be imposed on businesses but passed on to the pot smoking population. Passage of Prop 64 [VOTE YES] will open the doors to many uncertainties but provide yet another measure of civil liberty. Fear mongers expect the worst so no matter what happens they won't be disappointed. There are so many people smoking pot illegally that the change in the law won't have staggering use impacts for quite a while if ever. With all the proposals to regulate and tax the recreational use of an herb that God has given us, many will simply not go there. For my generation - it was the magic of underground pot smoking, the thrill of doing something illegal and counter-cultural and the music that enveloped the culture - that was the draw much more so than the high. Oh maybe this will bring back Led Zeppelin.

Political Humor

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Now We Give Him a Chance to Prove His Words

It's hard to believe anything President Trump says because he such a blistering ego-maniac and a man who's image of reality is unique unto himself. But in fairness, the time has come to give the man a chance to prove his words.

In Donald John Trump's Inaugural Address, his own words..
"...we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People."
"The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer".
"The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans".
"From this moment on, it's going to be America First".
"Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families."
"I will fight for you with every breath in my body -- and I will never, ever let you down."
"...and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth."
"We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action -- constantly complaining but never doing anything about it."
"...whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag."

Thank You Red States - January 20, 2017


Trump's Ego Bigger Than His Mouth ?

It's not hard to believe that as his alleged poll numbers drop, Trump's classic 'the polls are rigged against me' continues to sustain him. With only days away from inauguration his team is working hard on pressing their dagger ever deeper into Obamacare and preparing to unveil their 'Insurance for Everyone' plan. Should we feel sorry for Kellyanne Conway now? Probably not, her burgeoning wounds are self inflicted. The most amusing dance of the day is as Trump and his transition team talk, Paul Ryan's eyes just keep on rolling. Doubtful this will change much after Trump takes the center seat but what may change is Ryan's delight as Speaker of the House. Second only to Ryan's eye rolling is Trump's cabinet choices, the parade of Billionaires that are being vetted by Congress and the intrigue of plagiarizing, stock manipulation and documented racism apparently being supported by the GOP. Thank God for Steve Harvey and Kanye West for being there to support a more normal transition. Thank you red states.

January 17, 2017

President-Elect Trump is spawning a cabinet of billionaires and millionaires to set the nation on his preferred path. Thank You Red States. Moving back to the right has a familiar sound that even Donald Trump hasn't been able to overpower with his dulcet tones. 'Only the rich have true American value - white trumps black and let the states take care of 'people' needs so the Fed can defend us and ensure that the rich can get richer.'

Sound like a cynical view? It most certainly is. But in fairness to the incoming administration, we may need to wait and see. Trump has shown himself to be the barrister of braggadocio - the honcho of hypocrisy and in his own words..."don't take what I say literally..." So we have no idea where we are really going. But we'll have an EPA Secretary that says global warming at the hands of mankind is bupkis - a new Energy Czar that managed the state of Texas and excelled on Dancing with the Stars and an oil giant who will lead the Department of State because world leaders all understand money and power much more than visions of diplomacy.
December 20, 2016

President-Elect Trump is cranking out his high level government appointments with dispatch (thank you red states). His latest confirmation that his administration will be run by right wing ego-maniacal homophobes comes in the form of his new Labor secretary choice, Andrew Puzder. Puzder, as the leader of the Carl's Jr. and Hardee's fast food empire, is on record saying that his employees don't deserve to make a livable wage, have broader overtime opportunities or Obamacare (ACA). Do the math and its all pretty simple. Raise the minimum wage to $15 (from $7.25) and Puzder has to make less money or he has to raise prices and layoff employees. His people can make do with $7.25 an hour and so can the rest of America that rely on the Fed to guide their earnings. Thankfully in California we do not. And when Puzder takes office we will have yet another reason to boycott Carl's Jr greasy burgers.
December 10, 2016

Well it didn't take long for President-Elect Trump (thank you red states) to start adjusting his position on many of his most verbose campaign sound-bites like ObamaCare which Trump called "a catastrophic event.." He must have realized that overturning the ACA would in itself lead to a catastrophic event. Particularly since Trump has never been able to articulate a reasonable alternative. And then there was the special prosecutor to put Hillary Clinton behind bars. Someone must have convinced him that the public outcry following the jailing of Hillary Clinton would have served only to make Trump look petty and vindictive. Trump's transition team clearly has a muzzle squad working 24/7, and so far, doing some good work. Can't wait to see how they may quiesce action on the $30 billion wall and mass deportation.
November 23, 2016

November 8, 2016


It's Election Day and turn out at our polling place was brisk at 0730 this morning. People of many colors, gender, nationality and ages were waiting their turn in line. Helpful signs were posted in English, Spanish and Vietnamese highlighting the diversity of our neighborhood. The poll workers were 2 Latinas at the check in desk, a young Vietnamese lad handling the ballots and pens and an African-American woman handling the ballot box. Very professional in their demeanor and efficient in their procedures we made it a point to thank each one for volunteering.

Is there a lot at Stake? That's what the propaganda machines keeps telling us and that's what sells news papers. In this election there has been little acknowledgment of the fact that the President really doesn't have that much power - and Congress can block zir (that's the new gender neutral pronoun for him/her/it) at almost every turn not to mention the power of impeachment. With the Congress up for grabs it's very likely that America will again elect a Democrat to the center seat and give zir a Republican congress to fight and argue with. More of the same gridlock with a new face to wave the flag. Even if by some miracle Trump should win the day I can't believe congress would ever agree to pay for a wall across southern America or allow that imbecile to withdraw us from NATO. With all his folderol about how bad America is zie has yet to present meaningful alternatives. That alone will keep him busy for four years.

California has a gazillion measures on the ballot including abolishing the death penalty, seriously raising the tax on tobacco products and legalizing recreational marijuana use. We feel strongly that San Diego, the State of California and the Feds get enough of our collective tax dollars and that we need to work harder to hold them accountable and NOT RAISE TAXES. We need to educate Americans and not just legislate them. Personal freedom is liberty too. Holding people accountable for their liberty should be the American way.

We deserver better. We expect Hillary Clinton will win the election but sadly not by the value she may bring to the oval office but because she was opposed by whatever Donald J. Trump is and our two party system failure. Zir election should be a cry for serious election reform.

October 22, 2016 StoogesVertical

Presidential Debates, if you can call them that ... NOT... are thankfully over. As expected, neither candidate by any quality measure, answered the questions the well-intentioned moderators put to them. Clearly we need debate reform and that reform must include allowing more than just the two major parties to participate. Using a flat 15% poll rate to determine if a candidate can play on the big stage doesn't provide Americans with enough options from which to chose. Further we need debate moderators equipped with a whip and a chair to keep order. Debate rules, agreed upon by each candidate, are meaningless unless they are enforced and demanded upon by the viewers.
Hillary Clinton has long showed a disregard for the rules which she again demonstrated during each of the debates. Trump is likely an actual imbecile who may be intellectually challenged such that he just doesn't know better. His debate style kept him so busy trying to get his foot out of his mouth that he was constantly out of focus. Hillary did such a fine job shoving Trump's foot back in that she has little time for anything else except of course blowing her own horn.
We deserver better. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein should have been on the debate stages and given equal time. But not in America - you have to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to get noticed which the SCOTUS made even easier with their corporate PACS ruling, aka - Citizens United. And yes we can blame the news and entertainment media for their share of the bull shit. Like the San Diego Chargers - the media only cares about making money and you do that by getting people to watch your programming, at all cost.

We expect Hillary Clinton will win the election but sadly not by the value she will bring to the office but because she was opposed by whatever Donald J. Trump is and our two party system failure.

September 22, 2016 StoogesVertical

Trump and Clinton continue their Unchained Melody and all that courting continues to have amazing consequences. Most recently with old George Bush who was apparently released from Shady Pines just long enough to snub Trump and his fellow Republicans in a luke warm endorsement of Clinton. How frightening is it that Republicans are turning to the left in fear of what a Trump administration might produce.

As Trump's numbers hover just below Clinton's, America's undecided are looking more closely at Gary Johnson. Is it unreasonable to think that putting a 3rd party President in the White House could help to break the all but constant gridlock of Congress where party lines are mostly etched in stone? If you look at the Libertarian platform, it speaks of limiting government and allowing the people the guarantees of the Constitution without downing in conditions. And it speaks of educating rather than legislating. What an amusing idea. You mean if we educated people more we might not need to control them as much? If we educated people more we wouldn't have such overwhelming healthcare needs? Staggering, fanciful notions Batman. Libertarian primary platform ideologies extend to gun control too. You can pass all the laws (the NRA will allow) to control who gets guns and ammunition and who keeps track of it all but at the end of the day, it is hate and negligence, a by product of ignorance and mental illness that kills people, not guns. In these volatile times, I don't want to live in a country where only the police, military and criminals have guns and I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to have the level of protection that the constitution guarantees.
Never a dull moment.

Recommend looking more closely at who will be representing you in Congress and then consider the best showman for the oval office job.

August 2, 2016StoogesVertical

Trump must want to lose - what else can explain his behavior - if you can call that behavior...

As Trump continues to open mouth and insert foot - his numbers decline and those staunch Republicans who have said they've got his back are trying very hard to turn the other cheek. Except for the ones in Florida of course.

His insults and ignorant prejudices pour forth uncontrolled like dysentery. Perhaps we are seeing a mutation of political turrets syndrome with Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has undoubtedly bitten her tongue so many times that she has perhaps learned to say little and just wait for Trump to implode.

Gary Johnson, the Libertarian party candidate stays steady in the polls at about 8% also waiting for Trump to irrevocably insert both feet.

At her magnificent concert at the Staples Center in LA Tuesday evening, Barbra Streisand said it best when, in reference to her guest mentalist, Lior Suchard's performance... "Lior could read everyone's mind except Donald Trump's... because he hasn't got one..". Barbra made a few other digs at Trump, extolled her love for Barack Obama and interestingly never mentioned Hillary's name except in anticipation of the next 'Clinton' in the White House. One of my favorite moments was just before belting out her 1964 classic People Who Need People, Barbra remarked about recent scientific research saying that when it comes to DNA, all human beings are 99.9% the same, and “The other .1% is Donald Trump.”

Never a dull moment.

July 22, 2016StoogesVertical
The RNC really knows how to show us a good time.
Thursday night's finale presented the first time I ever heard Donald Trump speak and I didn't immediately want to give him a glass of water to wash down his foot. He shouted and scowled through one of the longest acceptance speeches in history and had the floor of the arena on its feet flabbergasting. Wading through his dense self righteousness, fear mongering and his remorse in knowing there is no 'I' in team - he may have made a few good points. We have been victimized by bad trade agreements and have let China walk all over us for too long. We need an immigration policy that is benevolent but wrapped in security for America first and immigrants second. And we need to focus on getting more in return for our leadership around the world and to stop giving America away. Of course, one of the highlights of his speech was when he stammered trying to say LGBTQ a couple of times... and while he will blame the teleprompter we all know that liberalisms make Trump's tongue curl in his mouth. As expected, for every reasonable statement Trump made there were 17 lines of bull shit to follow. But then he has become a politician. In his closing remarks he made it clear to America that he and he alone can make America great again which in the Trump language means give no quarter to liberal democracy, long live fascism.
As the convention excitement wanes and the delegates and politicians go back to their 'normal' lives the people of Cleveland can once again carry their pearl handled 45's and assault riffles openly and proudly all through the downtown area. And now, fact checkers are burning the midnight oil. Hillary is dreaming up new movie metaphors to reference Donald Trump. Trump's camp is reviewing every speech Hillary has ever made looking for Melania style moments borrowed from another and all the while Donald Jr's nipples are in an uproar as he dreams of following in daddies foot stomps. We can only hope that Gary Johnson is hard at work preparing a presentation that will WOW America with another choice. He may never succeed in reaching his libertarian goals but as President, he may be less divisive with Congress than Trump or Clinton.
On to Philadelphia. Hillary, you're up next. Never a dull moment.